Quest For The White Materia

By Geode



Welcome to my very first "Squarely Chosen" fanfiction work. Before you start asking questions, I'll explain what makes this fanfic unique. For one thing, you guide how this fanfic will end! You hyperlink to the paths which control how the story will turn out! See? It isn't too difficult! In this fanfiction work, you'll play as yourself! I'll set the scenario.

The Final Fantasy story has just ended. Meteor is stopped and the world is now safe from Sephiroth's evil. But, there is still something unresolved. The choice Cloud must make. Does he love Aeris or Tifa? Using your knowledge of Final Fantasy, you will guide yourself through areas of Final Fantasy 7 and help make Cloud's choice!

Press Here to Continue





You begin on the airship. You are looking over the world. Cid is busy manning the airship, while all the other characters are in their normal positions. Tifa and Cloud are busy in a discussion.

Talk to Cloud and Tifa

Talk to Cid

Talk to Barret









"You're new here eh?" Cid asks.

"Yes," you reply. Cid takes a smoke of his cigarette.

"Well, welcome to the team… well, what's left of it anyway. If you need to go somewhere in the world, I'm your man!" Cid turns back to the controls.

Talk to Cloud and Tifa

Talk to Barret








"Hey! You da new guys huh dat Cloud was talkin' about?" Barret asks. You nod.

"That's right," you reply. Barret looks you over.

"Just remember that there is no getting' off dis train once you on it!" Barret tells you. "If you need help, you should seek out some of our old buddies like those guys Barret, Yuffie, and Cait Sith!"

Talk to Cloud and Tifa

Talk to Cid








"Cloud…" Tifa says sadly. Tifa looks at the ground with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Tifa… I just know that Aeris is somewhere… The Promised Land." Tifa turns away from Cloud in tears. Cloud looks down in shame. He walks past you and into the Highwind's main cabin. Tifa looks out into the sky. You approach Tifa. She waves you back.

"Please, I don't want any comfort… I just wish Cloud would love me and not Aeris…" Tifa wipes away her tears. "He's going off to the crater to see if he can find her. I'd like to wish him luck, but in my heart I know I can't. I guess I can't blame him for his feelings." She looks back out towards the horizon.

Talk to Barret

Talk to Cid

Go after Cloud






"Hey! You da new guys huh dat Cloud was talkin' about?" Barret asks. You nod.

"That's right," you reply. Barret looks you over.

"Just remember that there is no getting' off dis train once you on it!" Barret tells you. "If you need help, you should seek out some of our old buddies like those guys Barret, Yuffie, and Cait Sith!"

Talk to Cid

Go After Cloud








"You're new here eh?" Cid asks.

"Yes," you reply. Cid takes a smoke of his cigarette.

"Well, welcome to the team… well, what's left of it anyway. If you need to go somewhere in the world, I'm your man!" Cid turns back to the controls.

Talk to Barret

Go After Cloud








You follow Cloud as he picks up his equipment and begins to head towards the chocobo stable located inside the Highwind. Cloud notices your presence. He turns to you.

"Are you coming with me?" Cloud asks. You nod in response. Cloud nods in return. "Thanks. I may need the help if I run into a battle." He enters the stable and his gold chocobo, Squall, looked up from his greens. In chirped in greetings. The stable maintainer fastened on the riding saddle.

"He's all ready Cloud," the stable maintainer told him. Cloud thanked the man. He boosted himself up onto the chocobo's back. He gestures for you to come up. You grab his hand and pull yourself onto the chocobo's back behind Cloud. The chocobo chirped and walked from the stable.

* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * *

Wind rushes through your hair as you approach the cold northern continent. The chocobo rushes across a huge mountain and there destination came into view. The crater loomed over them now. It's crystalline shell glistened in the sun. The chocobo stopped a few yards from the base of the crater. Cloud dismounts from the chocobo and begins to walk towards the huge crater. You dismount and begin to follow. Suddenly Cloud stops before the base of the crater. He glances back to you.

"Something isn't right," Cloud calls. He picks up a stone partially buried in the snow. He tosses it at the crater. A sharp crack and a flash of light ring out. You close your eyes and shield yourself from the painful sound and light. You look back to the crater and see a green aura fading. Cloud stamps the ground. "Damn, the crater is shielded again!" You shake your head in disbelief.

"Why would it be protected again?" you call to Cloud. He shrugs.

"This doesn't seem right. If Aeris is here, why would it be sealed off," Cloud pondered aloud. You nod slowly. You turn away from Cloud.

"Maybe there's another way in," you call to Cloud. You turn back to Cloud.

"Let is split up… I shall search the crater for an opening. You go and find out if there is a way to turn off this force field," Cloud tells you. You nod.

"Agreed," you call back. Suddenly, the Highwind's engines are heard. Seconds later, the huge airship circles and lands a little ways from you and Cloud. Cid appears from the Highwind. He is smoking as usual.

