Oh hello,hi and a good day to everyone.
My name is Claudia Kollhoff and I come from an little suburb called Bönen.
Bönen lies in Germany in Europe.
I comed to world at the 1.Mai 1983 and was since I ve can think a really
gorgerous and badly child(smile to you).
I draw since 1994 and can only draw in the Manga and Anime stile.
In my freetime I played my favourite videogames Chrono Trigger,Final
Fantasy(exspecially Final Fantasy 6......Kefka Palazzo is really cool......)and
the Biohazard/Resident Evil Series.
I love Role playing games......
But when Iam din't play Videogames I listen to music......exspecially Heavy
Metal and Underground Musik.
Some of my favourite groups are Marylin Manson or Pink Floyd(my favourites
of them are the album: one moment of reasons.....).
When I am drawing I listen every time music.
I don't know why,but sometimes I had the feeling that this music are giving
me my drawing stile......
Oh yes....another thing.
For 5 months I ve began to work on my first manga called,,the legend of Zeal''.
But I don't know when he will be finish.
All drawings that you can see are from,,Zeal,,.
Chrono Trigger Fan Art
2000 | Janus (282 KB) Janus, future King of Zeal, and the current Queen Zeal (181 KB) Janus: Psychopathic Child (152 KB) Queen Zeal, Masa, & Mune (252 KB) |
Chrono Trigger Fan Art
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