Final Fantasy VIII: Chronicles Chapter 5

Return To Class

By Choong Won

The door to Squall's classroom opened, Quistis and Squall walked in, a couple of students looked in their direction and quickly went back to their conversations. Squall took a minute to look around the classroom before taking his seat. The classroom was like any other classroom. It had a teacher's desk in the front, display panels behind and above the teacher's desk, and several rows of study panels for the students to sit in and study. The room itself was spacious and comfortable. From the sky blue color of the student's study panel to the light brown wooden floorboards, the classroom combined technology and art almost to perfection.

"Good morning, class." said Quistis. The students quickly took their seats. Quistis made her way to the front. "Let's start with today's schedule. There seems to be some rumors flying around about yesterday..." She paused as whispers went through the room. "Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon. Those not participating and those who failed last week's written test are to remain here in study hall. Field exam participants will have free time until the exam." She paused and smiled. "Just be sure you're in top condition."

Squall sat in his seat, crouched over, his head resting on his hands, listening to Quistis. "I would be in top condition...if it wasn't for him." he stole a glance at his neighbor. Seifer sat in a seat with a bored expression on his face. "What a jerk." Squall thought.

"Meet in the hall at 1600 hours. I'll announce the team assignments there. Any questions?" Quistis paused and looked around the room. She smiled and began to sit down. "Oh, and Seifer!" Seifer looked up from his study panel. "Do NOT injure your partner while training." Seifer smirked and looked at Squall. Squall crouched down even further in his seat. "Be careful from now on." commanded Quistis. "Field exam participants, I will see you all later." she looked around the room and smiled, she then sat down.

Students began to file out of the classroom. "I wish she hadn't brought up that subject." thought Squall, still in his seat. His thoughts were interrupted by Quistis's voice.

"And Squall, I need to talk to you." Quistis looked up from her desk and made eye contact with Squall. Squall flinched and looked away.

Squall thought, "What now?" He got up and walked over to Quistis's desk.

"You haven't been to the Fire Cavern yet, have you?" Quistis took off her reading glasses and looked at Squall. "You won't be able to take part in today's SeeD exam if you don't pass the prerequisite."

Squall frowned and thought to himself, "...I was gonna go this morning, but Seifer..."

Quistis saw him frown and said, "Hm? Do you have a good excuse?"

"...Not really." Squall kept his face a mask to the frustration he felt.

Quistis folded her hands together. "Then let's get going. If you're not too confident yet, you can review your studies at the study panel. I'll be waiting at the front gate, so come down when you're ready." She paused. "You can access the study panel from your seat." She got up and left the classroom.

Squall frowned. "I already knew that." He thought to himself. "But I guess that's what instructors are supposed to do." As he walked back to his seat, he heard a group of students talking.

"I...I'm so jealous! Maybe I should take up that subject, too..." said one of the students. She wore the SeeD cadet uniform and had short brown hair. Her brown eyes stared at the floor in thought.

"Should anything happen to Instructor Trepe, the 'Trepies' will get you back!" muttered another. She too wore the SeeD cadet uniform, however her was a lighter brown and she had green eyes, which gazed sternly at Squall.

"Alone with Instructor Trepe..." sighed a guy, with short dark brown hair. He stamped his foot and snapped his finger in frustration. The group of students decided to head out when someone brought up the subject of the 'Trepies' next meeting.

"They're so weird." thought Squall. The 'Trepies' were a fan club, devoted to their hero, Quistis Trepe. "They spend all their time talking about Instructor Quistis Trepe, no wonder they don't do well." Squall looked at the study panel. "Let's see...Turn on the power and..." he hit the 'activate' button and the panel's blank screen jumped to life.


Balamb Garden Network Main Index
Tutorial NEW!
The Basics
About Garden
A message from Garden
Garden Square
The School Festival Committee.


"Hmmm....I'll start with the Tutorial." he pushed 'tutorial' on the screen.


Log in:
GF Data
For Squall.

. . . . . .Searching. . . . . .
GF registered under
Squall are:

GF Quezacotl
GF Shiva


Squall felt a strange feeling as the two GF's entered his mind. "So, I finally get my own GF's." He thought. "Just in time for my first mission." He remembered that he was supposed to be studying for his mission. He glanced back at the computer.


