

Final Fantasy VIII Fanfiction
ReviewableThe Promise of Nightmares
Prologue - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 1: The Opening - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 2: Capture - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 3: Pawns - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 4: Tactics - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 5: Knight's Gambit - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 6: Castling - December 13th, 2000
Chapter 7: En Passant - August 24th, 2001
Chapter 8: Attack & Defense - August 24th, 2001
Chapter 9: Queen Sacrifice - August 24th, 2001
Chapter 10: Endgame - August 24th, 2001
Chapter 11: Checkmate - August 24th, 2001
Chapter 12: Clearing the Board - August 24th, 2001

Final Fantasy 8 Fanfic