"What’s going on?" Cid called. Cloud quickly rushed to Cid and explained the situation. Cid nodded in understanding. "All right… I'll take the new guy. You stay here Cloud. Cloud nods and mounts his chocobo. You watch him race off behind a mountainside. Cid turns to you and motions to the Highwind. "So, where you off to? Hey! We should really go to Wutai to get materia!"

Go to Wutai





"Wutai, eh? That's ninja's home… OK. We're off!" Cid announces. You file into the airship and the engines start up. The Highwind rises from the ground and begins it's trek towards the continent of Wutai.

After a short while, the Highwind lands next to the village of Wutai. You and Cid file out into the town. Cid pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He takes a puff and follows you. The town, now being more famous as a resort, was bustling with activity. Cid steps in front of you.

"Let's find Yuffie. Maybe she can help," Cid tells you. You nod and head towards Yuffie's house. You and Cid push the door open. Noises come from the basement. You and Cid head slowly down the basement. Yuffie is busy rushing about numerous stands of materia. Shelves of numerous materia crystals line the walls. Purple, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Green shine around the room. Yuffie picks up a piece of green materia and shines it with a cloth. It shines it's unique luster. Satisfied, she places it back in it's place. She turns to see you and Cid standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Oh! I didn't know anyone was here… I mean… I have been expecting you," Yuffie tried to sound as dignified as she could.

"Is that so?" Cid asked. Yuffie nodded.

"All superior ninja's have this innate ability," Yuffie chimed in. "So, have you come to look at my collection?" Cid looked over the materia.

"Well, not exactly… but these could always come in handy," Cid said picking up a red piece of materia. Yuffie cried out and grabbed it from him.

"Watch it!" Yuffie shouted. Cid chuckled and took a puff of his cigarette.

"Hmm… We may need materia for a battle in the crater," you tell Cid. He nods. "Could we borrow a piece of materia?" Yuffie looked like she had seen a ghost.

"B…Borrow?!" Yuffie stuttered. "I… I couldn't…. NO… I can't risk losing any of my materia!" Yuffie finally stated. Cid looked angry.

"You $#%@^! We need it to help Cloud in the crater!" Cid shouted. Yuffie looked the man over and then yourself. She tapped her chin.

"Hmm… I don't know if I trust a new guy with MY materia… How about a test?" Yuffie asked eagerly. Cid was about to protest when you step forward.

"All right… A test then," you accept Yuffie's challenge. She nods.

"OK… Since you want my materia so badly… Let's see if you can answer questions about this materia!" Yuffie tells you. "Now pay attention! I'm only giving you one chance!" Yuffie straightened herself and cleared her throat. "OK… Now tell me… What is the very first piece of command materia you find?"

Sense Materia

Steal Materia

Enemy Skill Materia

Restore Materia











"Hey! Good Job. All right… You won't get this one! Uhhh… OK, Which materia enables you to cast Silence?"

Mystify Materia

Time Materia

Seal Materia

Transform Materia









"Oh! I mean… That was an easy one! Now I'm gonna stop you dead in your tracks! Now… How many AP points are necessary to master Knights of the Round Materia?"

500,000AP Points

50,000AP Points

250,000AP Points

25,000AP Points








"Wow! I… I… Never thought you would have guessed it… You can take any piece of materia you'd like… Just make sure I get it back!" Yuffie warned. Cid glanced over the materia pieces. He chose a red piece of materia.

"This should do nicely!" Cid says as he hands you a piece of materia. You receive Knights of the Round materia. "Let's go on to another destination!"

Go to Cosmo Canyon

Go to Midgar









"Ha Ha! I fooled ya! Too bad!" Yuffie laughed. Cid threw his cigarette to the floor and crushed it with the heel of his foot.

"Come on… We don't need this $#%@&@ help," Cid said. Let's go."

Go to Cosmo Canyon

Go to Midgar










"Cosmo Canyon? OK! Red XIII could be pretty helpful!" Cid says. He gestures towards the airship and you soar away from the crater. A few moments later, the Highwind begins it's descent into the Cosmo Canyon area. The airship makes a smooth landing in front of the Cosmo Canyon observatory. You and Cid leave the Highwind and head for the town. You immediately see Red XIII gazing into a fire blazing in an open clearing next to the cliff.

"Hey Red XIII!" Cid shouts to the lion creature. Red XIII looks up in surprise. He gazes around and sees you and Cid.

"Why… Hello Cid!" Red XIII shouts. He comes over to you and Cid. "This must be the person Cloud had mentioned." Cid nodded.

"Yep. He's helping Cloud get into the crater," Cid said. You step forward.

"The problem is that it's completely sealed… We were hoping you may know how to open it," you tell Red XIII. The lion creature thinks for a moment.

"My grandfather may have some information in his observatory!" Red XIII tells you and Cid. Cid nods.

"Let's go!" Cid tells him.

You enter the quiet observatory. Red XIII leads you to a large desk with notes scattered all over.

