Hey everyone. I'm a college student in southern CA, I've just recently turned twenty years old, and I kick righteous butt at Link to the Past. More to the point, I'm a compulsive doodler of RPG-related art, mostly FFVI but with some Chrono Trigger, Zelda, Parasite Eve and FFVII in the mix. In my spare time I gleefully abuse Photoshop and watercolor pencils, but sadly, my enthusiasm overreaches my talent. Suggestions and/or constructive criticism happily accepted. Also, if you are good at coloring and would like to color my line art to make it look pretty, I will send you one of my nifty postcards from my collection, inscribed with a pathetically grateful message to you personally.
Chrono Trigger Fan Art
2004 | Chibi Magus (46 KB) |
Chrono Trigger Fan Art
All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.
This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.