Final Fantasy VIII Script: Disc Three Version 1.1 By Mark Wong, aka LightSoul Began 23 February, 2000 Completed on 2 April, 2000 Send comments, additions and corrections to My page is at: It's not as bad as it used to be. (c) 1999 SQUARE CO., Ltd. All rights reserved. FINAL FANTASY, SQUARESOFT are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd. If you want to use this on your web page, you'll have to ask me through the above e-mail address first. If it's just for you to read, or reference, then it's fine. This script is free to the public. I'm assuming you've played and finished the game to be reading this script. Being the full script, it does, of course, contain spoilers. I've tried to include the dialogue for all the characters, including areas where your current party informs you of their opinions. This can be difficult at times, and sometimes, the only dialogue will be that of Zell and Rinoa, my usual party. If one of them is unavailable, they are usually replaced by Irvine. It's so hard writing this thing! Unlike in previous FF's, people in towns, etc, walk around and appear in screens at random! Plus, their stories change a lot more. How to read this thing. Well, it's pretty straightforward. The script is divided into parts as seen in the contents. <> Signifies a choice, where the player must choose one option or the other. The choices will follow, enclosed in <<>>. The choices and their outcomes will be shown one by one, and the choice will end when signified by <>. An asterisk means when you engage in conversation with another person that is not automatic. The asterisk is often followed by a name, or a description of the person being talked to. If the name is followed by second, third time, etc., this means that the person says something different each time they are talked to. Card next to their name means they say that when talked to with the Square button. Change rules dialogue has not been included in this script. <> Means an action that happens. These are often automatic. If you're sending corrections and additions, please tell me what part is wrong, and what the error is. So if there was a mistake in the Garden war section, write Disc two, Reunion, Garden War, and the mistake along with the corrections, or the addition, well, you know! Updates 2/9/2000 Started playing Final Fantasy VIII again after finishing Suikoden 2. Disappointed that I won't get Chrono Cross... 3/9/2000 Version 1 became 1.1 -Added Ifrit's whining about Shiva -Added Selphie talking about the Garden Festival at the dance -Added everyone's comments on Rinoa's model -Added Zell/Selphie dialogue for TV station mission -Fixed it so I didn't finish writing this 1800 years in the past 5/9/2000 -Added missile base and garden riot dialogue -Tired 6/9/2000 -New dialogue for the Galabdia Garden War -Scan spell for Slapper...I've never seen this monster before! -Scan spell for Cerberus -Scan spell for Helix -Giving Zone the girl next door -New Ward silence from the movie interlude...He was never there before, it must be because I saw the scene where Squall is rescued by the Moombas What it's missing -Card Rule spreading dialogue (not happening, it'd take way too long) -Squall rescued by the moombas at the D-District prison -Queen of Cards dialogue (I hate this subquest so I'm not gonna do it) -Sphinxara Scan Spell (but I don't think there is one) Errors in the script so far "Perhaps we should've made contact with the the outside and shared our vast knowledge." "They're kind gesture just came out weird, that's all. But at least they tried. I think overall, it was a decent, heartfelt welcome." Bahamut Called the King of GF; its Mega Flare ignores all defence, giving a powerful blo Gives assistance freely to those who show their power. *Chocoboy "...You're last 'Help me'?" The blue-faced whispers "Some of us just say the opposite of what we mean." Contents DISC ONE THE SEED EXAM -Opening Credits -Introduction, the Fight -Fire Cavern -The Dollet Mission -The Dance -The Secret Area THE FOREST OWLS -Laguna -The Owls, the fake president -Escaping Timber -Laguna, second encounter -Galbadia Garden THE SORCERESS -Deling city, Caraway -Assassination DISC TWO GARDEN'S FATE -Laguna in Winhill -Escape from prison -Missile base -Garden riot -Fisherman's Horizon REUNION -Squall's concert -Balamb -Trabia Garden -Garden War DISC THREE ELLONE -Edea -Laguna at Trabia Canyon -White SeeD ship -Esthar, arrival -Laguna and Lunatic Pandora -Lunatic Pandora -Lunar Base -Ragnarok -Lunatic Pandora DISC FOUR ULTIMECIA -Ultimecia -Ending -Credits OTHER -Tutorials -Weapons Magazine Monthly -Combat King -Pet Pals -Occult Fan -Selphie's Webpage -Scan Spell: Monsters, bosses, characters SUB-QUESTS -Shumi Village -Queen of Cards -Chocobo Forests -PuPu -Mr. Monkey -Odin -Tonberry -Doomtrain -Underwater Research Centre -Diablos -The Brothers DISC THREE: ELLONE Edea Scene: Squall's room. Squall lies in bed. Squall (Is it over...?) (What happened...?) (Rinoa......) (What happened to Rinoa......?) Balamb Garden-Infirmary-Bed Quistis "Squall, can you hear me?" "Head to [Edea's House] at once." "The Sorceress Edea...Matron is back at the orphanage." Balamb Garden-Centre West *Boy "Hey...Is it really over?" *Girl "The Garden is becoming so lonely. So many people dropped out..." *Girl (Card) "Hey, play cards with me?" <> <> <> <> Balamb Garden-Cafeteria *Cafeteria Lady "My oh my! I'm just as busy as a bee!" Balamb Garden-Cafeteria-Dining Area "I must say, we're pretty tough." "Word...I thought it was the end for me when we had to fight with the other Garden." "We've accompanied quite a feat. The fighting inside Garden, the battle with the other Garden. That wasn't training. It was the real thing!" "YEAH! There were lots of casualties from both sides, but we're still alive!" "YEAH! YEAH! We can DO IT!" "But...We still aren't SeeDs." "...So, we end up complainin'...SaaaaaaD..." "SaaaaaaD..." "Sometimes, I actually enjoy complaining...SaaaaaaD..." Balamb Garden-Centre North "Hey, she'll be ok, right?" "...Yeah. It'll take a helluva lot more than that to take her down." "...You're right." "Hey, let's go visit her later." "Ok." Balamb Garden-Centre East *Zell "The Sorceress Edea...Our Matron...I wanna hear what she has to say." *Zell (second time) "Uhhh...Um, how's Rinoa doin'?" "She still in a coma? Don't take it too hard. She'll snap out of it eventually." *Girl "Is the scary stuff over? It's over, right?" *Cadet "I...I fought, too. And...and, victory was mine!!!" Balamb Garden-Outside Classroom *Girl "It was a little sketchy back there, but we made it." *Cadet "We won! Galbadia wasn't as strong as I thought!" *Cadet "What's wrong, boss! We won!!! Let's celebrate!" *Cadet "Hey, I did it! We fought against Galbadia and won!!!" *Girl "I'll have to try even harder!" Balamb Garden-Classroom *Selphie "The 'GARDEN SQUARE' BBS is so much fun." *Irvine "This Garden sure has a lot of cuties!" Balamb Garden-Bridge *Quistis "Matron is back at the house." Edea's House *Quistis "...I feel uncomfortable seeing her." *Selphie "I'll go after you, Squall. Ok, ok?" *Zell "We're meeting the Matron...M-Man, I'm nervous." *Irvine "There's so much we want to ask the Matron." Edea's House-Bedroom *Headmaster Cid "...Many thanks for your hard work. "...Hahaha..." "Are you angry with me? Haha...I don't blame you." "All I do is talk big, but in times or trouble, I run away." "I was in a no-win situation...Your defeat would be the end of you. Your victory would mean losing my wife." "I just couldn't face either circumstance." "I don't care about myself...But...please forgive Edea..." Edea's House-Front Edea "My children...Please forgive me..." "I raised you as my own, yet still, I..." Squall "We feel the same way." Zell "We fought you, too, knowing you were our Matron." Irvine "Matron..." Edea "You are SeeDs. You cannot back out of a battle, I know." "You are magnificent." "However, it is not over yet." "At anytime, I may..." Irvine (if you try to leave) "C'mon Squall, let's hear Matron out." *Cid "Please listen to what Edea has to say. Who knows when she may be possessed again..." *Edea "...I have been possessed all this time." "I was at the mercy of Sorceress Ultimecia." "Ultimecia is a sorceress from the future. A sorceress many generations ahead of our time." "Ultimecia's objective is to find Ellone." "She is after Ellone's mysterious power." "I know Ellone very well." "Ultimecia is a very fearful sorceress. Her heart is filled with anger and hate." "There was no way I was going to let Ultimecia get a hold of Ellone." "The only thing I could do was..." "...Surrender my soul to Ultimecia and lose control of my mind." "That was the only way I could save Ellone." "And the end result...Well, you all know." "The sorceress that appeared in Galbadia was in fact Ultimecia...inside my shell..." *Edea "Ultimecia has yet to achieve her goal." "I believe she may use my body again to carry out her plans." "I plan to make a stand this time, but...if that does not work..." "I may have to face you in battle once again." "I ask for your support, young SeeDs." *Edea "Have you all heard of Sorceress Adel before?" Zell "She was the ruler of Esthar during the Sorceress War. No one knows of her whereabouts...That's what I learned." Edea "The Galbadians must have thought I was the sorceress who received Sorceress Adel's powers." "However, that is not the case. I received the powers of the previous sorceress at the age of 5." Irvine "I don't quite understand..." Edea "I believe Sorceress Adel is still alive. And that Ultimecia released my body in order to..." "...To use the body of Sorceress Adel..." *Edea "Sorceress Adel is the type who will not hesitate to use her powers for her own selfish desires." "Should Sorceress Ultimecia from the future bequeath her anger and hatred unto Adel, their power would be unimaginable..." Zell (when you try to leave) "Squall, I'm sure Matron has much more to say!" Squall (I've heard enough.) (I understand that listening to what Matron has to say is important, but Rinoa...) "Matron, do you know what's wrong with Rinoa?" Edea "Rinoa is the girl in light blue?" "I remember vaguely...What happened to her?" Squall "She was with us when we fought you. After the battle..." "...Her body was cold...She didn't move..." Cid "Did Rinoa die!?" Squall "NO!!!" Edea "Forgive me, Squall. I don't think I can be of any help." Squall "...It's all right." Cid "Squall, I understand how you feel. But you are in a position of leadership." "The other students at Garden have a right to know about the outcome of the battle and what's to come." "Take whatever information you can get here, back to Garden." "Remember, it wasn't just Rinoa. Everyone fought." Squall "I understand...But..." Cid "But, but, but...That isn't something a leader should say." Squall "........." (......Dammit.) "Ultimecia's objective is to find Ellone." (First time we met was the day I became a SeeD. We met Timber...) "Ellone's mysterious power...Sending one's consciousness back into the past." "So, Ultimecia wants to use Ellone's power, right?" (We had a lot of arguments at first. But in time, things began to change.) "I get it. Ultimecia wants to send her consciousness from this period further into the past." "What's she going to do in the past?" (You were looking at me...You smiled when our eyes met.) "Time compression." "Time compression?" (It made me feel calm, tranquil.) "It's time magic. Past, present, and future get compressed." "What's going to happen to the world? Why do something like that?" (Rinoa...Give me another chance.) "I can't even imagine a world where time is compressed!" Zell "Yo, Squall!" Selphie "You're not even listening!" Squall "So basically, all we have to do is prevent Ultimecia from getting a hold of Ellone." Quistis "Yes, but..." Squall "We're going back to Garden. We have to let everyone know." Irvine "Hey, we're worried about Rinoa too, y'know?" Squall "Then why don't you...!?" "Forget it." Balamb Garden-Bridge Squall "That about covers the update." "Our task at hand is to find Ellone. Then we'll deal with Ultimecia." "I believe that Ellone is on the White SeeD ship." "We're setting out to look for it. I wonder where it could be?" "We'll gather information for a while. Be prepared for battle at any time." "And...Sorceress Edea is back at her home." "She's probably not our enemy anymore. Let's just leave her alone." *Quistis "Is Rinoa in the infirmary? I'll go visit her later." *Xu "I don't want to say this in front of Quistis and you, but..." "I don't know if some people will be so forgiving." Edea's House-Front *Edea "I will be staying here with Cid for a while." "Should Ultimecia possess me again......I ask for your help, young SeeDs." *Edea (Card) "Oh...I see...Really?" <> <> <> <> *Cid "I believe Ellone is travelling all over the world in a ship." "Even if Ultimecia decides to choose her again, it will be very difficult to find her." *Cid (Card) "You leave me no choice...Are you sure?" <> <> <> <> DISC THREE: ELLONE Laguna at Trabia Canyon Balamb Garden-Library *Cadet "No one on the library committee's here..." "I wonder if I can just leave a note or something and check out this book?" *Cadet "I heard there's a weird book somewhere in the library." "I wonder what kind of book it is?" Balamb Garden-Infirmary-Bed Squall (Rinoa...You feel so cold.) (Are you going to be like this forever?) "......" "Isn't there anything I can do!?" "You were so full of life." "Now you don't even make a sound..." "I want to hear you voice." (This is like talking to a wall.) "Rinoa...Call my name." (......) Trabia Canyon Laguna "Why the heck do I have to do this!?" Kiros "'Cause we have no money." Ward "......" Laguna "Alright, I'm sorry!!!" Laguna "Yeah, so it's kinda my fault that we stayed at the hotel so often." "But heck, I'm not cut out to be an actor!" Kiros "So you say, but we know you're really quite excited..." "Ok everyone! Take your positions!" Laguna "Man, I can't believe this director...Making a movie with me...and amateur......The heck am I supposed to do?" Ward "......" Laguna "Alright, alright...So we were lucky I got the job. As long as we make some money, right...?" "A-Are you serious!? What kind of costume is this!?" Kiros "Ah, ah, ah...No complaining. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Director "Hey, look at you. Not bad." "This is your co-star, playing the part of the sorceress." Co-star "Hi, nice to meet you!" Director "All we need now is someone to play the dragon..." Director "Oh...! Perfect. Hey, you 2 back there!" Kiros "Yes?" Director "I'm kinda in a squeeze here...The guy playing the dragon is sick..." "Do you think you could put on the dragon costume and kinda just...walk down here? I'll pay ya..." Kiros "I...guess so." Director "Ok, just be on standby over there." Kiros "A-Ahhhh...!!!" Director "Ok people, here we go. Scene 12, 'Death of the Sorceress'." "Ready......" "ACTION!!!" Sorceress "Oh, Sir Knight...Save me from the wicked dragon...!" Laguna "Oh...Ok...I...I'll s-save you from the dragon..." (...Darn it. I'm getting' all nervous here.) (And what's with this gunblade? Haven't used one of these since training.) (Kinda like this?) Director "Hey, not bad. I'll just put in some voice overs..." "Ok! Bring on the dragon!!!" "Hey! Come on, guys! The dragon!" "Alright! Here we go!" Director "WooooooW!!! Just like the real thing...! Excellent work, Kiros!!!" "Wait a minute...Was the costume THAT big...?" Laguna (Whoa! Kiros n' Ward are takin' this seriously.) (Man, looks like the real thing...) Laguna "Erghhh!!!" (G-Geez...! Take is easy, Kiros...) "...What the...? Is this thing real!???" Director "WHAT!!! No wonder...!!!" "W-What am I doin'...? I'm getting' outta here!" "W-Well, Sir Knight...It's all yours!" Sorceress "S-S-Sir Knight...I must bid you farewell!!!" Laguna "H-HEY! Don't just leave me here!!!" "Tch! It's not gonna let me go. Hmm...The gunblade..." Square to defend! Triangle to attack! Laguna "Alright! Let's go!!!" Laguna "Now's my chance! RUN!!!" Laguna "Daaaarn! Stupid dragon! Where the heck are Kiros and Ward!?" Kiros "Laguna, did you call me?" "Yahhh!" Kiros "Wait long enough?" "Here!" Laguna "Alright! Time to kick some dragon butt!!!" Laguna <> <<(Here we go!!!)>> <<(H-Hold on a sec...)>> <> Laguna "H-How many are there? They just keep comin'! We're outta here!!!" " that?" "...I can't disconnect." (What is this connect thing...?) "Is it you, Squall?" (Yeah...) "'Connect' is just what I call it. It's when I use my special power." "Oh, I know... I must be asleep. That's why I can't control it." "I'm sorry, Squall. Just let me use your spirit for a little while longer." (Let me go back.) Orphanage Laguna "She ain't here, either..." Edea "If I may ask, what happened to this Ellone?" Laguna "She was kidnapped by Esthar soldiers." "I've been travelling, tryin' all I can to get inside Esthar but..." Edea "They were looking for a successor to the Esthar sorceress, Adel?" Laguna "Yeah, yeah! Exactly it!" Edea "Is she your daughter?" Laguna "No...but she's just so cute! Oh, I wish I could hear her voice!" Squall (I want to hear Rinoa's voice.) Edea "Is something the matter?" Laguna "No...just the faeries..." (I don't care if it's in the past or what. I want to hear Rinoa. I want to see Rinoa.) (That way, there might be a chance to save her.) "You can't change the past. I just found that out." "When I was kidnapped, Uncle Laguna went on a journey to find me..." "But because he did, Uncle Laguna wasn't able to be by Raine's side when she died." "Raine wanted to show Laguna her new born baby..." "Raine kept calling out for Laguna. So no matter what, I wanted Laguna to stay in the village..." "But it didn't work. I can no longer make it back to that moment..." "And also...I can only send you inside someone I've met before." "I'm sorry, Squall. I'm about to disconnect." "I'll try again to speak to you this way." (Sis! Ellone!) (I'm...) Balamb Garden-Infirmary-Bed Squall (I want to hear Rinoa's voice.) Squall "I can see you if we go back in time! Maybe even change things!" "Ellone!" "Ellone! Can you hear me!?" "Send me back to the moment Rinoa went into a coma!" Squall (Ellone, you won't answer me...?) (I know she's on the White SeeD ship.) (White Seed...Edea's SeeD...Edea's SeeD?) "Maybe Edea would know the whereabouts of the ship!" "Then I can see Ellone. Then maybe I can go back..." DISC THREE: ELLONE The White SeeD Ship Balamb Garden-Centre East *Zell "Have you found Ellone...I mean the White SeeD ship yet?" Balamb Garden-Bridge *Quistis "Where could the White SeeD ship be?" *Xu "That White SeeD ship...Where could it be?" Edea's House-Front *Cid "The White SeeD ship...We first came up with it to protect Ellone from Esthar." "Edea served as the captain of the ship, but before long, many children were brought onboard, and it became somewhat of an orphanage." "Edea taught the children well, and they too were referred to as SeeDs." *Edea "Is there anything I can help you with?" Squall "The White SeeD ship. The one Ellone's on." Edea "Those children are..." "They are very cautious. They would never remain in one place for long." Squall "...I see." Edea "Oh yes, however..." "Those children seemed to have taken a liking to Centra's landscape." "Therefore, they may have stationed their ship [by an inlet somewhere on the Centra continent]." "And Squall. Please take with you this letter that I wrote." "With this, they shall welcome you." *Edea (second time) "The White SeeDs may have stationed their ship [by an inlet somewhere on the Centra continent]." White SeeD ship-Deck White SeeD "...We meet again." Squall "My name is Squall. We're SeeDs from Balamb Garden. I'd like to speak to your leader." White SeeD "I'm in charge. State your business." "Depending on what you say, we may ask you to leave immediately." Squall "......I want you to see Ellone." White SeeD Leader "......!?" Squall "We pose no threat. Edea told us that you would be here." White SeeD Leader "" Squall "......Edea is no longer under Sorceress Ultimecia's control." "She is now our ally." "So there's no reason for you to hide Ellone's whereabouts from us." "We want to take Ellone back to protect her from Ultimecia." White SeeD Leader "......" "Thank you for coming...But we have no reason to believe you. Please leave." *White SeeD "You heard our leader. There's nothing more to discuss." *White SeeD (second time) "I'm sorry if we've offended you." "I guess it made us a bit testy after you mentioned Ellone." *Boy "W-W-WHOAAA!!! C-C-C-COOL!!!" "I g-got to t-talk to a s-st-stranger!!!" *Boy (second time) "I been m-mostly inside c-c-cleaning. I don't c-c-come out much." "When I go outside, I alw-w-ways get lost...W-W-What am I t-t-talking about?" *Boy (third time) "I'm s-sorry! P-P-P-Please don't t-talk to me...I get n-n-nerv-v-ous." White SeeD Ship-Helm *White SeeD "Please..." "There's nothing I can tell you. I'm sorry." *White SeeD (second time) "After Edea left, the leader began taking care of everything." "If he doesn't want to talk about it, well, we can't either." *Girl "(I don't talk to strangers.)" *Girl (second time) "(Um, the leader told me not to talk about Ellone.)" *Boy (The leader said that, um, we shouldn't talk to strangers.) *Boy (second time) (The leader might spank me is I break my promise.) (He might make me leave, and I can't swim so I would drown.) White SeeD Ship-Outside Cabin Watts "Wow! Long time no see, sir!" Zone "Whoa! Look who's here!" "Squall, how's it goin'?" Watts "Can't believe you're here! Everybody doin' good, sir?" Zone "After you guys left, the Galbadian buttheads came after us, and we barely escaped to this boat." Watts "I was sure we were goners, sir!" "Zone went nuts and was thinking about swimming across the sea to escape!" Zone "Hey, it was a plan. All you were doing was whining like a big baby." "'We're gonna die, we're gonna die!' And look who jumped in first! You, you numbnuts!" Squall (...I don't see how these wackos keep surviving.) Zone "So, how's Rinoa? Where is she?" Squall "...Rinoa fought with us against Edea." "For some reason, she went unconscious after the fight. She's resting in the Garden now." "I don't know what happened." "We couldn't protect her. I'm...I'm sorry." Zone "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! What did I say!!!? What did I say, HUH!!!?" "I told you to take care of her!!! That nothin' better happen to her!!! Scumbag! You pathetic, lyin' scumbag!!!" Watts "Zone! C'mon! Easy, sir! Easy." "She's not dead. They just dunno what's wrong with her, that's all." "Ain't that right, sir? Squall would never give up on her." "Am I right, sir?" Squall "We came here to get Ellone because there's a new evil force after her." "If we can get Ellone and Rinoa together, maybe...we can get Rinoa back." Watts "Really!? See, Zone!? I told you, sir! Rinoa's gonna be fine!" "She promised she would come back! We all have to free Timber together. Don't worry, sir!" Zone "...All right. But I'm gonna say it one more time." "If something happens to Rinoa again, I swear..." *Watts "Care for information, sir?" <> <> <> <> <> <> Watts "Well, after this lady named Edea left, there haven't been any adults on this ship, sir." "So far, I've only seen kids and guys our age." <> Watts "Everyone here's an orphan, sir." "Me and Zone are orphans, too, so we all kinda understand each other." "Sometimes, the little ones look lonely, and that's always tough to watch." <> Squall "Is Ellone here?" Watts "Oh, you mean that pretty girl, sir?" "She left when some other ships came." Squall "What other ships? Who were they?" Watts "There were some soldiers on the ships. I know I've seen them before.........Esthar! They were Esthar soldiers, sir!" Squall "Why Esthar!? What do they want with Ellone?" Watts "I don't know, sir. But I think she was smiling as she left." Squall (What the heck's going on...?) (...Dammit.) <> Watts "Everybody liked her a lot, sir." "She was the one who found us in the water. We would've drowned if it weren't for her." "She made us feel welcome, too. She talked to us a lot when we first came aboard." <> Watts "We owe her our lives, sir." "I'm sure everybody's really worried about her." <> Watts "The leader's usually in the cabin below deck, sir." <> Watts "He really gets serious when it comes to Ellone." "He can be harsh at time, but he's actually a good guy, sir." "He helps a lot of people who are in trouble." <> Watts "Ok, sir." <> *Watts (Card) "A game of cards, sir?" <> <> <> <> White SeeD Ship-Bridge *White SeeD "Why don't you try talking to our leader again?" *White SeeD (second time) "Before, I had to keep watch on my own, but now Zone's helping me, so it's a little easier." *Zone "It's kinda cool to watch the sea. You hardly ever get bored of it." *Zone (second time) "I learned how to pilot the ship, a little." "It's tough. With trains, you just have to worry about stayin' on the track." "But with ships, oh man. You gotta worry about the entire sea." *Zone (third time) "Sometimes it gets dull out there. That's when I really start missing 'The Girl Next Door'." "That book was so hot, man. What was I thinking selling that honey?" "I guess you should never sell what you cherish, no matter how much you need the money." *Zone (if you have the Girl Next Door) "...HEY!" "(That's 'The G irl Next Door'!!! How'd you get it!?)" "Hey man...uh, was wonderin' if you can give it to me." <> <> <> <> <> Zone "Serious!? Oh man! Thanks! You're awesome!" "Here! I want you to have this." Received [Rename Card]! Received [Shiva Card]! <> Zone "25,500 Gil...? Hmmmm...all right. Thanks." <> Zone "Tch, you stingy bastard." <> *Zone (after giving the magazine) "Thanks again for the book." White SeeD Ship-Outside Cabin *Girl "I love sunshine. It feels good." "Watts told me sunshine is good for you." *Man "Achoo! Whoa, it's getting' dark already?" "It's getting' too cold to sit out here these days." *Man (second time) "My sister doesn't catch colds anymore since we sit in the sun, but now I think I'm getting the sniffles." "It's probably because I always sit on this side, in the shade. I don't know why I keep doing that." White SeeD Ship-Cabin Squall "Here." White SeeD Leader "......This is Matron's writing. She really gave this to you?" Squall "You guys call her Matron too, huh?" White SeeD Leader "Yes. Ever since we were little." Squall "We were raised by Edea, too." "It was difficult to fight against her, but we did." "Fortunately, everything turned out well." "Edea is no longer evil. She's back to her old self again...the kind Matron we remember." White SeeD Leader "Squall, thank you." "We owe you and Balamb Garden much." Squall "Even our salute is the same." White SeeD Leader "Matron told us it hasn't changed since SeeD was established." * White SeeD Leader "So it says in the letter, you're looking for Ellone..." "...I'm sorry. Ellone's no longer here." "Remember we picked her up from your Garden near the FH coast?" "After that we headed east to get away as far as we could from Edea and Galbadia." "Before long, we encountered the Galbadian fleet." "They had a lot of ships. Obviously, they were searching for us." "We should've been more careful. They pursued us in full force." "Luckily, we were able to escape but, then our ship broke down and we were stranded." "There was no way we were going to let the Galbadians take Ellone." "Eventually, the Galbadians caught up to us and we had no choice but to prepare for battle." "Then an Esthar ship appeared." "A battle began between them, and we were caught in the middle of it." "Then something strange happened." "Suddenly, an Esthar ship came up beside us and Esthar soldiers came aboard." "They told us to get aboard their ship. It sounded like an order to evacuate." "Of course, we refused. We didn't trust them just as we didn't trust the Galbadians." "As the Esthar soldiers were trying to convince us, the battle became more intense." "Soon they were forced to leave our ship." "As their ship was pulling away, Ellone yelled out something." "Then, all of a sudden, she jumped onto their ship." "It wasn't like her at all." "To this day, I don't understand why she did that." "After that, Esthar's fleet withdrew from battle and fled." "After they left, we...well, it's a long story." "After our ship is fully repaired, we plan to go to Esthar." "Sorry, Squall. We couldn't protect her." Squall "So Ellone's in Esthar?" White SeeD Leader "We believe so." Balamb Garden-Bridge Nida "Have you decided on a destination?" Squall "Esthar." Nida "Oh man..." "Xenophobic Esthar." "That area's terrain is not really suited for flying the Garden." Squall "Anyway, set a course for Esthar." DISC THREE: ELLONE Esthar, arrival *Xu "Can't believe we're going to Esthar." "Those soldiers give me the creeps." *Quistis "The Esthar continent is surrounded by a huge mountain range." "It's literally hidden away by the mountains." "There isn't much contact with the outside world. That's why they're called the 'Silent Country'." *Quistis (second time) "I don't think the Garden can fly over those mountains." "There's one railroad line leading from FH to Esthar." "FH used to have relations with Esthar. The railroad is all that remains." Balamb Garden-Centre East *Zell "What kinda place is this Esthar? I don't know anything about it." Balamb Garden-Infirmary *Dr. Kadowaki "Squall, be a dear, and take care of things till I get back, ok?" Balamb Garden-Infirmary-Bed Squall (Let's go, Rinoa. Let's go meet Ellone.) (Ellone will bring us together.) Balamb Garden-Emergency Exit Squall (...Sorry everyone.) (I can't go on like this.) FH-Broken Wharf Squall "It's a bit far, but we'll make it." FH-Railroad Squall (...It's pretty far...) (Didn't think it would be this far...) (What am I doing...?) (Go to Esthar...Find Ellone...Talk to Ellone...) (But there's no guarantee that everything will be resolved if I talk to Ellone.) (Even so, I'm...) (I.........sure have changed.) Squall (I wonder what everyone's doing...?) (They're probably laughing at me. Or maybe they're angry...?) "What do you think?" "To tell you the truth...I worry too much about what other people think of me." "I hate that side of me..." "That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me." "I wanted to hide that side of myself. I hate it." "Squall is an unfriendly, introverted guy." "It made it easy for me when people perceived me that way." "That's a secret between you and me. Got that?" Squall "Rinoa..." Esthar-Train Station Quistis "Squall, you're late." Zell "Is the princess still asleep?" Quistis "She might wake up with a kiss from the prince." Squall "Is that why you came all the way out here? To tell me that?" Quistis "You're going to Esthar, right? We're coming, too." Zell "We're Edea's escort." Sorceress Edea "Let us be on our way, Squall." *Quistis "We're all planning to go to Esthar, too." *Zell "We're Edea's escort." *Sorceress Edea "We shall leave as soon as we're ready." Squall "What business do you have in Esthar?" Sorceress Edea "I must go see Doctor Odine." Zell "Dr. Odine. You've heard the name, right?" Squall (...Odine?) <> <<(Yeah, I remember)>> <<(I can't remember...Tell me more)>> <<(Whatever.)