"My grandfather was a bit messy… But he may have information on reopening the crater," Red XIII says. You looks down at three books. Which one will you read.

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Materia against Ultimate Evil











You read the book aloud.

"When the ancients left this world, they left us a powerful artifact which may save us in the most direst of times. Never misjudge it's power. The ancients will always be with us -Bugenhagen

"Hmm… I wonder what he was talking about?" Cid says as he smokes a cigarette.

"Left by the ancients… Could grandpa have meant the White Materia?" Red XIII gasped. Cid dropped his cigarette.

"But, we lost that… How are we supposed to get it back?" Cid gasped.

"Maybe we should return to the City of the Ancients…" you say slowly. Cid hears you and nods.

"It's our only lead," Cid says. "We done here?"

"Hold on a sec…" you mutter.

Materia Against Ultimate Evil

Go to the Highwind




"No mortal can fight the ultimate evil. It is necessary to summon other's of righteousness to finish the task," you read to yourself. "What could this be talking about…"

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Go to the Highwind










"Well, now that we know where to go, where do you want to head?" Cid asks.

Go to Midgar

Go to City of the Ancients 











Midgar comes into view as you pass over Kalm Town. The abandoned city was still destroyed, but it no longer seemed to have a dark tinge to it. The Highwind landed near the decaying city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the abandoned city.

"Where should we start? This place is a wreck!" Cid shouted.

"If this is all linked with Aeris, then let's try the church if it's still standing," you tell Cid. Cid nods. You and Cid slowly make your way through the destroyed city. Building remains and other city remains litter the streets. All the plates had fallen, which made it even more of a mess. After some searching, they had managed to figure out that they were in Sector 5.

"Aeris' church should be nearby then… If it's still here," Cid says. You make a few turns and arrive at her church. You both gape in awe.

"Wow! This looks like it didn't even get scratched. But how?" Cid looked around. Everything else around the church was a wreck.

"Let's go inside," you tell Cid. You slowly open the door and step into the church. You look around the church. Cid steps forward and sees a white sunray striking some part of the church. Cid steps forward and motions for you to do the same. You see what the light is shining upon. Flowers… Aeris' flowers. You step forward and reach towards the flower. There is suddenly a flash of light. When you look back down, you see that one of the flowers rests in your hand. Cid scratches his head.

"Hmmm… I wonder if this is a sign?" Cid asks. You tuck the flower away into your inventory. After searching a little more of the church, you and Cid decide to return to the Highwind.

"Well? Where to now?" Cid asks.

Go to City of the Ancients










Midgar comes into view as you pass over Kalm Town. The abandoned city was still destroyed, but it no longer seemed to have a dark tinge to it. The Highwind landed near the decaying city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the abandoned city.

"Where should we start? This place is a wreck!" Cid shouted.

"If this is all linked with Aeris, then let's try the church if it's still standing," you tell Cid. Cid nods. You and Cid slowly make your way through the destroyed city. Building remains and other city remains litter the streets. All the plates had fallen, which made it even more of a mess. After some searching, they had managed to figure out that they were in Sector 5.

"Aeris' church should be nearby then… If it's still here," Cid says. You make a few turns and arrive at her church. You both gape in awe.

"Wow! This looks like it didn't even get scratched. But how?" Cid looked around. Everything else around the church was a wreck.

"Let's go inside," you tell Cid. You slowly open the door and step into the church. You look around the church. Cid steps forward and sees a white sunray striking some part of the church. Cid steps forward and motions for you to do the same. You see what the light is shining upon. Flowers… Aeris' flowers. You step forward and reach towards the flower. There is suddenly a flash of light. When you look back down, you see that one of the flowers rests in your hand. Cid scratches his head.

"Hmmm… I wonder if this is a sign?" Cid asks. You tuck the flower away into your inventory. After searching a little more of the church, you and Cid decide to return to the Highwind.

"Well? Where to now?" Cid asks.

Go to Cosmo Canyon










"Cosmo Canyon? OK! Red XIII could be pretty helpful!" Cid says. He gestures towards the airship and you soar away from the crater. A few moments later, the Highwind begins it's descent into the Cosmo Canyon area. The airship makes a smooth landing in front of the Cosmo Canyon observatory. You and Cid leave the Highwind and head for the town. You immediately see Red XIII gazing into a fire blazing in an open clearing next to the cliff.

"Hey Red XIII!" Cid shouts to the lion creature. Red XIII looks up in surprise. He gazes around and sees you and Cid.

"Why… Hello Cid!" Red XIII shouts. He comes over to you and Cid. "This must be the person Cloud had mentioned." Cid nodded.

"Yep. He's helping Cloud get into the crater," Cid said. You step forward.

"The problem is that it's completely sealed… We were hoping you may know how to open it," you tell Red XIII. The lion creature thinks for a moment.

"My grandfather may have some information in his observatory!" Red XIII tells you and Cid. Cid nods.

"Let's go!" Cid tells him.

