
Hey my name is Ari I live in California and of course like to draw alot i'm 18 years old and I'm currently enroled in my first year of college.i love getting feedback so if anyone has any just send it my way and if anyone would like something drawn for them, it would be my pleasure. without further adue here are the pics. ENJOY!

Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art

2003 Cloud & Aeris (56.2 KB)
2002 Vincent (40.3 KB)

Final Fantasy 8 Fan Art

2002 Best of the Best (49.1 KB)
Death of Rinoa (51.2 KB)
Eye for an Eye (73.3 KB)
FF8 Cover (37.8 KB)
FF8 Crew (55.9 KB)
Fujin and Zell (51.6 KB)
Greater Team (35.8 KB)
Rinoa (39.4 KB)
Rinoa (31.2 KB)
Rinoa (35.2 KB)
Rinoa (32.2 KB)
Squall (35.9 KB)
Squall (33.1 KB)
Squall finally smiles (23.8 KB)
The Best There Is (46.4 KB)
Zell (36.8 KB)
Zell (22.3 KB)
Zell vs. Seifer (61.1 KB)
2001 Best of the Best (133 KB)
Extreme Training (80.8 KB)
Group pic (134 KB)
Only the Beginning (85.4 KB)
Reunion (232 KB)
Rinoa (69.8 KB)
Seifer (128 KB)
Squall (114 KB)

FF7/FF8 Fan Art

2002 Chocobo (36.7 KB)
Squall and Cloud (52.8 KB)

FF7/Zelda Fan Art

2003 Sephiroth vs. Ganondorf (41.2 KB)

Final Fantasy 7 Fan Art
Final Fantasy 8 Fan Art
Legend of Zelda Fan Art

All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.

This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.