>> <<(Yeah, I remember)>> Squall "I remember, but...why do you need to see him?" <<(I can't remember...Tell me more)>> Squall "Tell me more." Zell "You know the famous Odine brand, don't you? That's all Dr. Odine's work." "When it comes to knowledge about the sorceress, he's number one..." Squall "...Thanks. So, why do you need to see this doctor." <<(Whatever.)>> Squall "...Why do you need to see him?" <> Sorceress Edea "Sorceress Ultimecia is alive. She is able to take control of my body at any time." "If that were to happen...I would once again bring terror." "I, too, value my well-being. I want to protect myself." "If it were possible, I would like to rid myself of the sorceress' power." "Doctor Odine may know a way." "He may be able to save me." Squall "...I understand. Let's all go to Esthar." Zell "Yo, they're back." Quistis "The two of them went to take a look." Selphie "How's it goin', Squall?" "Is Rinoa still asleep?" "Psst...Psst...Psst...(Rinoa's so cute when she's asleep)." Squall "Whatever. So how is it? Can we make it to Esthar?" Selphie "Wooo! Are you blushing!?" Irvine "Selphie, don't make Squall angry..." "Esthar's on this continent, right? It's supposed to be huge..." "I don't know why, but I can't seem to find it anywhere." Selphie "Couldn't find it up north or down south...Let's try going [East] next!" Esthar-Great Salt Lake Selphie "Hello...I don't see a city..." Edea "Looks like we are in for a long trip." Zell "Everything'll be all right." "We'll all be by your side all the way!" Edea "Thank you Zell." "But remember, you must stay alert even in my presence." "As long as I can be myself, everything will be fine." "But if Ultimecia gets inside me again..." "You all know what to do..." Selphie "What, what, did I miss something?" "Uh-oh, it's so quiet. The air's getting heavy." "Guys...What's wrong?" "COME ON! We're all together again! We're gonna bring back Rinoa! It's like a picnic! We're gonna have fun!" Squall "...Somebody once told me that if you mention bad things, they'll come true." "I know it's a silly superstition, but right now I want to believe it. So let's not talk about it anymore." Battle with Abadon Squall "An undead monster..." "Use recovery-related magic and items." After the battle Squall (......?) "...There's something here." Zell "WHOA! What the hell is that!? It's some kinda hole or tunnel..." Squall "This looks like the only way." Mysterious Building Squall (inspects panel) (...What are these transparent panels?) (I wonder is they have anything to do with this console.) <> <<(Try operating it)>> <<(There's no time for this)>> <> [OCS Display Test Menu] [Color check] [Camouflage] [Random] [Exit Test] Zell "Whoa!" Squall "...Camouflage?" Irvine "A blue sky, huh...?" Zell "...Hey...I got it now!" "It's simple! They got these panels lined up outside. Yeah, that's why we couldn't see anything." Irvine "Uh huh, so what are they trying to hide?" Squall "I don't know, either." "I'm sure we'll find out soon." Elevator Zell "What's this, an elevator?" Irvine "Oh geez, whatever." Squall (I don't know what I'm doing, where I am......) (I don't know if we'll ever get to Esthar.) (But I don't care...) "I'm not turning back now." Squall (It stopped...Is that it?) Zell "It stopped." Irvine "Well Squall, what are we gonna do?" Squall (...I don't care at this point. Nothing's gonna surprise me.) "What else? Let's go." FMV Sequence. As they approach one of the panels, it lets off its camouflage, letting the party see the city of Esthar. The hexagonal panel sets off a chain reaction with its surrounding brothers, letting the futuristic city be seen from Great Salt Lake. Zell "THE HELL IS THIS!?" Irvine "Geez! Will you look at that. FMV Sequence. The transparent panels move away from Squall's party and railings appear. The panel that Squall's party stands on begins to move. It drops and follows a ropeway through the wondrous city. Squall "...Judging from their technology, they must know we're here." "It's possible we might encounter some hostility, so stay alert." "...............Aaahh!" "No...not now!......This......isn't good......" DISC THREE: ELLONE Laguna and Lunatic Pandora Esthar-Lab "The skinny one and the fat one...Get your asses down to Lunatic Pandora!" "You're gonna stay here and work! The rest of you, get back to work!" *Man "......" *Moomba "......" *Security Guard "Don't roam around! And no talking!" Laguna "I'm hungry......" Security Guard "You!!! I said no talking!!!" "It's only been 3 days, you wimp!" "When I was young, I worked all day and all night...without sleep!" Laguna "I wonder if Kiros and Ward are workin', too...?" Security Guard "No talking! How many times do I have to..." Laguna "Oh...Meal time! Alright, it's time to eat!" Security Guard "You keep working! That's what you get for your big mouth!" "That beast over there, you, too! No meal until your work is done!!!" Laguna "Hey...You can't be serious!" "I'll be done in 2 to 3 hours, but..." "His job won't get done for days!" Security Guard "He just won't get fed for a few days." "If he wants to eat...he should work faster..." Security Guard "Come give me a hand. I can't handle the big guy alone." Security Guard "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. The camera is watching you." Laguna (to Moomba) "You all right? You look exhausted..." "Do they feed you all right? Got a fever or something? Or you just scared of heights?" "Grrr...Grrr..." Laguna "Your stomach's goin' grrr?" "Ha ha ha...That's funny. I think that thing's 'Grrr...Grrr...' means 'thank you'." "Know what? You're the first one to care about his well-being." "Those Moombas get worked to death for no reason." "They only get half the food and sleep compared to us humans." *Man "Experiment! Experiment! Let's just do this!" "Bahh! This iz a failure!!!" "Sounds like Dr. Odine's up to something again upstairs." Laguna (to Moomba) "Huh? What's up? You need a tool?" "I'll go get it. Wait right there." "I think there was one here..." Security Guard "Hey, you over there!" "Yeah, standing next to the elevator." "Go get the guard upstairs! Tell them there's an emergency." Laguna "Roger that..." (An emergency...) (Maybe those guys are...up to something?) Security Guard "Go now!" Laguna "Alright, I'm goin'." "Oh...I almost forgot. Here, catch!" Laguna "Whoa!?" Laguna "Geez...That was close." "I' glad......I'm glad!!!" "You're such a...nice guy. Not many guys like you these days." "You seem like you'd be a good candidate to be our leader." Laguna "A leader?" "That's right. A lot of us are dissatisfied with the way Adel's been ruling Esthar." "We may be disorganized now...But someday we'll gather our forces to remove Adel from power." "We're overthrowing the ruler of a country. A sorceress, far beyond our powers." "A half-baked plan would never work. We're waiting for the right time, now..." "Most of us involved in the Adel resistance are specialists. It's easy to research ways to fight Adel, but..." "There's no one to lead the movement. That's our situation right now." "We've been looking for someone like you...Someone who's strong an righteous." Security Guard "Hey, did you go tell them?" "What are you doing!?" "Up to no good again, aren't ya...!!?" Laguna "Stop!!!" Security Guard "Don't move!" Laguna "Darn it...I did it again...Well, too bad!" Laguna "Just get on and go!" Laguna "Kiros!...Ward! Great timing!" Kiros "Or should I say...bad timing?" Security Guard "Stop talking and just keep walking!" Ward "......" Laguna "It's not so bad..." "2 is better than 1. 4 is better than 2, right?" Kiros "So, who's the 4th one?" "Geez...Are you...starting to hallucinate?" Laguna "Yeah...I can see it!" Laguna "Oh...My sweet Elle...You make your uncle so happy." (Hey...Now's our chance!) (You know what to do? Let's just finish'em off and get out of here!) (Before we do that...Are we all geared up?) <> <> <> <> Laguna "Alright...Let's go!" Laguna "Jaaaaaaaail break!!!" Esthar-Lab Front Laguna (No security guard......Now's our chance!) Laguna (Goes near Odine) (What the heck are they talking about?) Doctor's Assistant "To use Lunatic Pandora as a weapon..." "You would need a system to move it. And you are researching that now?" "How do you come up with such bold ideas? I could never come up with such brilliant ideas." Doc Odine "I forgot!" Esthar-Outside Lab Laguna "Hey! You waited for me?" "Grrr...Grrr..." Laguna "Stay on your toes! Don't get captured again!" Laguna (Darn it!) (I promised him a meal and a nap when we get out.) (Well...I guess he's better off "!" "It's ok...He's also an 'Adel Resistance' member." "He's Dr. Odine's assistant. All the hot info about the lab comes from him." Doctor's Assistant "Is he a new member? Welcome to our group." "You made quite a bit of noise down there...Well, this may be a good time to leave this facility." "Did something happen to the doctor? Or did Adel stop funding this lab?" Doctor's Assistant "No, it's Dr. Odine. He...He's done it again." "He's found a new toy he prefers over a big one like Lunatic Pandora..." "Some child named Ellone." Laguna "Ellone!?" "You know her?" Kiros "Know her...? She's really the only reason why we're here." Ward "......" Laguna "Where is she?" "Where's Ellone!?" Doctor's Assistant "Dr. Odine would probably know her whereabouts." Laguna "So look for Odine, right? We're going back!" "Thanks for all your help. Better go some place safe. Adios!" "Wait a second! I still owe you!" "If you're looking for that girl, Ellone, you'll eventually need help." "Facing Esthar...and Adel with only the 3 of you will be difficult." "Why not let us help you? We'll provide you with all the information you'll need." Kiros "It's not a bad idea...We don't know anything about Esthar." "I never want to go through all this again. I'm sure Ward feels the same way." Ward "......" Laguna "Huh?......Hmm...Okay, fine!" "We'll accept your help. In return," "we'll help you Anti-'Azel' movement or whatever." Ward "......" Kiros "It's 'ADEL'." "Start listening more closely, 'cause it's getting embarrassing..." " what Ward would say. Can't you see it in his eyes?" Laguna "Yeah, sure, I always see it!" "But...who cares!? I speak with passion, from the heart! That's what matters most." "Yes...That's right! It all sounds crazy, but...I like you!" "I really want you to be our leader..." Laguna "Leave it to me! Once we find Ellone, I'll take up that offer!" "Well, let me go pay a visit to Odine. Wait right here!" (Darn it, did it again! Why don't I ever think things through before I answer?) (Well...It's been ok 'til now. I'm sure things will work out." *Doctor's Assistant "Dr. Odine would probably know her whereabouts." *Man "This girl, Ellone...Is she your special someone?" Laguna "Huh? Yeah, something like that." Kiros "Laguna..." "Pu-lease...She's like a daughter to you." Laguna "She may be small, but Elle's still a 'lady'." "Imagine how angry she'd be if she heard me talking about her like a baby." "So I say 'special someone' out of respect...and fear." Kiros "I see...Maybe you have a point. It's not wise to upset her." Laguna "Right." "Do you remember the 'J Disaster'?" Kiros "Yes..." "She got upset and put fruit jam in your shoes. You were almost in tears!" Laguna "Ugh! Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps." "Sounds like a brat...I mean, a spunky girl." *Man (second time) "Sounds like a brat...I mean, a spunky girl." "We better go help her soon, before she gets angry." Esthar-Lab-Front Laguna "......? Where did he go?" Esthar-Lab Laguna "Dr. Odine! Where's Ellone!?" Security Guard "Can't believe you guys came back..." Security Guard "You fools!" Doc Odine "Vat are you saying!? I do not know any...Ellone." "...Okay, I vas lying! Ellone...I know Ellone!" Laguna "Hey wait! Where's Ellone!?" Laguna "I'm talking about Ellone! Where did you take her!?" Laguna "Hey wait! Tell me where!" Doc Odine "......In [O Lab]!" "Ellone iz there." Doctor's Assistant (...He means [Odine's Laboratory]) Doctor's Assistant "To go there, go over here...then over there...and then here." Laguna "I see...I didn't understand a word." "Kiros! It's your show from here!" Doctor's Assistant "We'll be joining you as soon as we can. Until then, good luck!" "Please be careful." Odine Laboratory-Lobby Laguna "This is the place, right?" "This place sure is weird..." "Hey? Where's he go?" Kiros "I think he must be lookin' for us..." Ward "......" Kiros "Yeah, you wouldn't usually jump out of a car..." Laguna "Whoa, it just kinda sped off." "I hope he's all right." Kiros "Besides, we're..." Ward "......!" Laguna (inspects door) "No good! It won't open..." Laguna (inspects the chair device) "W-What the...!" "So many unusual gadgets here." <> <> <> Odine Laboratory-Lab Laguna "Hmm?" Esthar Soldier "!" Laguna "...!?" "Ellone!!!" "Ellone!!! ELLONE!!!" "Darn, she can't hear me." Kiros (when you check the computer) " you know what you're doing?" Odine Laboratory-Lobby *Man "Won't open. Anything we can do from upstairs?" Odine Laboratory-Lab [Unlocked] *Man "Hurry. Go see her..." Odine Laboratory Laguna "Ellone!!!" Ellone "Uncle Laguna!" Laguna "See...I told ya I'd come save you..." Laguna "Sorry I'm a little late, but..." End Scene. DISC THREE: ELLONE Lunatic Pandora Scene: Esthar. Squall awakens to see everyone else has arrived. Irvine "Back from your adventure, Squall?" Zell "Something's comin'!" Man "Sorceress Edea?" Edea "Yes. We came here to see Dr. Odine." Man "...Please explain what this is regarding." Edea "Yes, of course." Squall "I want to see Ellone. Where is she?" Man "...Ellone?" Edea "Squall, calm down. Trust me. Let me handle this." Man "Please come with us." Irvine "Geez, how far does this go...?" Man "We'll be arriving at the Presidential Palace shortly." Zell "WHOA...!!! How big is this thing!?" Irvine "Esthar's president must be a real big shot." Edea "...That is the reason I am here." "I seek the doctor's help. I wish to be free of Sorceress Ultimecia's control." Doc Odine "Zat will be easy." Doc Odine "We just exorcise the sorceress. There iz nothing Odine cannot do." Edea "I leave everything in your hands." Presidential Aide "So you want to see Ellone?" Squall "Where is she? I have to bring Rinoa to her." "We need to see Ellone, now!" Doc Odine "So, you will take Odine hostage!? You are a fool." Squall "I don't care! Just take me to Ellone!" Doc Odine "Do as he says. I give ze permission." Presidential Aide "...Very well." Doc