You enter the quiet observatory. Red XIII leads you to a large desk with notes scattered all over.

"My grandfather was a bit messy… But he may have information on reopening the crater," Red XIII says. You looks down at three books. Which one will you read.

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Materia against Ultimate Evil











You read the book aloud.

"When the ancients left this world, they left us a powerful artifact which may save us in the most direst of times. Never misjudge it's power. The ancients will always be with us -Bugenhagen

"Hmm… I wonder what he was talking about?" Cid says as he smokes a cigarette.

"Left by the ancients… Could grandpa have meant the White Materia?" Red XIII gasped. Cid dropped his cigarette.

"But, we lost that… How are we supposed to get it back?" Cid gasped.

"Maybe we should return to the City of the Ancients…" you say slowly. Cid hears you and nods.

"It's our only lead," Cid says. "We done here?"

"Hold on a sec…" you mutter.

Materia Against Ultimate Evil

Go to the Highwind




"No mortal can fight the ultimate evil. It is necessary to summon other's of righteousness to finish the task," you read to yourself. "What could this be talking about…"

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Go to the Highwind










"Well, now that we know where to go, where do you want to head?" Cid asks.

Go to City of the Ancients 












"Cosmo Canyon? OK! Red XIII could be pretty helpful!" Cid says. He gestures towards the airship and you soar away from the crater. A few moments later, the Highwind begins it's descent into the Cosmo Canyon area. The airship makes a smooth landing in front of the Cosmo Canyon observatory. You and Cid leave the Highwind and head for the town. You immediately see Red XIII gazing into a fire blazing in an open clearing next to the cliff.

"Hey Red XIII!" Cid shouts to the lion creature. Red XIII looks up in surprise. He gazes around and sees you and Cid.

"Why… Hello Cid!" Red XIII shouts. He comes over to you and Cid. "This must be the person Cloud had mentioned." Cid nodded.

"Yep. He's helping Cloud get into the crater," Cid said. You step forward.

"The problem is that it's completely sealed… We were hoping you may know how to open it," you tell Red XIII. The lion creature thinks for a moment.

"My grandfather may have some information in his observatory!" Red XIII tells you and Cid. Cid nods.

"Let's go!" Cid tells him.

You enter the quiet observatory. Red XIII leads you to a large desk with notes scattered all over.

"My grandfather was a bit messy… But he may have information on reopening the crater," Red XIII says. You looks down at three books. Which one will you read.

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Materia against Ultimate Evil











You read the book aloud.

"When the ancients left this world, they left us a powerful artifact which may save us in the most direst of times. Never misjudge it's power. The ancients will always be with us -Bugenhagen

"Hmm… I wonder what he was talking about?" Cid says as he smokes a cigarette.

"Left by the ancients… Could grandpa have meant the White Materia?" Red XIII gasped. Cid dropped his cigarette.

"But, we lost that… How are we supposed to get it back?" Cid gasped.

"Maybe we should return to the City of the Ancients…" you say slowly. Cid hears you and nods.

"It's our only lead," Cid says. "We done here?"

"Hold on a sec…" you mutter.

Materia Against Ultimate Evil

Go to the Highwind




"No mortal can fight the ultimate evil. It is necessary to summon other's of righteousness to finish the task," you read to yourself. "What could this be talking about…"

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Go to the Highwind










"Well, now that we know where to go, where do you want to head?" Cid asks.

Go to Midgar

Go to City of the Ancients 











Midgar comes into view as you pass over Kalm Town. The abandoned city was still destroyed, but it no longer seemed to have a dark tinge to it. The Highwind landed near the decaying city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the abandoned city.

"Where should we start? This place is a wreck!" Cid shouted.

"If this is all linked with Aeris, then let's try the church if it's still standing," you tell Cid. Cid nods. You and Cid slowly make your way through the destroyed city. Building remains and other city remains litter the streets. All the plates had fallen, which made it even more of a mess. After some searching, they had managed to figure out that they were in Sector 5.

"Aeris' church should be nearby then… If it's still here," Cid says. You make a few turns and arrive at her church. You both gape in awe.

"Wow! This looks like it didn't even get scratched. But how?" Cid looked around. Everything else around the church was a wreck.

"Let's go inside," you tell Cid. You slowly open the door and step into the church. You look around the church. Cid steps forward and sees a white sunray striking some part of the church. Cid steps forward and motions for you to do the same. You see what the light is shining upon. Flowers… Aeris' flowers. You step forward and reach towards the flower. There is suddenly a flash of light. When you look back down, you see that one of the flowers rests in your hand. Cid scratches his head.

"Hmmm… I wonder if this is a sign?" Cid asks. You tuck the flower away into your inventory. After searching a little more of the church, you and Cid decide to return to the Highwind.

"Well? Where to now?" Cid asks.

Go to City of the Ancients










Midgar comes into view as you pass over Kalm Town. The abandoned city was still destroyed, but it no longer seemed to have a dark tinge to it. The Highwind landed near the decaying city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the abandoned city.