The Basics

About Magic
GF (Guardian Force)
About Sorceresses and Magic


"I'll look at GF." He pushed a button. After all, he finally had two GFs of his own. Not the weak training ones that were given for the various training missions.


GF (Guardian Force)
A GF is an independent energy force. By combining it with para-magic, it is possible to control tremendous energy. Memory loss is a possible side effect, but this has not been proven as of yet.


"Now for magic." He hit the back button and pushed another button. It was well known that Guardian Forces not only gave the user powerful abilities but also the use of magic.


'Magic' used by ordinary people is actually 'para-magic'. In essence, it is a technique which involves controlling energy. 'Para-magic' was developed by Dr. Odine. He was the first scientist to research the nature of magic by studying a sorceress. The skill can be gained through proper training. However, with magic, it is difficult to achieve power levels that are comparable to conventional weapons.


"However, when used correctly they can be very dangerous." thought Squall. He remembered how Seifer had used magic during the duel. He pushed the back button twice and was once more at the main screen.

"'The Basics' it. 'About Garden.' as well. 'A Message from Garden.'...I haven't checked it in a while." He touched it on the screen. The screen changed.


A Message from Garden
Garden Events
Cafeteria Announcements
Disciplinary Committee Announcements
Library Committee Announcements


Squall touched 'Cafeteria Announcements'


Cafeteria Announcements
*The Competition for the hot dogs and meals is really getting out of hand. We are doing our best to provide everyone with enough food, so please be patient and conduct yourselves in an orderly fashion. Thank you. As you well know, magic and weapons are prohibited inside the cafeteria.


Squall remembered the blonde haired guy who beat up the big guy in the cafeteria. "Whatever..." He went on to the next topic.


Disciplinary Committee Announcements
*Follow all disciplinary committee rules. This applies to junior classmen, too.
*Do not bring animals inside the Garden.
*Report seeing any unusual bugs in the Garden.
*Do not litter.


"What do bugs have to do with rules?" thought Squall. He choose the next topic.


Library Committee Announcements
*The following material are overdue. Please return them to the library immediately.


"Insect Guidebook (Color Edition)"
"Goodbye Pupurun"

The following requested materials have arrived.


"Edible Flowers"
"Turbine Engines (Revised Edition)"
"We Meet Again, Pupurun"
"The Sorceress' Knight (Scenario Edition)"


"Raijin's such a pansy. Pupurun.never heard of it." Squall thought. "I wonder who ordered 'The Sorceress' Knight?" Squall knew that it had been the name of a movie, but he didn't know anyone who was a fan of it. "Oh well. At least I don't have any overdue books." He clicked back twice and then touched 'Garden Square'. "Let's see what stupid things people are saying." He thought. He wouldn't admit it, but he sort of liked to critique other people's lives.


-Your opinions are important to make our Garden a better place. Write them down and place them in the drop box.


*I got first!
Trepies forever, baby.
Man, I wanna go out with her.
Trepe Groupie #1

*Hey! Trepe Groupie #1,
you gotta name, dumbass?

*I'm gonna kick your ass. What's your name?

*Oh I'm so scared. I'm sooo scared! Big loser.

*I should kick both of your sorry asses.
This is not for your silly games, got it?

*I don't want the disciplinary committee to get on my case, so I'm not writing my name.

*What? Who's J.I.? Who are you?

*See? They're so nosy.
Good thing I went with my initials.

*I'll go with initials, too.
Hey, does anyone know if the new hot dogs are good? I haven't tried them yet.

*Oh yeah! They're the best!
Man, you're missing out.

*Damn...I missed it again.

*Hey Z.D., you have your exam today, right? Good luck, man!

*Z.D., I hope you do well on your exam.
Be careful, all right.


"Well, that was a waste of time." thought Squall. He clicked back the main menu. "School Festival Committee...nah, I won't waste anymore of my time." He hit the 'power' button. "Phew." Squall got up and stretched. "Better meet Instructor Trepe," he thought. "To the front gate."


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