Odine "But under one condition. You must let me observe this girl." Presidential Aide "...Well? We would need time to prepare before we take you to Ellone." "So, you will leave the girl with us until then?" Edea "Accept their offer, Squall." Squall "You better not do anything to Rinoa." *Presidential Aide "You should have a look around the city." "When you're ready, head eastward to [Lunar Gate] and meet us there. We should be ready by then." "We have advanced much since the sorceress' reign. I hope you enjoy our city." *Presidential Aide (Card) "You like card games?" <> <> <> <> *Doc Odine "Hmm...This iz quite mysterious. So this iz what happens..." *Doc Odine (Card) "You vant to play?" <> <> <> <> Presidential Aide (when you leave) "We'll take the girl there. There's nothing to worry about. Just head to [Lunar Gate]." Esthar-Presidential Palace-Hallway *Guard "Entry not permitted." Esthar-Outside Presidential Palace *Man "Sightseeing? Actually, you were in the palace, so you must be here for some important reason." *Man "Wow, how long has it been since we had visitors...?" *Woman "That car......It looked unusual." *Woman (Card) "I've never played cards with a foreigner before. This is exciting. Are you ready?" <> <> <> <> *Palace Sentry "This side is called the RIGHTSIDE. If you wish to exit the city, stay on the RIGHTSIDE." "You can get to the city entrance quickly if you take the lifter. Are you going to [Lunar Gate]? Head east from the city." *Palace Sentry (second time) "Lunar Gate is far from here, so I'd advise you to rent a car." *Palace Sentry (Card) "Play cards? I'm working...but who cares?" <> <> <> <> *Woman "Huh!?" *Palace Sentry "Please visit our shopping mall, too. It's by the city entrance." *Palace Sentry (second time) "The capital is divided into 2 side. This side is called the LEFTSIDE." "Dr. Odine's Laboratory is on this side. You can take the lifter via Esthar Airstation to get there." Esthar City *Woman "Hi, where did you come from?" *Man "Maybe it's about time we made an effort to welcome foreigners." *Man "Riki..." *Soldier "I tell you, patrolling on foot is tiring." *Presidential Aide "I'm on break now. How do you like our city?" *Presidential Aide (Card) "How about a quick game of cards?" <> <> <> <> *Woman "It's difficult at times, because the president is hardly ever in." Esthar-Airstation *Sentry "The Airstation is temporarily closed." Esthar-City *Man "The strange thing about our president is, he's hardly ever in." "Then again, maybe not. He must be busy everyday." *Man "I often come out to take a break." "Great place, huh?" *Man (Card) "You want to play cards?" <> <> <> <> *Sentry "Dr. Odine doesn't care too much about people." "Especially when they're subjects of research." "You better make sure nothing happens to your girl." Squall (I'll kill him if anything happens to Rinoa.) *Sentry "You can use the lifter to go to the palace and the city entrance." Esthar-Outside Odine's Laboratory *Research Assistant "I'm sorry. The doctor gave strict orders not to let anyone inside the lab." Esthar-City *Man "During the last 17 years since Sorceress Adel's reign, we've remained isolated from the world." "Perhaps we should've made contact with the the outside and shared our vast knowledge." *Man (Card) "Card game? Of course I'll play. Ready?" <> <> <> <> *Guard "This is the city's exit. You may rent a car if you wish." Esthar-Shopping Centre *Mother "I told you not to touch the screen, didn't I!?" Daughter "I couldn't help it." Mother "Thanks to you, I had to buy 999 potions." *Daughter "I couldn't help it." *Guard "What should I get...?" "Excuse me, where did you buy your clothes?" Esthar City *Woman "I bought so much stuff." *Man "All you see is Esthar. You can't see anything else from here." *Man (Card) "I guess everybody plays cards, eh? Do you want to play?" <> <> <> <> *Woman "My dad taught me. My dad studies the moon." *Woman "Hey, hey." "The moon looks pretty, but it's really scary. Did you know that?" *Middle-Aged Soldier "Do you know anything about Esthar?" <> <> <> <> Middle-Aged Soldier "Yeah, well enjoy your visit here." <> Middle-Aged Soldier "Oh? Tell me. <> Squall (Hmm...) <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Middle-Aged Soldier "Yeah, our weapons and vehicles are really advanced compared to the outside world." "We have great engineers and scientists." <> Middle-Aged Soldier "Yeah, I guess...It wasn't our intent, though." "It kind of happened naturally. Also, our government isn't really into diplomacy." "I guess it worked out fine. All we wanted to live peacefully and do research on our own." <> Middle-Aged Soldier "He's an odd fellow..." "He changes his mind so often when it comes to research." "I'm surprised he actually gets things done." <> Middle-Aged Soldier "There hasn't been a sorceress here in 17 years." "Numerous atrocities were committed during Adel's reign. Since then, it's been peaceful." "Maintaining peace and order isn't easy, though. It requires a lot of effort." <> Middle-Aged Soldier "That's right, huh? I heard you have something important to do. Well, good luck." <> *Middle-Aged Soldier (Card) "You play cards, too?" <> <> <> <> *Soldier "This is the capital of Esthar. It's really huge." "Just be careful not to get lost." *Soldier "The president asks for the weirdest things." "This time, he wants a device that allows you to scratch anywhere on your body." "You know, so that you don't have to reach with your hands." *Researcher "This lifter is a highly sensitive transporter." "Oh, if you want to leave the city, take this lifter." *Researcher (Card) "You a card player?" <> <> <> <> Squall (when you leave Esthar City) (What an incredible city.) Esthar-Outside Lab *Woman "That big hunk of rock that was here? I miss it now that it's gone. It's so barren here now." *Woman (second time) "Look at them running around together. They're so cute." Esthar-Lab Front *Man "It's still standing there...But they don't do anything in there now." "When the research subject moves elsewhere, I guess they move with it." *Man (second time) "I'm charge of looking after this place." "I come around on patrol once in a while with Moombas." Esthar-Sorceress Memorial *Sentry "This area is off-limits." Lunar Gate *Security Guard "Welcome to 'Lunar Gate'." "Our staff is waiting for you inside the complex." Esthar-Lunar Gate-Lobby Lunar Gate "We've been expecting you. This way, please." "Whoa!" Squall (...It's gonna be ok. I'll take care of Rinoa.) "...Lead the way, please." Esthar-Lunar Gate-Capsule Room Lunar Gate Staff "Are you the ones taking off?" Squall "Yes." Lunar Gate Staff "Ok, this way." Lunar Gate Staff "Distance-wise, it's pretty far, but you'll be there in no time. You'll be there by the time you wake up." Squall "Where are we going?" Lunar Gate Staff "Let me give you a quick explanation about the whole process." "First, we need you to enter the capsule inside the pipe. Here, you'll undergo the 'cold sleep' process." "Once this process is complete, your capsule will automatically be loaded into the booster. After that, we launch." "You should be there by the time you wake up. Leave the rest to the staff once you get there....Well, that's about it in a nutshell." "I won't say there isn't any risk involved. What do you want to do?" <> <<(...Space? Let me think about it)>> <<(...I'll do whatever it takes)>> <<(...Space? Let me think about it)>> Squall "...I think I need to prepare myself." *Irvine "Squall, having second thoughts? I would've never imagined it..." *Zell "Squall, we don't have much time!" *Edea "Squall, let us trust in them." *Selphie "Squall, everything will be fine!" *Quistis "Squall, you have to do this for Rinoa." <<(...I'll do whatever it takes)>> Squall "...Let's do it." <> Lunar Gate Staff "Ok, you need to decide who you're taking." "The girl in blue has already undergone 'cold sleep' and has been loaded in. There's room for 1 more." Edea "........." "In the meantime, something must be done to suppress my powers..." Quistis "But it's be too dangerous for Matron to be alone!" Zell "Then let me be her escort! C'mon Squall, what do you say!?" Squall (...Hmmm?) <> <<(...Not too sure about that)>> <<(...Trust Zell)>> <<(...Not too sure about that)>> Squall "Are you sure you can handle it...?" Zell "Why can't it be ME!? Because I'm a Chicken-wuss!?" "...Then...let me prove it to you! I'm a SeeD, just like you ARE!" Edea "...I, too, would prefer Zell by my side. It would give me a sense of security..." Quistis "I have no objection to Zell remaining." Selphie "Me, either!!!" Irvine "Then it's decided, Squall." Squall (.........) <<...Trust Zell>> <> "Ok. I'll leave it in Zell's hands." Zell "OHHHH YEAHHHH!" "I'll do whatever it takes to watch over you. Don't worry about a thing!" "Squall, don't worry about us!" Squall (...Matron is a sorceress. Don't forget that.) "Ok, let me decide who's going." Lunar Gate Staff "Is this your party?" <> <<(...Yeah)>> <<(...Let me think it over)>> <> Lunar Gate Staff "Ok then, those who are going, get in." *Irvine "Do it up, Squall!" *Zell "Leave it to me, Squall!" *Selphie "Squall, Rinoa will be fine!" *Edea "Don't worry about us..." *Lunar Gate Staff "Ok, get in." Esthar-Lunar Gate-Control Room "All capsules are in place. Conditions inside the capsules are normal." "Boosters on standby. All systems normal." "Launch error correction, plus 2. Orbital correction, minus 1. Corrections complete." "Go!" "Clear." "Clear." "Clear." FMV Sequence. The shot goes from the control room to below, where the capsules are loaded into a large mechanism like a bullet into a barrel. In a large flash, the capsule is fired from a large cannon towards the skies. The heat from the capsule ripples the air around it. Esthar-Lunar Gate-Lobby Zell "Man, I hope everything goes well." Selphie "They'll be fine!" Irvine "I think they're in good hands." Edea "Let's pray for their safe return." "Ok, shall we go?" Selphie "Heeey, come back!" Irvine "Geez! What's up with her?" Zell "What the...!?" *Lunar Gate "You must have authorization to enter this area." Zell "WHOOAA!!!" "Let's go outside!" *Lunar Gate "W-What was that!?" FMV Sequence. A large propeller flies above Esthar city. It's on the bottom of a large structure, floating above the city. Zell "What the hell is that!? It's humongous!" Irvine "Say, wasn't the [city] in that direction?" Selphie "Uh-oh! Dr. Odine might be in trouble!" Edea "Zell, we'd better head for the [city] at once." "Dr. Odine might know what's going on." Zell "Alright! Who's comin' with us!?" Esthar City *Woman "Something incredible is going to fly over. I kind of want to see it." *Man "I'm getting scared. Come on. Let's go home." *Soldier "What can that be? Esthar's symbol is on it. I've never seen it in my whole life." Esthar-Shopping Centre *Soldier "Keep your eyes open. There's something coming from the other side of the city." *Daughter "Let's buy more stuff." *Mother "Come on, we're going." Daughter "Let's buy more stuff." Mother "That's enough for today." Esthar City *Man "Funny, the machine isn't working." *Man "That's strange. What could be wrong?" *Man "It's getting rowdy. What's going on?" *Middle-Aged Soldier "I know I've seen it before...They conducted studies on it a long time ago." *Soldier "What is that? Some kind of experiment?" *Researcher "Something's definitely wrong. What is Sam Hill is going on?" *Palace Sentry "It looks like that thing that was studied in Lunar Lab...Can that be it? *Woman "I came here to ask what was going on, but nobody is here." *Woman "What's that crazy doctor up to now?" *Woman "I don't know...hmm..." *Palace Sentry "Are we going to be all right?" *Woman "...What is that supposed to be? What's going to happen?" *Presidential Aide "It appears we have a major problem." "Looks like it's going to come from this side." *Presidential Secretary "The president is not in. This is bad timing." *Man "I believe that thing sank into the sea 17 years ago." *Man "...Lunatic...Pandora." "It reminds me of Esthar in the old days." *Man "Why now...?" *Security Guard "Dr. Odine is in the lab." *Security Guard "What can that be...?" Esthar-Outside-Odine Laboratory *Research Assistant "Are you here to see the doctor?" <> <> <> <> Research Assistant "Dr. Odine is in a good mood right now. He hasn't been this cheerful in quite a while." Esthar-Odine Laboratory-Lobby Zell (inspects the device) "I guess we're supposed to take this." <> <> <> <> Esthar-Odine Laboratory-Lab Doc Odine "Why iz Lunatic Pandora here now? Who iz moving zat thing?" Doctor's Assistant "Galbadians, sir. They're the ones who salvaged it. We must sound the alert in the city now!" Doc Odine "It will not attack us. This city iz not ze target." Doctor's Assistant "I hope so...I hope you're right." Doc Odine "But Tears' Point......Hmm?" *Doctor's Assistant "Actually, the situation is quite serious." * Doctor's Assistant (Card) "A card game? Sure, why not?" <> <> <> <> *Doc Odine "So we meet again. This iz exciting." Zell "What's so exciting about this!? This and that about Galbadia and all!?" Doc Odine "It's been a long time since I last saw Lunatic Pandora." Zell "That Lunatic...whatever, that big thing!? What the hell is that!?" "What the hell is going on!?" Doc Odine "Oh! You vant to hear my story? Zat iz nice. I would be happy to tell you." "I've been investigating ze Pandora since it was excavated." "So we serviced it..." Zell "Grrr..." Doc Odine "And investigated..." Zell "I don't care about that!" Doc Odine "Vat do you vant?" Zell "What's gonna happen? What do we do?" Doc Odine "Zat iz what I'm about to..." Zell "The enemy's comin', right? And there's no time!" "We'll do somethin' about it! Just tell us what to do." "Make it short." Doc Odine "Short, eh? Are you sure about zat?" "Zat is too bad." "Yes, this could be very bad." "You vant to go inside to stop it? Then look at zis." This is a map of the Esthar region. Lunatic Pandora's current location is here. Lunatic Pandora's expected course. It will undoubtedly pass over the city. Zoom in map. The city has 1 outer skyway and 2 main inner skyways, all leading to the palace. Lunatic Pandora will head east, from the vicinity of this lab toward the shopping mall. The time it will take to cross the city is estimated to be [20 minutes]. Boarding Lunatic Pandora is possible at the following 3 contact points: The first contact point is at the [center of the city]. It will arrive there 5 to 8 minutes after it enters the city. That is equivalent to [15:00 to 12:00] left on your timer. The second contact point is unknown. We believe it is where the 2 skyways cross. Lunatic Pandora will arrive there 10 to 15 minutes after it enters the city. That is equivalent to [10:00 to 5:00] left on your timer. The third contact point is [north of the shopping mall]. It will arrive there 17 minutes after it enters the city. That is equivalent to [3:00 to 4:00] left on your timer. End of briefing. Doc Odine "Zat iz how it goes. I give you this. Look at it with Square." "Ze problem iz..." Zell "Alright, alright...! We gotta get goin'!" Doc Odine "I vant to talk some more......" *Doctor's Assistant "The doctor never tells us what we need to know." Doc Odine "Ze culprit