"Where should we start? This place is a wreck!" Cid shouted.

"If this is all linked with Aeris, then let's try the church if it's still standing," you tell Cid. Cid nods. You and Cid slowly make your way through the destroyed city. Building remains and other city remains litter the streets. All the plates had fallen, which made it even more of a mess. After some searching, they had managed to figure out that they were in Sector 5.

"Aeris' church should be nearby then… If it's still here," Cid says. You make a few turns and arrive at her church. You both gape in awe.

"Wow! This looks like it didn't even get scratched. But how?" Cid looked around. Everything else around the church was a wreck.

"Let's go inside," you tell Cid. You slowly open the door and step into the church. You look around the church. Cid steps forward and sees a white sunray striking some part of the church. Cid steps forward and motions for you to do the same. You see what the light is shining upon. Flowers… Aeris' flowers. You step forward and reach towards the flower. There is suddenly a flash of light. When you look back down, you see that one of the flowers rests in your hand. Cid scratches his head.

"Hmmm… I wonder if this is a sign?" Cid asks. You tuck the flower away into your inventory. After searching a little more of the church, you and Cid decide to return to the Highwind.

"Well? Where to now?" Cid asks.

Go to Cosmo Canyon










"Cosmo Canyon? OK! Red XIII could be pretty helpful!" Cid says. He gestures towards the airship and you soar away from the crater. A few moments later, the Highwind begins it's descent into the Cosmo Canyon area. The airship makes a smooth landing in front of the Cosmo Canyon observatory. You and Cid leave the Highwind and head for the town. You immediately see Red XIII gazing into a fire blazing in an open clearing next to the cliff.

"Hey Red XIII!" Cid shouts to the lion creature. Red XIII looks up in surprise. He gazes around and sees you and Cid.

"Why… Hello Cid!" Red XIII shouts. He comes over to you and Cid. "This must be the person Cloud had mentioned." Cid nodded.

"Yep. He's helping Cloud get into the crater," Cid said. You step forward.

"The problem is that it's completely sealed… We were hoping you may know how to open it," you tell Red XIII. The lion creature thinks for a moment.

"My grandfather may have some information in his observatory!" Red XIII tells you and Cid. Cid nods.

"Let's go!" Cid tells him.

You enter the quiet observatory. Red XIII leads you to a large desk with notes scattered all over.

"My grandfather was a bit messy… But he may have information on reopening the crater," Red XIII says. You looks down at three books. Which one will you read.

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Materia against Ultimate Evil











You read the book aloud.

"When the ancients left this world, they left us a powerful artifact which may save us in the most direst of times. Never misjudge it's power. The ancients will always be with us -Bugenhagen

"Hmm… I wonder what he was talking about?" Cid says as he smokes a cigarette.

"Left by the ancients… Could grandpa have meant the White Materia?" Red XIII gasped. Cid dropped his cigarette.

"But, we lost that… How are we supposed to get it back?" Cid gasped.

"Maybe we should return to the City of the Ancients…" you say slowly. Cid hears you and nods.

"It's our only lead," Cid says. "We done here?"

"Hold on a sec…" you mutter.

Materia Against Ultimate Evil

Go to the Highwind




"No mortal can fight the ultimate evil. It is necessary to summon other's of righteousness to finish the task," you read to yourself. "What could this be talking about…"

The Last Hope the Ancients Left

Go to the Highwind










"Well, now that we know where to go, where do you want to head?" Cid asks.

Go to City of the Ancients 












The Highwind descends into the huge crevice in which the City of the Ancient lies. Highwind smoothly docks next to the huge city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the City of the Ancients. The sunlight shines off of the radiant buildings of the city.

"If we're gonna find the White Materia, we'll have to go back to where Aeris died. That's the only place I can think of…" Cid tells you. You enter the huge center building and walk down a bright hallway. You proceed down a long glass staircase. The inner sanctum of the city comes into view. The buildings seem to be shining. You walk down to the ground level and see an altar. Something is shining on the altar. You carefully step on each pillar and enter the small room. You look on top of the bright altar.

"The Materia… The White Materia…" Cid gasps from behind you. The white materia shines brighter and begins to float towards you. The materia shard slowly lands into your hands. The flash stops and the materia changes to a pale ivory color. Cid smiles.

"Let's return to the Crater and find Aeris!"

Go to the Crater





The Highwind descends into the huge crevice in which the City of the Ancient lies. Highwind smoothly docks next to the huge city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the City of the Ancients. The sunlight shines off of the radiant buildings of the city.

"If we're gonna find the White Materia, we'll have to go back to where Aeris died. That's the only place I can think of…" Cid tells you. You enter the huge center building and walk down a bright hallway. You proceed down a long glass staircase. The inner sanctum of the city comes into view. The buildings seem to be shining. You walk down to the ground level and see an altar. Something is shining on the altar. You carefully step on each pillar and enter the small room. You look on top of the bright altar.

