Letters From Lorimar

By Bubbawheat

Author's Note: The dates are the same as ours, and there is no year. This is because there was no dating used in the game, but I needed a way to show how much time had passed. And the font is "Signet Roundhand" to give it a more handwritten feel. (Note: Due to limitations in the ways people's browsers display fonts, I changed it to italics so that everyone would be able to see it.)


Dear Mom,
Great news, I've been transferred to the fortress at Lorimar. So far its not too bad. Unfortunately, it's at the border of the southern and central regions, so I won't be able to visit as often. Nothing much is going on around here, I don't even know what this fortress is doing here. Commander Mant pushes us to our limit. Most of the guys hate him for it, but I know he's just following orders. Still, I sometimes wish he would let up on us a little. It's almost like he's expecting a war to pop up, or something. I've heard rumors that General Teo's son attacked one of the army's officers and is now a rebel. I don't believe them though, he was always a good kid, he would never go against the empire. His father meant too much to him. Say hi to him for me. I gotta go now, Commander Mant is making us do sword practice. Love you, I'll write again sometime next week.

Your son,


Dear Mom,
Training has been going well. I can defeat all of the other soldiers in one- on-one combat. It looks like I will even be promoted soon. I sure hope so, but yesterday several of the soldiers went to Commander Mant to ask him to let up on our training. I hear that they dunked him in a bucket of water! Boy, I wish I could have seen his face then! He did decide to let up on us a little, though. Not on those five guys, they get to spend our free time running around the fortress! That's enough about that, there are rumors floating around that the elves forest was burnt down by those dirty little dwarves. Good riddance, I'm glad we won't have to see all those stuck up elves anymore, now if they would just burn down the kobolds, that would be great. The rumors also say that they have joined a small group of rebles and killed everyone at Panna Yakuta, our base near the elves forest. I hope that one isn't true. My friend, Ryu, was posted there. Also, there have been some strange things going on around here. A few graves on a hill a little ways away were dug up and everything was taken. Who would do something like that, and why? On a lighter note, the harvest festival is coming up in a few days, and we get to go out all night. I'm going up to Rikon with my friend, Flynt. He knows a couple cute sisters that live up there. I'll write again soon.

Your son,


Dear Mom,
I just got back from Rikon, I had a really good time. We spent the entire night, uh, talking. Her name is Jenny, and she is beautiful. I can't wait 'till my next leave, so I can see her again. Of course, I'll visit you if I can, but Rikon is a lot closer than Gregminster, and we never get very long vacations. I miss your wonderfull apple pies. You always know just the right amount of cinnamin to put in to make it taste just right. Here, we only get hard bread and salted meat everyday. Remember that group of rebels I told you about? I hear that they now have a well defended castle in the middle of the lake! How did they manage that? Anyways, the other day, I was walking past Commander Mant's quarters and overheard him talking to a messenger from the empire. The rebels have defeated our forces at Garan! The messenger sounded worried, there were about 9,000 soldiers there! They were talking about removing troops from Lorimar, and sending them to our other bases. I didn't hear which ones. Probably the more important places, like Gregminster. Maybe I'll get posted there so I can visit more often. It would be wise if we mounted a counterattack, and crushed these rebels before they get too powerful. They are a bunch of horrible people that deserve to die for trying to overthrow the empire! They must be stopped! Enough about that, Remember the dug up graves I told you about? Well, now all of the graves on that hill are dug up and empty! We are starting to get worried, there are stories all over the place about vampires and ghosts and other monsters. Max claims that last night he saw a dead man walking around. I think he just had a little too much to drink at the festival. It's probably just some weird guy that is selling their hair, or taking jewelry, or something like that. I gotta go now, I've already used up too much oil in my lamp. Love you, I promise to visit soon.

Your son,


Dear Mom,
Lorimar feels so empty now. Over half of the people here have been transferred to another place. I don't know what's going on, but I hope I get out of here soon. Most of us here are really worried. Yesterday, Max was found just outside the fortress, he was mutilated. It was awful, I can't imagine what could have done something like that to him. He was such a good kid, he just got drunk a little too often. There have been strange noises at night, none of us can figure out what's going on. I can hear the noises now, they seem very close tonight. Flynt just went to see if he can find anything out. Jenny wrote me a letter today. It was very sweet. I just heard Flynt scream, something must have gotten him. It must be the same thing that got Max. It's at the door now, I love you mom, don't worry, I won't let it get me.


Dear Mrs. Patterson,
I regret to inform you, but your son, Timothy Patterson was killed in action. He was killed in an attack on Lorimar by Neclord, a powerful vampire. You should be proud to know that he died fighting, sword in hand. I am deeply sorry for your loss, and I am sorry that I could not give you this information in person, the war against the Liberation Army is taxing our resources and we cannot spare anyone for a nonessential activity. Again, I am truly sorry for your loss. Timothy was a good soldier.

Commander Mant

Bubbawheat's Fanfiction