iz not Galbadia." *Doc Odine "Vat do you vant?" Zell "Tell me again." <> <<1st contact point>> <<2nd contact point>> <<3rd contact point>> <> <> <<1st contact point>> Doc Odine "Zat will be ze center of ze city. Between 15 to 12 minutes." <<2nd contact point>> Doc Odine "An overpass cross-street on ze RIGHTSIDE, zat iz all we know." "Look for it yourself. You will probably find it by chance. Contact time iz between 10 to 5 minutes." <<3rd contact point>> Doc Odine "Somewhere on ze way to ze palace from ze shopping mall. In ze last 3 minutes." <> Doc Odine "Ahh, so now you vant to know. You know zat monsters come falling from ze moon. Not very often that it happens." "You don't know? Pandora has an effect on ze moon." "Zat may be ze immediate problem, rather than Galbadia." "Tears' point and Lunatic Pandora together vill maximize their effect." <> Esthar-Outside Odines Laboratory Zell "Looks like it here." "Where is it?" "There it is!" *Soldier "The Galbadians...stopped us...from approaching that thing..." *Soldier "...Ughhah...I hope the evacuation order got through..." Zell "It's heading for the center!" Soldiers "This way!" ...BRrrrshh... Zell "C'MON! Piece of crap!" *Man "It's as if they're protecting the Pandora..." *Man "Looks like our city has nothing to do with their plans." *Man "Galbadian soldiers just passed by. Thank goodness they didn't do anything to us." Zell "Oh...Man..." Edea "......" Irvine "We're supposed to get on this thing...? Hey!" Zell "Now's our chance!" Zell "...The hell is that!?" "Well, no time to be ponderin'..." "Let's do it!!!" Zell "M...My body...I can't move!?" Edea "Ugh!!!" Zell "Arggghhhh......" Irvine "A-AHHHH!" Zell "Dammit!...Kills me to let'em go!" FMV Sequence. The shadow of Lunatic Pandora begins to pass over Tears' Point. The many strange structures there begin to glow as the shadow overtakes them. One particular one shatters and ceases to glow. The statues sitting in a circle in the centre are enveloped in darkness. The face of one of the statues cracks. Lunatic Pandora stands triumphantly over the glowing Tears' Point. Zell "I guess we better fall back for now." Edea "The Lunar Cry..." Zell "Let's head back." DISC THREE: ELLONE Lunar Base FMV Sequence. The capsules containing Squall and his party exit Earth's atmosphere. Lunar Base-Bridge Controller A "3 capsules are approaching. Shall we recover them?" Man in Space Suit "Of course. What do you expect?" Controller A "Are these the special personnel coming aboard?" Man in Space Suit "Yeah, I hope they don't cause any problems." Controller B "Shall we put troops on standby?" Man in Space Suit "I have a feeling we won't need to." Controller A "Then we'd better station them all the more." "Capsule recovery team, initiate recovery process. Security, go to standby." Man in Space Suit "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Why do you always play me like that?" "I'm gonna go check on Adel. Take care of the rest for me, will ya?" Controller A "Yes, sir." Controller B "Yes, sir." FMV Sequence. Devices set up many computer generated nets in a line towards the Lunar Base. The capsule strikes all of them and its progress slows. Astronauts float out of the base and grab the capsule. They load the capsules onto flying machines, which cart them back to the Lunar Base. Lunar Base-Capsule Room Quick-Thaw Technician "Initiating quick-thaw. It's gonna feel a bit itchy." Quick-Thaw Technician "Ok, done." "Lock on to rotation ring unit." "Lock engaged. Generating artificial gravity." Squall "Here's the letter of introduction from Esthar's ambassador." Medical Staff "Wow...What is she, 17, 18......Is she dead?" Squall "Don't touch her." Piet "I understand the situation. Let's get her to the med lab and we'll talk there." Piet "Please follow me." Lunar Base-Med Room *Medical Staff "Right through this door please." *Medical Staff (Card) "You want to play cards?" <> <> <> <> *Piet "Take her inside this room and have her rest." *Piet (Card) "You want to play cards?" <> <> <> <> Piet "I've talked to my crew. Everything will be alright. Come, let's go to the control room." Squall "You better not do anything to hurt her." Medical Staff "Alright, alright." "You're her knight in shining armour. Got it." Lunar Base *Staff "There are dangers everywhere, and it's not enough just to get rid of them or keep them away." "You must contain them and keep them under control. Such is Esthar's way." *Staff "We alternate every 6 months, so I live up here with the same crew for 6 months every year." "We can't take our eyes off her for a second." "If Adel were to revive, terror would reign over Esthar once again, just like 17 years ago." *Staff "Esthar has the best sealing technology." "With it, not only are her powers sealed, she can't receive any type of junction from the outside." *Researcher "Basically, this lunar base was built to keep Adel under surveillance." "We sealed her and kept her here where the earth and the moon's gravitational forces are in equilibrium." Lunar Base-Bridge Quistis "My goodness! Look at how close we are to the moon!" Controller "This is no time to be impressed. Look at the monitor there." Quistis "This monitor?" *Piet "Look at the surface of the moon." *Operator "It's really a rare phenomenon." "You know that huge crater on the Centra continent?" "It's from the Lunar Cry that occurred over a 100 years ago." "It supposedly wiped out the city there." *Operator (Card) "There's nothing to do up in space. Wanna just play cards?" <> <> <> <> *Controller "The monsters' behavior becomes abnormal when there are irregularities in the moon and the planet's gravitational forces." "I guess they're affected just like the tides are affected by the moon." *Controller "See them clustering at one point? Eventually, they're going to drop down onto the planet." "This is called the Lunar Cry." FMV Sequence. Binoculars zoom in to the moon, and Squall sees a large red cluster. Squall (...The hell is this!?) Quistis "Monsters..." Controller "The lunar world is a world of monsters. Didn't you learn that in school?" "As you can see, the monsters are gathering at one point." "History's about to repeat itself. The Lunar Cry is starting." *Piet "Did you see Ellone?" <> <> <> <> Piet "Ellone's room is on the second floor." "You can go see her anytime." <> Lunar Base-2F *Researcher "Our president goes out to conduct the inspection personally." Crew Member "17 years ago, Esthar was a country ruled by the evil Adel and feared by many." "The perfect gravitational balance between the moon and the stars makes this an ideal place to seal Adel and her powers." Researcher "The sealing mechanism is made of a special material." "It seals Adel's powers, and at the same time prevents any means of outside contact." "Radio waves, sound waves, telepathic waves, junctions, you name it." "The signals from our wave jamming system are so powerful that it affects radio waves down on the planet." Staff "If she were to revive, it'd be a nightmare just like 17 years ago." "That's why we're doing everything we can to keep her under control." Researcher "Look!" "That's the president going out to conduct the inspection personally." Crew Member "What you see out there is his work. Incredible, isn't it? He was responsible for containing Adel." "We've maintained a tight surveillance over her ever since." *Crew Member "Should Adel's seal be broken, who knows what chaos may occur." *Ellone (Card) "You wanna play cards now!?" <> <> <> <> *Ellone "Squall, I'm so happy to see you again." Squall "Me too." Ellone "I'm so sorry. I got you involved in so many much hardship." Squall "It's alright." "I understand. I understand what you were trying to do." "Were we of any help?" Ellone "Of course! You were my eyes." "Thanks to you guys, I was able to see how much I was loved." "I couldn't change the past but just seeing it was more than enough." "Thank you so much." Squall "It's ok. I came here because I need your help." "You said you can't change the past, right?" Ellone "You can find out things about the past you never knew." "And from what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the present." Ellone "You're the one that changes. Not the past." Squall "Really? There's no way to change the past? No, I want to find out myself." "Take me to Rinoa's past. I need to see the past through Rinoa." "I want to fins out what happened to her, and I want to try to warn her..." Ellone "...You want to save her. You don't want to lose Rinoa." "Squall, I can't. I don't know Rinoa." "I told you I can only send people I know in the present into people I knew in the past." Squall "I brought Rinoa with me. She's resting in the med lab." "Please come with me." Lunar Base-Med Lab Lunar Base Squall "What's going on?" Red Alert! Red Alert! All units report to med lab, stat! Squall "Med lab...Rinoa?" "I'll check it out!" "It doesn't look good. Ellone, you'd better go wait in the control room." Ellone "Okay. Be careful, alright?" Squall "Quistis, please take care of Ellone." Quistis "Alright." Lunar Base-Outside Med Lab Squall (......Rinoa. What happened to you?) Lunar Base-Bridge Quistis "Squall, something's wrong with Rinoa!?" Ellone "No!" Squall (......Rinoa?) Piet "That is Adel's Tomb's seal Deactivation Device." Adel's Tomb Level 1 Seal Deactivated. Level 1 Seal has been deactivated. *Ellone "What happened to Rinoa?" *Piet "There's only one seal left!" *Operator "Adel's gonna revive if the seal is broken." *Controller "You know her, right!? Make her stop!" Quistis "Squall, look! The moon's surface is changing!" FMV Sequence. The Lunar Base's scope looks at the moon. It zooms in, and the red patch is much larger. Squall "It's overflowing with monsters." Piet "It's finally starting..." Squall "The Lunar Cry..." Piet "If that's the case, we definitely have to stop her." "If she plans to free Adel, she'll have to go out there." "The Level2 Seal is located on Adel's Tomb." Lunar Base-2F Crew Member "Look! The moon!!!" FMV Sequence. The Earth, the Lunar Base, The moon. The Moon is glowing strangely, and its face is almost completely red, with a blue centre. This centre is full of monsters, growling viciously. They are all headed in the same direction. The blue centre begins to create a bulge. It reaches out from the moon and points at Earth. The bulge seems to burst, and the monsters rain through space towards the planet in a spectacular blood-red pillar. Crew Member "Tons of monsters...!" "I...I believe they're headed for Tears' Point in Esthar..." Researcher "Then, that means Lunatic Pandora is at Tears' Point. When did this happen!?" Squall "Have you seen a girl come by?" Crew Member "Yes. She went into that locker room." *Researcher "When Lunatic Pandora settles in Tears' Point..." "Monsters from the moon will fall by an unknown force......Never in my wildest dreams..." *Crew Member "That girl...She's not going out into space, is she?" Lunar Base-Locker Room *Astronaut "Yeah, we can't have Adel revive. No way." Squall (Damn! I need a space suit.) "Rinoa!" Lunar Base-Outside Squall (Rinoa!) "Huh? What's this? Who is it?" Aide on the Left "The flood of monsters is drawing near Adel's Tomb!" Aide on the Right "At this rate, Adel's Tomb might fall somewhere near Esthar!" Panicky Gentleman "Why is everything happening all at once?" "This is crazy! It's like someone planned the whole thing!" "Who could've set this up?" Squall (...Sorceress Ultimecia...) (I can't get out. Looks like I'll have to go back.) Lunar Base-2F Aide "It's much too dangerous now! We must leave Lunar Base at once!" Aide "We have to evacuate! Please hurry to the pod!" President "Forget about me, just go!" Aide "Please sir, we must hurry!" President "Ahhh!" President "Hey, you! Take care of Ellone!" "Ughhh!" Lunar Base-Bridge *Ellone "Oh gosh! The Lunar Cry is starting! Rinoa is going to be swallowed by the flood of monsters." *Quistis "Rinoa, no!" *Piet "Dammit! The seal's gonna be broken!" FMV Sequence. Adel's eyes begin to glow and a smile comes to her face. The tomb is engulfed by the Lunar Cry and Rinoa is pushed far away. Squall "Rinoa!!!" Piet "Come on. We have to evacuate! Now!" Quistis "We can't leave Rinoa! We have to do something...!" *Ellone "Squall, you should be protecting Rinoa, not me." "You're the only thing on her mind right now. She's calling you." Squall "Ellone, take me to Rinoa. Please." Piet "Next! Hurry!" Ellone "I don't know if I can send you." "I don't know." FMV Sequence. The flood of monsters comes through the clouds and rains around Lunatic Pandora in a dome formation. The skies become red. A strange light hits the top of Lunatic Pandora, and energy from the Pandora swirls around it. Escape Pod *Quistis "There has to be something we Oh, Rinoa..." *Piet "The life-support system in that suit lasts 20 minutes." "The reserve tank will give her an extra 5 at the most." "It's unfortunate, but it can't be helped." Squall (To Ellone) "GOD!!!!!! Rinoa is gonna die!...I can't take it. Ellone, please." "I've never felt this way in my life." Ellone "......" Squall "Take me to her past." Ellone "Ok." "It may not work, but we'll try, ok?" Piet "Come on! We have to go now!" FMV Sequence. The escape pod deploys from Lunar Base into space, which is being pelted by the monsters. Lunar base is swallowed up by the Lunar Cry. Dingo Desert Rinoa "Irvine, go back to the desert prison!" Irvine "No, it's your father's order. I'm taking you back to Deling City." "Ouch! Are you crazy!?" Rinoa "We have to go back and help everybody!" Irvine "They'll be fine." "I'm sure they can get outta there when the time comes." Rinoa "You don't know for sure." "Squall might say 'but no one has ordered me to escape', and end up staying in there." "We can't have that! We have to go help them!" "I don't care if I have to force you back." Irvine "Ow...Ow...OUCH!" Irvine "Ok, ok...I'll go, I'll go!" Balamb Garden-Cafeteria Zell "Squall's ring? I dunno where he bought it." Rinoa "I want the same one. It looks really cool, doesn't it?" Zell "You mean the one with some monster carved into it?" Rinoa "YEAH!" Zell "Alright, how 'bout I make you one? I'm pretty good at that kinda stuff." Rinoa "Really!? Sure, OK!!!" Zell "Let's have Squall show us the real thing." Rinoa "...We can't do that." Zell "Why not?" Rinoa "...It's embarrassing." Zell "Say what?" "Oh..." Rinoa "No! It's not what you think!" Escape Pod Squall "Ellone, that wasn't it. That was too far back." Ellone "I'm sorry. Let me try again." (Where am I...?) (You're...) (Rinoa...) (This isn't Rinoa!) "Oh, my loyal knight, Seifer. The sorceress is alive...The sorceress demands." (Ultimecia!? The future sorceress is inside Rinoa!?...Transferred from Edea?) (Where's Rinoa!!!?) "Find the legendary Lunatic Pandora, said to be hidden beneath the ocean." "Only then shall the sorceress provide you with dreams again." (Rinoa! Where are you? Answer me!) Seifer "As you wish, Ultimecia." Rinoa (...Squall...I'm scared.) (Rinoa!!!) "Who's there!? Get out!" Escape Pod Squall "Rinoa!" Squall "Ellone!?" *Ellone "Did you get to find out what happened to Rinoa? Were you able to change the past?" Squall "I couldn't do anything......What should I do?" Ellone "I remember those