"The Materia… The White Materia…" Cid gasps from behind you. The white materia shines brighter and begins to float towards you. The materia shard slowly lands into your hands. The flash stops and the materia changes to a pale ivory color. Cid smiles.

"Let's return to the Crater and find Aeris!"

Go to the Crater





The Highwind descends into the huge crevice in which the City of the Ancient lies. Highwind smoothly docks next to the huge city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the City of the Ancients. The sunlight shines off of the radiant buildings of the city.

"If we're gonna find the White Materia, we'll have to go back to where Aeris died. That's the only place I can think of…" Cid tells you. You enter the huge center building and walk down a bright hallway. You proceed down a long glass staircase. The inner sanctum of the city comes into view. The buildings seem to be shining. You walk down to the ground level and see an altar. Something is shining on the altar. You carefully step on each pillar and enter the small room. You look on top of the bright altar.

"The Materia… The White Materia…" Cid gasps from behind you. The white materia shines brighter and begins to float towards you. The materia shard slowly lands into your hands. The flash stops and the materia changes to a pale ivory color. Cid smiles.

"Let's return to the Crater and find Aeris!"

Go to the Crater





The Highwind descends into the huge crevice in which the City of the Ancient lies. Highwind smoothly docks next to the huge city. You and Cid leave the Highwind and enter the City of the Ancients. The sunlight shines off of the radiant buildings of the city.

"If we're gonna find the White Materia, we'll have to go back to where Aeris died. That's the only place I can think of…" Cid tells you. You enter the huge center building and walk down a bright hallway. You proceed down a long glass staircase. The inner sanctum of the city comes into view. The buildings seem to be shining. You walk down to the ground level and see an altar. Something is shining on the altar. You carefully step on each pillar and enter the small room. You look on top of the bright altar.

"The Materia… The White Materia…" Cid gasps from behind you. The white materia shines brighter and begins to float towards you. The materia shard slowly lands into your hands. The flash stops and the materia changes to a pale ivory color. Cid smiles.

"Let's return to the Crater and find Aeris!"

Go to the Crater





The Highwind flies towards the huge crater. Cid looks out over the snow.

"I wonder where Cloud is?" Cid calls to you.
"Could he have found a way into the crater?" you call back.

"I don't know… Let's try to enter the Crater!" Cid calls. He runs back to the wheel and heads the Highwind towards the huge crater. The Highwind flies through.

"The barrier's gone!" Cid shouts as they are lowered into the crater. The wind is howling inside the crater. You and Cid cautiously get out of the Crater. You see Cloud's chocobo chirping at your arrival. Cid runs over to it.

"Cloud must have gotten in when we got the white materia," Cid calls to you. Let's go inside. You follow Cid as he jumps down into the depths of the crater. You slowly get deeper into the crater as you leap from ledge to ledge and climb down into the crater. You come to the fork in the path.

"Which way should we go?" you ask Cid. Cid thinks for a second.

"Let's not split up," Cid replies. "We'll go…"

"You'll go no where!" a voice shouts. A horrible roar sounds from the side as a huge dragon enters view.

"Oh great…" Cid says as he pulls out his spear. You remove your sword from your belt.

"Let's go!"

Attack the Dark Dragon

Use the Summon Materia

Limit Break














You raise your sword to the dragon's hide. You leap into the air and lay a direct his into the dragon's neck. The dragon screams in fury. The dragon raises it's claw to retaliate, but stops in midair. Another sword is protruding through the dragon's chest from behind. The dragon collapses. After the smoke dissipates, you see Cloud standing on the dragon.

"Shall we move on?" Cloud calls. Cid nods.





You remove the summon materia from your inventory.

"Knights of the Round!" you shout. The room gets dark as the dragon is pulled into a portal. The thirteen knights soar through the portal and deliver lethal blows to the Dark Dragon. The dragon is torn apart by the shear power of the knights. After all is clear, you decide to go left. Cid takes a quick victory smoke and follows.

"Mind if I join you?" someone calls from behind. You turn to see Cloud grinning. Cid motions him to follow.





You raise your sword to the sky.

"Pure Blade!" you shout. A red aura flows around you. You somersault into the air and slash the dragon's neck. You then leap again and jab the dragon in it's jaw. Removing the blade, you fly down and leave a huge gash in the dragon's chest. The dragon collapses. Cid whistles.

"Nice," Cid chuckles.

"I'd have to agree…" Cloud calls as he leaps from above them. "May I join?"

"Certainly," you call to Cloud





You descend deeper into the crater. After a few turns, the lifestream lays before you. You gaze down into the luminescent green.

"Well… Is this the promised land?" Cid asks Cloud. Cloud looks down.

"Yes… But something seems wrong… Look out!" Cloud shouts as he turns to see a huge talon smash the rock you're standing on. You and Cid fall to another ledge and Cloud jumps next to you. You looks up to see a huge Jenova creature standing at the ledge.

