Name: Bambi
Nickname: Chii
Age: 13
Interests and Hobbies: I like to draw, mainly just from magnas, like chobits(my favorite), love hina, cardcaptor sakura, digicharat, and tenchi muyo. Playing video games are fun, but they get kinda boring, but one game i actrually did finish was kingdom hearts, but every other game sits in my room, unfinished and collecting dust. I also like kitties and rainbows...*thinks of the kitties jumping over the rainbow* oh, yes, and i love watching MUST SEE TV especially Friends, I just love Matt Le Blanc (Joey) OK now im talking about tv shows, so anyways, thats basically it, you can see my profile at kawaiikitty216
Oh, and i wanna say, Eveegou's kingdom hearts picture is the best. okey dokey
Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
2003 | Kairi (16.1 KB) Kairi (32.5 KB) |
Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.
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