eyes. You just looked at me with the same eyes you had when you were little." "Those curious, innocent, puppy dog eyes. I loved those eyes." Squall "That's in the past." Ellone "That's right." "What's important is right now. I finally realized that." Squall "I have to help Rinoa now. That's the only thing I can do, right?" Ellone "Yes. Talk to her, Squall. Your voice may not reach her, but your heart will." "Are you ready?" "I'm taking you to the nearest past...To the closest present to the future..." Space [Remaining Life Support System 15 seconds] Rinoa (Am I...gonna make it...?) (How?) (I can't do anything...) (Drifting...endlessly.) (I'm helpless...) [Remaining Life Support 0] Rinoa (No...) (I'm...) (That's it.) (I'm gonna...) (I'm gonna...die.) [Life Support Has Terminated] Rinoa (Good bye.) (Squall...) Squall (Rinoa!!! No!!!) (Don't give up!!!) Rinoa (......?) Squall (Can you hear me!? It's Squall...Rinoa!!!) (Rinoa!!!) FMV Sequence. Rinoa's breaths are becoming heavier, steaming up her space helmet. Her eyelids are getting heavier. Squall (Rinoa, come on! Try to remember!) FMV Sequence. Rinoa's breaths are becoming shallower, and her eyes seem like they will never open again. Squall (Rinoa, I'm right here with you! Listen to me!) FMV Sequence. Rinoa lays motionless in her space suit. FMV Sequence. A close-up of Rinoa's closed eyes are shown. A shadow appears over her eyelid. Rinoa's eye opens and Squall's Griever ring floats into view. Her face seems full of hope and sorrow. She smiles and reaches her hands to her helmet. Rinoa (I'm...still...) (.........alive?) (Squall...?) FMV Sequence. Rinoa taps a button on the chest of her space suit, and her helmet fills with oxygen, which blows some of the hair away from her face. Escape Pod Squall "I'm gonna go find Rinoa." Ellone "You didn't need my help at all." Squall "Thanks, Sis." Quists "Wait! Come back!" Piet "Idiot! There's no way he can get back!" "He's insane! He's gonna run out of fuel and life-support in no time. They're both gonna die." Squall (Rinoa......Where are you?) (I'm gonna find you, no matter what.) (I have to get in front of her......And catch her...) Rinoa "Squall...thank you." "I heard your voice." Squall "...I can't believe it." Rinoa "Are we gonna make it?" Squall "Don't worry." FMV Sequence. The Lunar Cry continues. Squall (Out of fuel...) (Low on oxygen...) (What now? Die in space?) (I'm so helpless...) (I can't even save Rinoa? Come on, think!) FMV Sequence. Rinoa looks around. She sees a large, red spaceship floating near the moon's surface. Squall "Rinoa, hold on..." FMV Sequence. The spaceship spins around, showing it's grim dragon-faced nose. As it spins, Squall grabs hold of the side, and they float into space. DISC THREE: ELLONE Ragnarok Space Ship-Air Room Squall (...There's air...) Squall (...Ok?) Space Ship-Hallway Squall (Wh...What?) Rinoa "Thank you, Squall." "You rescued me again. I can't thank you enough." Squall "Don't worry about it. I just did what I wanted to do." Squall (Now what?) Rinoa "The space suit was in our way before." Squall (Huh?) Rinoa "Give me a hug." Squall (...?) Rinoa "A real tight one!" "I need to know that I'm alive!" Squall (...Alive?) (We still have to get back.) "We may be alive right now...But look at our situation..." "You want to live, right? You want to go back and see everyone, right?" Rinoa "And not become other people's memories?" Squall "That's right." Space Ship Squall "What the...?" Rinoa "AHH!" "(What is that...?)" Squall "(I don't know...)" Rinoa "Doesn't look like a very friendly creature." Squall "Let's just try to sneak by it." (...Better be ready for anything. Let me double-check my junction...) *Squall (tries to go through door) "It's no use. It won't open. I guess we have no choice but down..." [Emergency security system activated. Cockpit access denied until all threats are eliminated.] [Security Lock Released] Space Ship-Cockpit Rinoa "Wow!" Squall (I have this thing?) Rinoa "Squall, it's trying to talk." Squall (Volume?) "This is Esthar Airstation." Squall (It's...) "Ragnarok, do you read? Ragnarok, do you read!?" Squall (...a radio signal.) "This is Airstation. Do you copy?" Squall "This ship is the Ragnarok?" "Whoa! Is this really the Ragnarok? You're in space, right?" Squall "Yeah but, I have no idea where we are." "Roger that! We can track you from here." Squall (We can go home...?) "Ragnarok...It's been 17 years!" Squall "Can we make it back?" "Leave it to us! You should have enough fuel." "Enter your location into the atmospheric reentry program and you'll be ok." "Once you enter the atmosphere, we can guide you down. You'll be just fine." Squall "How do I enter the data?" "No sweat. We'll take this step by step." "Are you in the pilot seat?" Squall "There's too many seats here." "It's the one on the right. Go sit there." Squall "Ok, I'm here." "See the touch panel in front of you?" Squall "Yeah, I see it." "The rest is easy. Just enter the following data." Squall "Go ahead." "WJHEIE/..." Squall "Entered." "Then...2872/HD-IEU" Squall "Entered." "No errors?" Squall "It's fine." "Next, I'm sure you're ok, but there's something I need you to do." "Turn off the gravity generator." "This should save some fuel." "Uses the same touch panel to turn it off." Squall "Alright." (This must be it.) Squall "Done." Whenever sang my songs On the stage, on my own Whenever said my words Wishing they would be heard I saw you smiling at me Was it real, or just my fantasy You'd always be there in the corner Of this tiny little bar My last night here for you Sam old songs, just once more My last night here with you Maybe yes, maybe no I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed you eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling so there you are With that look on your face As if you're never hurt As if you're never down Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly, but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are not dreaming So let me come to you Close as I wanna be Close enough for me To feel your heart beating fast And stay there as I whisper How I love your peaceful eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you Darling so share with me Your love if you have enough The tears if you're holding back Or pain if that's what it is How can I let you know I'm more than the dress and the voice Just reach me out and I will know that you are no dreamer "Congratulations. You're home free, Ragnarok." "And..." "There's one more thing we need to tell you." "From all of us at Ground Control, we wish you godspeed." Squall "Thanks." Rinoa "Hey!?" Squall "Go sit over there. Put your seatbelt on." Squall "Now go sit down." Rinoa "Just a little longer." Squall "Why are you holding on to me like this?" Rinoa "You don't like this, Squall?" Squall "Just not used to it." Rinoa "How about when you were little?" "Didn't you feel safe and secure being held by your parents?" Squall "I can't remember anything about my parents..." "But...Ellone was there for me." "Ellone was there to hold my hand." Rinoa "Made you feel safe and secure?" Squall "Sure." "But she left. Just disappeared." "I'm afraid..." "Afraid of having that feeling of comfort taken away." Rinoa "You were afraid of losing us?" "Is that why you kept your distance?" Squall "I was always alone..." Rinoa "Squall..." "You missed out on all the good things in life." "You've missed out on so much." Squall "...Maybe." Rinoa "Definitely." "I like it like this." "I liked having my mom hold me." "May dad, too, back when we got along." Squall "I'm not your mom." Rinoa "No, of course not." "But now...Squall, you're the one who gives me the most comfort." "Comfort and happiness..." "And annoyance and disappointment, too!" Squall "...Whatever." Rinoa "...Whatever." Squall "You should get back to your seat now." Rinoa "Just a little longer." Squall (You'll be safer in your seat.) Rinoa "We're gonna make it home, right?" Squall "We can only hope." Rinoa "When we get back...We won't be able to stay together, huh?" Squall "...Maybe." "No one can predict the future, there are no guarantees." "Those were your word, Rinoa." Rinoa "That's not what I meant." Squall "We'll figure out what to do once we get back." Rinoa "They'll all be angry at me." Squall "Angry?" "This is Airstation. Ragnarok, please respond." Squall "This is the Ragnarok." "We have some questions for you." "We're collecting escape pods." "We have a good idea of what happened." "I hear no one from Lunar Base is on the Ragnarok." "How many of you are there?" Squall "Just two." "......Your names?" Squall "Squall. I'm a SeeD from Balamb Garden." "And the other?" Squall "...Rinoa." "Rinoa? The sorceress!? She's on the ship!?" Squall (So...It's true? Rinoa is a sorceress?) Rinoa "I've...become a sorceress. I can't stay with you anymore, Squall." "Respond, Ragnarok!" Rinoa "I don't want the future. I want the present to stand still. I just want to stay here with you..." Squall (Rinoa...) "Respond, Ragnarok!" Rinoa "Nobody would want to be around me anymore..." "The sorceress will be seized upon arrival. Be sure to follow the crews instructions." Rinoa "I'm...scared." "Squall, do you copy? Is the sorceress listening, too?" Rinoa "I'm scared, Squall." Rinoa "I don't wanna go back." End Scene. I don't know what to do... This is just another crossroad in my life. But, for the first time, I don't know which way to go. I've come this far because I've...fallen for you. ......Rinoa...... I just supposed to let you go...? Scene: Esthar. Rinoa and Squall exit the Ragnarok, and are met by some Esthar men. "Sorceress Rinoa." "Hyne's descendant." "Come with us. We must seal your power for the sake of the world." Rinoa "......All right." "Thank you for understanding. Tell us when you're ready." Rinoa "...I should tell you this before I go." "I was possessed out in space. There was a sorceress inside me." "Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future. She's trying to achieve time compression." "She's the only one who would be able to exist in such a world. She, and no other." "As long as I'm free, she'll continue to use me to accomplish her goal." "I...We can't let that happen, right...?...I should go now." "......I'm ready." "All right." "We'll be heading to the Sorceress Memorial." Squall "Rinoa! Don't go!" Rinoa "......Thanks, Squall. But I have to go..." Squall (......Rinoa.) Rinoa "......Oh...I still have your ring." Squall "You keep it." Rinoa "You sure?" Squall "Yeah..." Squall (...This is what Rinoa decided. There's nothing I can do about it...right?) Ragnarok-Meeting Room Quistis "I'm home." Squall "How did you get here?" Quistis "Well...A lot of things happened." "I was unconscious for a while after the escape pod touched down." "When I came to, it was just me and Piet." Squall (Piet? Oh, the guy who escaped with us.) (What happened to Ellone?) Quistis "Ellone wasn't with us anymore." "Not only that, there were signs of a struggle. I hope she's safe." "The Esthar rescue crew brought me here." "The rescue crew told us about this ship, and that you were all safe." Squall "I see." Quistis "Squall......" "When you jumped out into space, you didn't think about anything else, did you?" Squall "That's right." Quistis "I wonder is there's anyone who'd do the same thing for me?" "Oh well..." "So where's the princess that changed the ever-cautious Squall?" Squall (Rinoa is......) Zell "S'up Squall!!!" "So glad you're safe!" "I hate to tell you this now, but we've got major problems down here." "Well, here it goes!" "Some big thing called Lunatic Pandora came out of nowhere." "Matron couldn't achieve what she set out to do because of it. Which is ok." "Matron's not a sorceress anymore." "Matron gave away her power to someone without realizing it." Squall (To Rinoa......) Zell "And, ah..." "Oh yeah, the Galbadian military is controlling Lunatic Pandora." "They excavated it from the ocean where Esthar sank it years ago." "Inside the Lunatic Pandora, there's this thing called a 'Crystal Pillar'. It calls monsters from the moon." "The monsters came falling from the moon. Total panic down here." "It wasn't just monsters that came falling down." "Sorceress Adel came down along with the machine that confined her." "I guess the stream of falling monsters engulfed the machine." "Lunatic Pandora caught Adel from that stream!" "Dr. Odine thinks that may have been Galbadia's true intent." "Meaning..." Squall "Zell, that's enough for now." Zell "But Squall!" Squall "I know. I know we've got problems." "But I can't think right now." Quistis "What's wrong?" Squall "Rinoa is a sorceress now. She received Matron's powers." "An escort from Esthar came to pick Rinoa up. Rinoa's in Esthar now." Selphie "We have to go get her!" Quistis "Was she taken by force?" Squall "No. It was Rinoa's decision." "She was scared about being a sorceress..." "Scared of being feared...hated...Scared that no one would want to be around her..." "She said she couldn't handle that." Quistis "Didn't you try to stop her, Squall?" Squall "It was Rinoa's decision. What right do I have to object?" Quistis "Oh! Stop that! What are you talking about!?" "Why did you go all the way out into space to save Rinoa!?" "To hand her over to Esthar!? So that you might never see her again!?" "No, right!?" "Wasn't it because you wanted to be with Rinoa?" "You're a fool." Zell "Seriously." Squall (A fool, huh?) "...Maybe." (What am I doing...?) (I may never get to hear Rinoa's voice again...) (What the hell am I doing?) (What can I do?) (...Of course...) Quistis "Have you decided?" Zell "Heading to Esthar, right?" Squall "Pandora whatever and Sorceress Adel are out of my hands." "I don't even know where to look for Sis." "The only thing I know is Rinoa." "The only thing I want to do for sure right now is for Rinoa." "We're going to get Rinoa back!" Zell "Whoa!" Quistis "Ahh!" Zell "Hey...!" Quistis "Ahh...Excuse me, we're flying?" Zell "I hope this ain't the case but, I can picture Selphie in the pilot seat, and..." Quistis "...Selphie screaming, 'Whoo-hoo, we're flying!'" Squall (And standing next to her, a very excited Irvine...) Ragnarok-Cockpit Selphie "Whoo-hoo! We're flying!" Irvine "Selphie's just amazing!" Squall "You sure you can fly this?" Selphie "It just kinda took off!" "I don't know. It's pretty easy. I think I'll be fine." "But there's no guarantee it won't crash!" Squall (No one can predict the future, right?) "Selphie, head for Esthar. She's probably at the [Sorceress Memorial]. We're gonna go rescue Rinoa." Spaceship Controls Triangle: Back Square: Forward Circle: To cockpit Cross: Get on/off Directional button to go up/down/steer Left stick to go up/down/steer Right stick to go forward/back R2: Change POV Ragnarok-Cockpit *Zell "Whatever happened to that ring? The one with the monster head." *Quistis "You're starting to be more spontaneous." *Selphie "Rinoa's rescue mission! So exciting!" *Irvine "You know where we're goin'?" <> <> Irvine "Sefie/Zell/Quisty! Let's go!" <> <> Esthar-Sorceress Memorial Sentry "You want to see your comrade off..." "I'll make an exception. Go ahead." Esthar-Sorceress Memorial-Control Room Engineer "What are you doing here!? This is a