"What the hell?" Cid shouts. "I thought we killed you!" You remove the summon materia from your inventory.

"Knights of the Round!" you shout. Jenova screams as the knights hack away at her strange body. The knights finish, but Jenova is still alive. Jenova fires a beam and knocks Cid off his feet.

"We have to kill Jenova permanently to reenter the promised land… I can feel the ancients telling me…" Cloud shouts. You run up to Jenova. Jenova charges up a huge blast of energy and fires it at you.

"No!" Cloud and Cid shout. You stagger up, amazingly still alive. You feel something in your inventory. You search it and find the flower shining. You also see the White Materia glowing green. You remove the materia from your inventory.

"Hey Jenova! It's time for you to leave this world forever!" you shout. You raise the white materia high and toss it into Jenova's mouth. Jenova screams in pain and the ground begins to shake. Cloud gets thrown off balance and bangs his head. Cid pulls him away before the ground caves in. You leap out of the way as Jenova's body crashes down into the ground and splits it apart. Jenova tears apart and falls into the lifestream. Everything is silent. The lifestream begins to glow white. Cloud is unconscious. Suddenly, a white figure begins to float up from the lifestream. Cid's jaw drops.

"Ae-Aeris?" Cid stutters. Aeris nods.

"Thank you friends, you have completely eradicated Jenova… Her pain will never reach this world again," Aeris says to everyone. "Now my friends. I must ask for your opinion on a decision… The ancients have allowed me to reenter this world, but I haven't accepted yet. I realize the pain that Tifa is suffering… I love Cloud… but Tifa deserves him more." Aeris smiles. "My friends… Tell me if you believe Tifa can bear it." You look sadly into Aeris' eyes. Everything begins to fade as you say these words.

"Tifa couldn't bear to live without Cloud."

"Cloud needs you back Aeris…"








It is a beautiful day in Nibelheim. Cloud walks from his house. He calls up to the window of his neibor.

"I'm glad that we're back together again!" Cloud shouts. A figure steps from the house. Tifa walks into the sunlight smiling. Tifa and Cloud walk off together. You watch from a distance. You suddenly feel a presence over yourself.

"You did the right thing…" Aeris' voice calls in the wind.

The End… Credits











Evening has set over the Gold Saucer. Lights shine across the area. Cloud hops out of the transportation flume and stands in front of the tram. A figure hops out beside him.

"I still don't believe…" Cloud began. The figure held up a finger to his lips.

"Don't say a word Cloud… I understand," Aeris says coming into the light. They slowly board the next tram.


Back in Nibelheim, Tifa sits at the well. She gazes up into the night sky.

"I'm happy that Cloud has reunited with Aeris…" Tifa said sadly. She looks to the ground. "I just wish I could be happy too."

"There are always other fish in the sea," you say as you walk up behind her. Tifa nods.

"You're right. There always is someone else! And I'll find that someone… Someday…"

The End… Credits




The Highwind flies towards the huge crater. Cid looks out over the snow.

"I wonder where Cloud is?" Cid calls to you.
"Could he have found a way into the crater?" you call back.

"I don't know… Let's try to enter the Crater!" Cid calls. He runs back to the wheel and heads the Highwind towards the huge crater. The Highwind flies through.

"The barrier's gone!" Cid shouts as they are lowered into the crater. The wind is howling inside the crater. You and Cid cautiously get out of the Crater. You see Cloud's chocobo chirping at your arrival. Cid runs over to it.

"Cloud must have gotten in when we got the white materia," Cid calls to you. Let's go inside. You follow Cid as he jumps down into the depths of the crater. You slowly get deeper into the crater as you leap from ledge to ledge and climb down into the crater. You come to the fork in the path.

"Which way should we go?" you ask Cid. Cid thinks for a second.

"Let's not split up," Cid replies. "We'll go…"

"You'll go no where!" a voice shouts. A horrible roar sounds from the side as a huge dragon enters view.

"Oh great…" Cid says as he pulls out his spear. You remove your sword from your belt.

"Let's go!"

Attack the Dark Dragon

Use the Summon Materia

Limit Break














You raise your sword to the dragon's hide. You leap into the air and lay a direct his into the dragon's neck. The dragon screams in fury. The dragon raises it's claw to retaliate, but stops in midair. Another sword is protruding through the dragon's chest from behind. The dragon collapses. After the smoke dissipates, you see Cloud standing on the dragon.

"Shall we move on?" Cloud calls. Cid nods.





You remove the summon materia from your inventory.

"Knights of the Round!" you shout. The room gets dark as the dragon is pulled into a portal. The thirteen knights soar through the portal and deliver lethal blows to the Dark Dragon. The dragon is torn apart by the shear power of the knights. After all is clear, you decide to go left. Cid takes a quick victory smoke and follows.

"Mind if I join you?" someone calls from behind. You turn to see Cloud grinning. Cid motions him to follow.





You raise your sword to the sky.

