
Once there was a boy who liked to draw fan-art for chrono trigger (He also had an illustrious fanfic career consisting of a prolouge and a way too long info before losing the writing drive). Then, one day he was sucked into the magical world of Gotnolifedoinglotsahighschool. While there he had many adventures but managed to slack off enough to practice drawing some and one day escaped to VCU. Now he draws all day in art classes and is starting to do fan art again. Also, he's in a band called tcs20.....visit the site ( it'll make his day......

Chrono Trigger Fan Art

2003 Robo & the guy from FLCL (52.3 KB)
The first sign of the apocalypse (32.1 KB)

Chrono Trigger Fan Art

All artwork is copyright by its respective artist, and can not be used on another page without their direct permission; the artists' email addresses are located on their index page.

This Website © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from my page without my consent. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. This site is best viewed in 1024x768.