restricted area!" Squall "...To do what I should have done earlier....I'll never know unless I do it." Engineer "What are you talking about?" Squall "...I know what I want and what I have to do." "...There's still a chance. I'm not gonna look back." "I'm taking Rinoa with me." Engineer "What!? You must be joking. It's too late." Quistis "Squall, now's your chance!" Selphie "Go get her, Squall!" Zell "Go, Squall!" Esthar-Sorceress Memorial-Containment Squall "Rinoa, hold on! I'll get you out in a sec!" Squall "What am I supposed to do!? Come on!" FMV Sequence. The wires split and gases rain out of them. Out of the whiteness, Rinoa comes out, arms open wide. Squall looks to her and they find themselves in embrace. Rinoa "Squall, don't! I'm a sorceress." Squall "I don't care." Selphie "Rinoa! Squall!" Quistis "Rinoa! Squall!" Irvine "Squall! Rinoa!" Squall "Let's go." Esthar-Sorceress Memorial "........." Squall (That man...) Squall (I've seen him before.) Ragnarok-Cockpit Quistis "What's wrong, Rinoa?" Rinoa "I'm just a little...embarrassed." Zell "Why?" Rinoa "I was so set on staying in Esthar." "But then, when you guys rescued me...It made me so happy, and..." Irvine "No need to be embarrassed!" Selphie "Yeah, happy is good." Rinoa "Thanks...everybody." Zell "Squall, you're awfully quiet. What's up?" Squall (I have a lot on my mind...) Quistis "As an expert Squall observer..." "He's thinking: what do we do now? Blah blah blah..." "If you think and worry too much, everything tends to turn out bad." "Squall. Why don't we just picture a brighter future?" Squall "...Whatever." Zell "But seriously, what do we do from here?" "I'm not really sure, but..." "Don't we have to do something about 'Lunatic Pandora' in Esthar?" "After all, the Galbadians are controlling it." "Which means Seifer is behind all this too, right?" Squall "Seifer is...Ultimecia's puppet." Zell "Yeah, and that Ultimecia!" "We can't let that sorceress from the future mess up our world!" "Let's go kick her ass!" "We're SeeDs! We're here to destroy the sorceress, right!!!?" Squall "ZELL!!!" Zell "...S-Sorry..." Irvine "So Squall...where we goin'?" Rinoa "Umm..." "Can we go to the orphanage you guys were talking about in Trabia?" Quistis "That place is in shambles." Selphie "There's nothing to see there." Rinoa "I want to stay away from places where there are lots of people..." "I'm a sorceress. If Ultimecia possesses me again..." Squall "Let's go. Head to [Edea's House]." *Rinoa "I'm going through so many emotions at once..." "I'm happy, sad, angry, worried...I'm starting to feel schizophrenic." "Will I ever be at peace?" *Quistis "I wonder how Matron is doing? What is she going to do from now on?" *Selphie "Matron's back to being a regular person now." *Zell "I wasn't thinkin' when I said those things in front of Rinoa earlier..." "I don't care if Rinoa's a sorceress! She's still our friend!" Balamb-Entrance *Girl "Hey Zell, do you know a girl at the Garden with a pigtail?" "She came by your house the other day." Balamb-Dincht Residence Zell "Yo, ma! Has anyone come by to see me? Someone with a pigtail..." Ma Dincht "Huh? What's this all of a sudden...?...No one's stopped by." Zell "That's strange..." (?) "Where's Zell?" "Hm??? Wonder if he went back towards his house?" Balamb-Hotel "W-Wait, Squall! Look at that..." Library Girl with a Pigtail "Zell, I really wanted you to read this. I'm glad I found you here..." Zell "Well,'m not really the kind to read books and I don't really like sittin' around all quiet, either..." Library Girl with a Pigtail "Haha...I know. That's why I picked out this book..." Zell "ALRIGHT!!!" Library Girl with a Pigtial "Ea...ime...ell...time...en you...ead...ook.." Squall (Huh? I can't hear what they're saying.) "'" "...ould...ough...fill...eart..." "I...I'm sorry! I just had to tell you!" "Please take care of yourself!" Zell "Y-Yo, Squall! I was waitin' for ya! Let's go!" Received [Combat King 003]! Edea's House-Flower Field Irvine "Ahh, this is good. This is very good!" Squall "What?" Irvine "See this bruise here? I had to put up with Rinoa's kicks and punches for you." "So, seeing you two like this makes it all worth it." Rinoa "I'm sorry, Irvine." Irvine "Hey, don't worry about it. Okay, I'll leave you two alone now." Zell "Oh..." "...Sorry." Squall "About what?" Zell "I'm sure you want to be alone with her..." "So Squall...I never thought you were the roma...Ah, you know..." Rinoa "What about you, Zell? That girl in the library...?" Zell "What!? I don't know what you're talking about!" Rinoa "All the girls in the Garden know about it. I noticed right away, too." Zell "Hey, this isn't about me!" Selphie "Hmm, I don't get it." Squall "Get what?" Selphie "I never imagined you two would end up together." "I mean...You guys are complete opposites." "So I didn't think Rinoa's straight-forward approach would work." "I'm glad I was wrong!" Rinoa "What about you, Selphie?" Selphie "Oh, me? I just like being surrounded by lots of friends." Quistis "This place is beautiful." Squall "Yeah, the flower field...I forgot all about this place." Quistis "Rinoa forces herself into your world, no matter how many walls you put around yourself, Squall." "I knew I couldn't compete with her." "The only issue was whether you would make a place for her..." "And you did, pretty quickly." Rinoa "Who knows......" Quistis "You've changed, Squall." "It's like Rinoa's the only one on your mind. Good thing this wasn't before the exam." "I'll leave you two alone, now." *Rinoa "What'll become of me?" Squall "Don't worry about it." "There've been many good sorceresses. Edea was one." "You can be like her." Rinoa "But Edea's still..." "I can't guarantee anything, either, if Ultimecia possesses me again..." "You saw me. She controlled me in outer space and made me break Adel's seal." "What might happen next time?" "What will I end up doing?" "Will I end up fighting everyone?...Scary thought, isn't it?" Squall (Rinoa......) (Even if you end up as the world's enemy,) (I'll...) (I'll be your knight.) Rinoa "If I fall under Ultimecia's control again..." "SeeD will come kill me, right?" "And the leader of SeeD is you, Squall..." "Squall's sword will pierce my heart......" "I guess it's ok if it's you, Squall. Nobody else." "Squall, if that ever happens..." Squall "That's enough!" "I'll never do anything like that. The sorceress I'm after is not you, Rinoa." "My enemy is the sorceress from the future...Ultimecia." Rinoa "Ultimecia lives in the future and possesses me." "She uses my body as her extension into this world." "How? How will you save me?" Squall "I'll come up with something...There's gotta be a way." Rinoa "......" Squall "Don't worry. Trust me." Rinoa "...I trust you." "Well, until you find a way, maybe..." "Maybe I should stay in Esthar, at the memorial? Wouldn't that be better?" Squall "No...That'd be pointless." "I'll just end up gong after you again." "Rinoa...Just stay close to me." Rinoa "Oh..." "Those words!" Squall "What?" Rinoa "That's what started everything." Squall "What are you talking about?" Rinoa "You don't remember?" Squall "Something I said?" Rinoa "Oh, just forget it!" Squall "No, it's because of the GF. That's why I forgot." Rinoa "That's just an excuse." Squall "Feeling better?" Rinoa "Yeah." "Can I tell you a story?" "I had a dream. It was a scary dream." "We make a promise. We promise to see shooting stars together." "I get dressed up and put on your ring." "But the thing is, I can't remember where I'm supposed to meet you." "I start to panic. I really want to see you, Squall, but I don't know where to go." "I start running through the mountains, the desert, the plains...Through Timber, Balamb and Galbadia..." "When I realize I can't run any longer...I...I just want to see you so badly..." "So I scream, Squall, where are you!?" "Then I woke up. I was crying." "I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything." "I just felt like I had to tell you." Squall "It was just a dream..." "It doesn't mean anything." "Don't worry about it." Rinoa "...I guess you're right." Squall "How about this..." "I'll be here..." Rinoa "...Why?" Squall "The reason why you couldn't find me was because we haven't promised yet." Rinoa "Promised...?" Squall "I'll be waiting for you. If you come here, you'll find me. I promise." Rinoa "I'll be here, too. It's a promise!" "Thanks, Squall!" "Next time, we'll meet for sure!" Zell "Whoa!" "Sorry to interrupt, but it's an emergency." "We got radio contact from Esthar's Presidential Palace." "They have a plan to defeat Ultimecia. They want to hire SeeD to execute it." Squall "Might be a trap to get Rinoa back in Esthar." Zell "Oh, and ah...The guy we spoke to, his name's Kiros." "Could he be...that Kiros?" Squall "Kiros is in Esthar's Presidential Palace? He wants to hire us?" "...Alright, let's go." Edea's House-Front *Edea "...Squall." "You were always looking for Ellone with tears in your eyes..." Edea (When you are about to leave) "Squall!" "There is something I must tell you. It is about me..." "Yes...I believe it was 13 years ago...This is when my story begins." "I first became a sorceress when I was a child. And once again...13 years ago." "That day...right here, I encountered a sorceress on the verge of death." "I received her powers of my own will." "That sorceress was an entity of fear for my children." "I could not let her get to them. But...This turned out to be the beginning of my painful story." "As this very minute, my bitter story has ended. I now understand there is an end, no matter how painful it may be." "Therefore...Squall?" "You must fight to the end! Even though it may bring tragedy to others!" *Edea "Now...go, Squall." DISC THREE: ELLONE Lunatic Pandora Ragnarok-Cockpit *Rinoa "What's the plan? Can I come along?" *Quistis "Sorceress Edea passed on her powers to Rinoa." "Sorceress Adel is back from outer space. That's about it, so far." "And Ultimecia is waiting in the future to take over the sorceress of this time." "I hope it's not Rinoa." *Selphie "Since Esthar's such a powerful country, they must have some big plan ready!" *Zell "Isn't Sorceress Adel back in Esthar now? Are you sure this ain't Adel's trap?" "I'm gettin' cold feet. Maybe I am a chicken..." Esthar City Squall (if you try to go into the lifter vent) (We'll be sitting ducks if we go through here.) Squall (if you try to go into the lifter vent) (Forget it. It'll be too cramped in there during battle.) (I'm sort of tempted to go through...) (...What am I thinking!?) *Man "Millions of monsters falling from the sky..." *Soldier "Ughaah...frickin' monsters..." *Soldier "There's too many of them." *Woman "Poor man. He's been tramuatized." *Man "Heeee, hee hee Mwaha-haha-ha...!" *Woman "W-What are we to do?" *Soldier "C'mon! You want some of this!?" *Soldier "Nothin's getting' by, guaranteed." *Soldier "...I'm dead." Esthar-Presidential Palace *Presidential Secretary "You have permission. Please, this way." *Presidential Aide "The president is waiting." *Soldier "The president is waiting." Esthar-Presidential Palace-Office Squall (Ward) (Kiros) (And that's probably...) Squall (What is up with this country?) Ward "......" "Oh, sure." "Hey there!" "Been waiting to meet you guys!" "You guys are the ones who were inside my head, right? Ellone told me." "It was like there were some kind of waves running through my head." "They gave us so much power during battle." "We thought they were some kind of faeries flying over us." "So I'm Laguna. President Laguna Loire of Esthar." "Pleased to meet ya." "If we weren't in a state of emergency, I'd talk some more, but...Well, whatever. Let's talk." "What do you wanna know?" Kiros "You'll never get going if President Laguna keeps talking." "So why don't you guys throw out some questions, and he'll try to answer them." *Zell "I feel totally out of it..." *Rinoa "They seem like a lot of fun." *Quistis "I feel like I'm in a dream..." *Selphie "It's the real Sir Laguna..." *Irvine "Can we trust him?" *Ward "........." Kiros "He says to relax here for awhile." *Kiros "You're already here. Why not listen to the mission briefing?" *Laguna (Card) "Aaaah, I guess so..." <> <> <> <> *Laguna "Man, you look way too serious." Squall "Whatever." <> <> <> <> <> <> Laguna "What the heck has he done with his life? Don't you wonder?" "When Ellone was about 2, there was a massive hunt for girls in Esthar." "Esthar soldiers came to Winhill and Elle's parents resisted. They were killed on the spot." "The massive hunt was to find the successor for Esthar's ruler, Sorceress Adel." "Ellone was raised by Raine who lived next door. And I came to know her." "Then there was another massive hunt for a successor in Esthar again." "Elle was taken away, even though I was there..." "It's the most painful episode of my life." "So I rescued her and sent her off to Winhill. Shortly after that, Raine died." "And Ellone was sent straight to an orphanage." Squall "Why didn't you go back to Winhill with her?" Laguna "I wanted to!" "But I had my reasons." "I found about this afterward, but..." "The reason why Ellone had to leave the orphanage was because of her special power." "Doc Odine wanted to do research on Ellone's special power. He looked for her everywhere." "The owners of the orphanage were Cid Kramer and his wife Edea." "You know them better than I do." "The Kramers took Elle out of the orphanage to protect her." "They prepared a big ship to accommodate her. Gracious of them, huh?" "After awhile the ship turned into another orphanage and Elle looked after all the kids." "She said her life on the ship was a happy one, but who knows...?" "I don't know how she could've been happy on a ship." "She was on the ship for over 10 years." "That ship was attacked by Galbadia recently. Esthar's ship rescued them, and she finally met up with me." "It was pure luck that we found her." "I was out in space at that time. Ellone followed me out to space." "Little Elle was all grown up..." "Then she told me everything." Squall "Did she get back safely from space?" Laguna "Our escape pod rescue team was a little late." "Ellone was taken into custody by Galbadia." "She's inside Lunatic Pandora." "We're gonna rescue her. Help us out, ok?" "Phew..." <> Laguna "Elle wanted to tell me not to leave Winhill, no matter what happened by sending you inside my head." "That way I could've stayed beside Raine in her death bed...To hold her when she called my name." <> Laguna "Raine's story? Some other time, maybe." "No...I can't. It's too much for me to remember." <> Laguna "You know what I've been doing all my life, right?" Squall "You were a silly Galbadian soldier. I didn't like your attitude at all." "But I understand the bond between the 3 of you." "Then you changed, after you went to Winhill." "Then Ellone was abducted by Esthar and you went on a journey." "A journey to get Ellone back. You wrote articles and appeared in movies to get by. You were trying to find a way into Esthar." "You somehow got into Esthar and rescued Ellone." Laguna "I got a lot of help along the way." Squall "What I don't understand is...Why are you the president?" Laguna "Wanna know? It's a long story." <> <<(Let's hear it)>> <<(Don't