"Pure Blade!" you shout. A red aura flows around you. You somersault into the air and slash the dragon's neck. You then leap again and jab the dragon in it's jaw. Removing the blade, you fly down and leave a huge gash in the dragon's chest. The dragon collapses. Cid whistles.

"Nice," Cid chuckles.

"I'd have to agree…" Cloud calls as he leaps from above them. "May I join?"

"Certainly," you call to Cloud





You descend deeper into the crater. After a few turns, the lifestream lays before you. You gaze down into the luminescent green.

"Well… Is this the promised land?" Cid asks Cloud. Cloud looks down.

"Yes… But something seems wrong… Look out!" Cloud shouts as he turns to see a huge talon smash the rock you're standing on. You and Cid fall to another ledge and Cloud jumps next to you. You looks up to see a huge Jenova creature standing at the ledge.

"What the hell?" Cid shouts. "I thought we killed you!" You remove the summon materia from your inventory.

"Knights of the Round!" you shout. Jenova screams as the knights hack away at her strange body. The knights finish, but Jenova is still alive. Jenova fires a beam and knocks Cid off his feet.

"We have to kill Jenova permanently to reenter the promised land… I can feel the ancients telling me…" Cloud shouts. You run up to Jenova. Jenova charges up a huge blast of energy and fires it at you.

"No!" Cloud and Cid shout. Your body is thrown from the ledge and into the lifestream. The White Materia sinks towards the center of the Earth.

Game Over
















The Highwind flies towards the huge crater. Cid looks out over the snow.

"I wonder where Cloud is?" Cid calls to you.
"Could he have found a way into the crater?" you call back.

"I don't know… Let's try to enter the Crater!" Cid calls. He runs back to the wheel and heads the Highwind towards the huge crater. The Highwind flies through.

"The barrier's gone!" Cid shouts as they are lowered into the crater. The wind is howling inside the crater. You and Cid cautiously get out of the Crater. You see Cloud's chocobo chirping at your arrival. Cid runs over to it.

"Cloud must have gotten in when we got the white materia," Cid calls to you. Let's go inside. You follow Cid as he jumps down into the depths of the crater. You slowly get deeper into the crater as you leap from ledge to ledge and climb down into the crater. You come to the fork in the path.

"Which way should we go?" you ask Cid. Cid thinks for a second.

"Let's not split up," Cid replies. "We'll go…"

"You'll go no where!" a voice shouts. A horrible roar sounds from the side as a huge dragon enters view.

"Oh great…" Cid says as he pulls out his spear. You remove your sword from your belt.

"Let's go!"

Attack the Dark Dragon

Limit Break














You raise your sword to the dragon's hide. You leap into the air and lay a direct his into the dragon's neck. The dragon screams in fury. The dragon raises it's claw to retaliate, but stops in midair. Another sword is protruding through the dragon's chest from behind. The dragon collapses. After the smoke dissipates, you see Cloud standing on the dragon.

"Shall we move on?" Cloud calls. Cid nods.











You raise your sword to the sky.

"Pure Blade!" you shout. A red aura flows around you. You somersault into the air and slash the dragon's neck. You then leap again and jab the dragon in it's jaw. Removing the blade, you fly down and leave a huge gash in the dragon's chest. The dragon collapses. Cid whistles.

"Nice," Cid chuckles.

"I'd have to agree…" Cloud calls as he leaps from above them. "May I join?"

"Certainly," you call to Cloud








You descend deeper into the crater. After a few turns, the lifestream lays before you. You gaze down into the luminescent green.

"Well… Is this the promised land?" Cid asks Cloud. Cloud looks down.

"Yes… But something seems wrong… Look out!" Cloud shouts as he turns to see a huge talon smash the rock you're standing on. You and Cid fall to another ledge and Cloud jumps next to you. You looks up to see a huge Jenova creature standing at the ledge.

"What the hell?" Cid shouts. "I thought we killed you!" Cloud leaps into the air to strike the huge abomination. Jenova rakes his sides with her huge talons. Cloud goes sprawling into the wall.

"We don't have anything to damage it with? We have to weaken it!" Cid shouts. Jenova's eyes begin to glow a pale green.

"Ultima…" Jenova murmurs. A green blast wastes the entire area. Cid collapses. You try to stay up, but darkness claims you. You drift into unconsciousness.

Game Over



Congratulation! You have successfully finished my story. I hope you enjoyed it! Please understand that this entire story's concept and workings took a very long time! Remember that no other fanfics have been done like this in the past!

At this time, I have only one work set for release soon. And that's the rest of the Beyond Looks Series. I have others planned, but they aren't being revealed yet.

Special thanks to my friend Khyros for doing the fantastic logo! He also did the logo for our site! Hope you liked his work!

Keep in touch with my site at…

Secrets of the Ancients

Thanks for taking the time to read this fantastic work! If there are any problems concerning the hyperlinks, please e-mail me at Please send any comments, questions, or opinions to me!

Christopher La Bianca AKA "Geode"


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