have time for it)>> <<(Don't have time for it)>> Laguna "No story then. I can't make it short." <<(Let's hear it)>> Laguna "You wanna hear it? Really? Okay, I'll tell you." "I only set out to Esthar to rescue Ellone, but of course that wasn't the end of the story." "It's a country ruled by Sorceress Adel with the ingenious yet inhumane Odine." "Both of them were interested in Ellone." "We couldn't just pack up and leave." Esthar-Odine Laboratory-17 Years Ago Odine "Adel will be angry. My research will be kaput!" Odine only thought about his research. But, while researching under Adel's orders, he was still making many inventions... Esthar-Sorceress Memorial It was a device to seal magic (Sealing Facility) Maybe Adel can be defeated. I owed a big favor to the Adel resistance who helped me rescue Ellone. Esthar-Odine Laboratory I spoke with my comrades. Two issues came up. First...Stopping the Crystal Pillar from calling monsters from the moon and destroying everything like what happened in Centra. Second...Freeing Esthar from Adel's hands. We planned and planned. Based on my brilliant ideas, of course. Esthar-Lunatic Pandora Lab We're back...Back in the Lunatic Pandora Research Facility. There is only one goal... Esthar-Lunatic Pandora Lab-Lobby Following Odine's instructions, we operated the panel and moved the Crystal Pillar. We set the course and the stop point in the ocean, and...goodbye. Laguna "Whoa!" That was easy. But...we were found out. So we gathered for a final battle to lure Adel. Esthar-Sorceress Memorial Adel appeared as we expected. Adel "What is going on?" Laguna "We hunted down the culprit who moved the Crystal Pillar." Adel "Where?" Laguna "Inside there. Ellone's been taken hostage." I knew she would go in right away if I mentioned Ellone. Esthar-Sorceress Memorial-Confinement Adel "You thought I would fall for that trick?" Adel realized that Ellone was a hologram......But...It was too late. Laguna "Yeah...Of course." "My plans are...always..." "Perfect!!!" Laguna "Kiros, Ward! Now!!!" Laguna "Ha ha ha! Piece of cake!" Adel was careless. She may be a sorceress, but after all, she was human. We succeeded...But...we couldn't keep such a dangerous sorceress around as a trophy. We had to do something... So...we decided to send her far away... Some place very far...Into outer space... FMV Sequence. The Ragnarok flies from a hangar into a vertical runway, joining its two twin brothers. Together, they grasp onto Adel's confinement and take it into the evening skies. Esthar-Presidential Palace-Office-Present Day Laguna "And that about wraps that part up." "But the real work began after that." "A fierce debate ensued about who should govern this country after Adel was gone." "I wasn't paying close attention while they made me up to be this hero of the revolution, and I ended up being president." "Odine made a lot of noise about wanting to do research on Ellone." "It was a mistake to send Ellone back to Raine." "Raine dies, and Elle was sent to the orphanage." "If I had only gone to Winhilll with Elle...I would've been able to see Raine one last time." "Raine was dead. Ellone, missing. My job kept me busy." "I was left here thinking about this and that and before I knew it, all this time had passed." "Well, that's about it." <> <> Laguna "Hey, where's the fun in talking about the past?" "Let's talk about the future. I mean, to begin with, about protecting this world." <> Laguna "Just listen to the mission briefing." <> Laguna "Ah, straight to the heart of the matter. Just like a workaholic SeeD." "Iz it my turn?" Laguna "Yeah. Make it short and easy to understand." Doc Odine "I will talk however I vant!" "Egh, Sorceress Edea told me everything." "Sorceress Ultimecia comes from ze future to possess ze sorceress of present day." "Meaning she leaves her body in ze future and sends only her consciousness here." "Does zat sound familiar to you?" Squall "It's like when Ellone sent out consciousness back to the past." Doc Odine "You're a smart one!" "My first guess was zat someone in ze future with an ability like Ellone was sending ze sorceress back here to our time." "But no! Zat is not ze answer." "So how does ze sorceress come back to this time...?" "You vant to hear now?" <> <> <> <> Doc Odine "Eghhhhhh!" "I kept this a secret to surprise you...It iz because of me, Odine!" "I researched Ellone's power long ago." "I made out a pattern from ze electric current running through Ellone's brain." "Once ze pattern was determined, it was easy to mechanize." "It may only be a toy right now, but in ze time of Ultimecia, it iz an impressive working machine!" "Which means there iz a machine which imitates Ellone's power." "It iz I who made ze first model of zat machine." "I named ze machine 'Junction Machine Ellone'!" "It iz a wonderful thing to know that my invention is used in ze future!" Squall "Junction Machine Ellone." Laguna "That's about it." Squall "So Sorceress Ultimecia came to know about Ellone, from that machine.' Laguna "And Elle became Ultimecia's target." "You can't blame Odine. It's useless." Doc Odine "You vant to go outside!? You vant to fisticuffs!?" "Ok, we continue the story!" <> Doc Odine "Zat is too bad." <> Doc Odine "Let's see..." "There iz only one way to defeat Ultimecia. You must kill her in ze future." "There iz nothing we can do unless we go to ze future." "There is no way to jump to ze future under normal circumstances." "But there iz still a way!" "It iz because Sorceress Ultimecia plans to compress time." "Compressing time with magic...Vat good will it do for ze sorceress to compress time?" "There may be may reasons, but it doesn't matter." "Let's just figure out vat Ultimecia iz up to." "In order for Ultimecia to exist in this time, she must take over ze body of a sorceress from ze present." "But ze machine must have a limit. Ultimecia probably needs to go back further in time to achieve time compression." "Only Ellone can take her back further into ze past. Zat iz why she iz desperately seeking her." "We must take advantage of Ellone's power." "There are 2 sorceresses in our time. Sorceress Rinoa and Sorceress Adel." "Of ze two, Adel has not awakened yet." "Once regeneration is completed, neither Laguna nor I will be safe." "Sorceress Adel is probably in ze process of awakening inside Lunatic Pandora." "Ultimecia will want to possess Adel, if Adel wakes up." "Zat vill be a horrible event. Adel iz a horrible sorceress." "If Adel's consciousness wins over Ultimecia, Adel will first destroy this era." "So we must use Sorceress Rinoa to inherit Ultimecia's powers." "Zat's all for ze mission briefing." "First, go to Lunatic Pandora. Ellone's probably being held captive inside, so rescue her first." "Then kill Sorceress Adel before ze awakening process is completed." "Now, we're left with Rinoa as ze only sorceress of this era." "Then wait for Ultimecia to possess Rinoa." "When Ultimecia arrives, it's Ellone's turn." "Ellone will send Rinoa back to ze past with Ultimecia." "Ellone will have to send Rinoa and Ultimecia inside another sorceress she knows in the past." "Edea or Adel...Zat's up to Ellone." "Once Ultimecia iz in ze past, she'll use ze time compression magic. We will see some influence here." "I don't know vat kind of influence, but once Ellone feels it, she'll cut Rinoa and Ultimecia off from ze past." "Rinoa will come back to this world. Ultimecia also goes back to her own world." "Vat would be left is ze time compressed world." "Past, present, and future will all get mixed together." "You will keep moving through ze time compression toward ze future." "Once you're out of ze time compression, zat will be Ultimecia's world." "It's all up to you after zat." *Kiros "What?" <> <> <> <> <> Kiros "You wanna try it on?" <> *Laguna "So you were briefed about the mission? I don't really understand it, either." "Will you do it?" <> <> <> <> Laguna "Alright!!!" "Let's go! We'll get aboard Ragnarok!" "Let's do the final briefing in there!" "I always wanted to ride that thing. Plus the name sounds so cool!" Laguna "Alright!" "Everyone!" "From here, we go straight to our final target, Ultimecia!" "Let's go over the plan again." "First, enter [Lunatic Pandora] and rescue Ellone!" "Next, you [fight Sorceress Adel]! It'll be a surprise attack. Show no mercy." "Now, here comes the tricky part!" "Adel will need to pass on her powers before being defeated. Rinoa, will you be willing to accept them?" Rinoa "Yes!" Laguna "Good!" "Next, we [wait] for Sorceress Ultimecia to possess Rinoa!" "This'll be hard on you, Rinoa, but will you do it?" Rinoa "...Yes." Laguna "That's the spirit!" "Then, Ellone sends Rinoa and [Ultimecia to the past]!" "Ellone [brings back Rinoa]!" "Then, [head to the future through compressed time]!" "Ultimecia lives far in the future where none of us can technically exist." "There's only one way to make yourself exist in a world like that!" "As friends, don't forget one another! As friends, believe in one another!" "Believe in your friends' existence! And they'll also believe in yours." "To be friends, to like one another, and to love one another..." "You can't do these things alone. You need somebody." "Right, guys?" "What place reminds you of your friends?" "Imagine being in that place with all your friends." "Once time compression begins, think of that place and try to get there! That's all!" "That place will welcome you. You'll be able to get there no matter what period you're in!" "You need love and friendship for this mission! And the courage to believe it." "It's all about love, friendship, and courage!" "I'm counting on you guys!" Squall "Love and friendship and all that sounds corny, but everyone seems to be up for it." Laguna "You think it'll succeed?" Squall "We'll try." Ragnarok-Cockpit *Quistis "Now it's up to us." *Rinoa "Is Seifer in there?" "Is he there of his own will? Then...I guess we have no choice..." *Zell "We're fighting Seifer, right? Let's really give it to him!" *Selphie "'Lunatic Pandora', here we come! Sir Laguna's plan's gonna work!" Ragnarok-Meeting Room *Laguna "Let's talk when it's all done." "I have a lot to tell you..." "Well, if you don't want to hear it, I'll understand." *Laguna (Card) "All right man, if you insist." <> <> <> <> *Ward "......" Kiros "(Ward says...Good thing you don't look like your father.)" *Kiros "You look very much like your mother." Ragnarok-Cockpit-Assault on Lunatic Pandora Zell "Here we go! Let's bust in there!" Quistis "I wonder if we can get through." Irvine "Ahh, don't worry about it." Quistis "Are the machine guns and main cannon ready?" Selphie "Rrready!" "Let's just fire like crazy and make a big hole, BOOM!" FMV Sequence. Ragnarok rises, firing its machine guns rapidly. The spaceship rises and shoots at the shields of the Pandora, creating ripples in them. Ragnarok plunges into the shields and is slightly repelled. Irvine "Shields!" Selphie "WHOO-HOOOO!!!" FMV Sequence. The nose of the Ragnarok pushes through the shielding. The entire ship begins to come through, gunning rapidly. The bullets hit the side of the Lunatic Pandora, creating large holes. The main cannon begins to charge and fires a large beam, creating an even larger hole. An arm rises from Ragnarok and grasps onto the floor. The opposite arm does the same. *Irvine "We sure made a huge mess." *Quistis "Let's go." *Selphie "Ready to take off?" <> <> <> <> Lunatic Pandora-Entrance "Big sound, this way. It's probably them, ya know?" "THEM? NO, IMPOSSIBLE." Squall (That voice...) Raijin "Ahhhhhh! It IS Squall, ya know!?" Fujin "SHOCK." "GOOD. CONVENIENT." Raijin "That's right. Hand over Rinoa, ya know!?" Squall "No! I'll never hand over Rinoa!" "And we're taking Ellone!" "I won't let you resurrect Adel, either!!!" Raijin "You're greedy, ya know! Not fair, ya know!?" Fujin "PERSUASION, USELESS. SEIZE." Raijin "She's right, ya know!? Let's go!" Battle with Raijin and Fujin Raijin "See, just like I said, ya know?" Fujin "......" Raijin "Not bad, Squall!" "I see why you're Seifer's rival!" Fujin "DECISION." "DESTROY. HELP, SEIFER." Raijin "I...I lost again, ya know..." Fujin "CALLOUS..." After the battle Fujin "RETREAT. TEMPORARY." Raijin "R-R-Right! We're not through yet, ya know!" Lunatic Pandora Biggs "Why the heck do I have to take orders from some kid?" Wedge "Well, he is our superior..." Biggs "Don't you think I know that!?" "I chose the wrong career. Being ordered around by some punk..." Wedge "Ha ha ha! That's pretty funny." "Then why don't you quit and find another career, sir?" Biggs "...Hmmmm..." Wedge "Ha ha ha! Just kidding, sir." Biggs "You're right!!!" "You're absolutely right! I QUIT!!!" Wedge "Uhh..." Biggs "Wedge, let's go home and have a drink." Wedge "Oh...What!? Me, too?" Biggs "Of course. Now, come on." Wedge "But, but..." *Wedge "What about our salary?" *Biggs "Why didn't I think of this sooner?" Lunatic Pandora-Outside Master Room Raijin "We meet again, ya know!? We'll take you on, ya know!?" Fujin "NOW, NO FIGHT, NEXT TIME." Raijin "That's right! We have a surprise, ya know!" Lunatic Pandora-Master Room Squall "We've come to take back Ellone." Seifer "Looks like we got company. Show'em your hospitality." Fujin "RAIJIN, STOP!" Seifer "What's up?" Raijin "We've had enough, ya know..." Fujin "GO." Squall "Wait outside. Laguna should be here soon." Seifer "Hey, hey...Come on people." Raijin "Seifer, we're quittin', ya know? Don't know what's right anymore, ya know..." Seifer "Exactly my thoughts. I thought we were a posse." Fujin "POSSE..." "We are. We always will be." "Because we're a posse, we want to help you." "Whatever it takes to fulfill your dream, we're willing to do." "But...You're being manipulated, Seifer." "You've lost yourself and your dream. You're just eating out of someone's hand." "We want the old you back!" "Since we can't get through to you, all we have now to rely on is Squall!" "It's sad...Sad that we only have Squall to rely on..." "Seifer! Are you still gonna keep goin'?" Seifer "Raijin, Fujin! It's been fun!" Squall "Are you going to continue with this knight thing?" Seifer "The knight has retired." "I guess you could call me a young revolutionary." Squall "What do you think you're doing?" Seifer "I've always gotta be doing somethin' BIG!" "I don't wanna stop. I'm gonna keep running!" "I've come this far...I'm gonna make it to the end, to the goal!" "There's no way I'm sharing it with you!" Battle with Seifer Squall "Odin...!?" Seifer "Hah, I won't go down that easy." "Show me what you got, Squall!" "Let me add another scar for ya!" Gilgamesh "You gave me the 4th one..." "Huh? Was it you...?" "Then dodge my sword!" "Eat this!!!" Seifer "Ergwahhhh!!!" Gilgamesh "Where is the dimensional interval...?" Seifer (if defeated by Squall instead of Gilgamesh) "Is this...the end...?" After the battle Rinoa "Seifer..." Seifer "Not yet!" "It's not over yet, Squall!!!" Rinoa "Squall!!!" Squall "Rinoa!?" Quistis "Squall! S-Seifer took Rinoa!" Squall "Let's just go after Seifer!" Rinoa "Seifer! Stop it!" "Haven't you done enough!?" "I know you're not like that!" Seifer "Can't go back now! I can't go anywhere!" "The sorceresses as one! That is Ultimecia's WISH!" Rinoa "......Seifer."