Points To Ponder In Chrono Trigger

If there's something about the game which has been puzzling you, let me know and I may add it. Also, don't try and act smart by sending me your "answers" to these questions! They're usually incredibly stupid, and I just laugh at them (in the rare occurance that I don't just delete the email upon receiving it.) And don't take these so seriously! I'm aware that many of them are just there for the game mechanics. Don't read into them so much. For the record, some of these have been answered in different fanfic stories, so get reading!

65,000,000 BC
• When Ayla joins your party after the Gate Key was stolen you are asked to choose what character to remove so the party would consist of only 3 characters, but how did the extra person get to the End of Time without the Gate Key (because once you return to the End of Time you see him/her there)?
• Does anyone else find it odd that Ayla, a primitive human being, has smooth legs, white teeth, and perfect salon hair?
• In 65,000,000 BC after defeating Azala and finding the gate in the Lair ruins, one of your party members will say that perhaps Lavos is the source of all gates. If that is true, then how did the gate at Mystic Mountains appear BEFORE Lavos descended?
• Why is it that in Square's official artwork of Ayla she wields a club if she doesn't use one in the game?
• When Lavos struck the Tyranno Lair, wouldn't it create a massave tidal wave of lava... destroying the nearby Ioka village?
• Why is it that in 65,000,000 BC Nu only comes out during rain, but in other periods he couldn't care less about the weather?
• I know the villagers in 65,000,000 BC are happy right after you defeat Azala, but is it really necessary for them to talk like Ren and Stimpy?
• When you start a New Game Plus, let's say that you have 3 fangs and 3 horns. Go to the trading hut and the person there in which you trade with will say that you have nothing to trade. Why?
• Why are they serving poi 64,590,000 years before it's creation?
• What's up with the Nu in the Prehistoric era? When you first talk to him, he talks like you. Then when he gives you the rock, he talks like Ayla.
• Why is it that the language hasn't changed at all in SIXTY-FIVE MILLION years? Most people can barely understand what was written four HUNDRED years ago!
• Why does Crono have to have a poi war over the dreamstone with Ayla when she specifically says "Stone? Plenty stone here!"
• Forget about poi ... why do they have advanced guns and robot extensions in 65,000,000 BC?

12,000 BC
• How did Zeal get so High?
• Why is the Sun Palace a building, while it's a cave in all other time periods?
• When you are on the floating island where Queen Zeal's palace is, there are two other buildings there. Why are they even in the game if you can't reach them?
• How did they get the Ocean Palace in the water?
• Whatever happened to the King?
• Who dug Terra Cave? After all, no natural erosion causes that sort of structure.
• How did Mount Woe get chained together?
• What special treatment does Dalton undergo between his "Dalton" stage and "Dalton Plus"? All that happens is a few hours of time.
• What causes the blue hair, sleepiness, and skinniness that everyone seems to have in Zeal? Is it like Mako poisoning or something?
• Why aren't there any kids other than Janus in Zeal?
• Why do the platforms on the floating kingdom beam you up in order to go down?
• There is a waterfall which falls from the largest island in Zeal. Why is it that you don't see the bottom half of it when you're on the ground below?
• Why is it that Lavos can make Crono disintegrate when you face him in the Ocean Palace, but it doesn't occur to him to try that when you face him at the end?
• What happened to Doreen after the Ocean Palace disaster?
• If Schala is the only one who can activate the Mammon Machine, why does Dalton threaten to kill her when Crono and Co. try to stop him? If he killed her, there would be no one to activate the Mammon Machine, therefore no way to awaken Lavos and become immortal, therefore ruining their plans anyway!
• Why couldn't they make just one light beam from Zeal palace to the bottom cave?
• Where exactly did Schala end up after the Black Omen went down?
• A Nu in Zeal runs a shop and after you buy stuff from him he tells you he has lode sheilds for sale but he can only sells them with the queens permission. Why did the game designers put in stuff like that when they know you can never get it?
• Why is the inside structure of the Black Omen different from that of the Ocean Palace?

600 AD
• Why is it that in 600 AD no one else speaks olde English other than Frog (even Glenn)?
• Why don't Marle or Lucca get any recognition in 1000 AD. After all, they helped Crono.
• When Magus turns Glenn into a frog, why is Glenn shown in Frog's clothes immediately after his fall? When does he have time to change?
• Doesn't it hurt the roly-poly the way those imps are kicking it?
• Marle is mistaken for Leene once when you first arrive in 600 AD. Why doesn't everybody else in that time make the same mistake?
• If Mystics hate humans so much, why would Flea take on the form of one?
• Why is it that Ozzie can survive about a 20 story fall in Magus's Castle, yet supposedly dies when he falls about 20 feet into his own basement?
• OK. Come on. Jerky? Beef Jerky? What were the CT game designers thinking?
• Soda?? SODA!!! Beer and wine outdate soda, so why are people hanging around in bars drinking soda? Oh wait, silly me, I almost forgot that this was for one of Nintendo's systems.
• During Frog's first flashback, who is the woman with himself (as Glenn) and Cyrus?
• Just how does Crono know which notes to play on the organs in the Cathedral to open the doors?
• How come, even though Yakra dies at your first meeting, he can still tell his descendants what your weak points are?
• Ozzie has decendants. Honestly, who the hell would...you know...with OZZIE'S fat ass?
• Who built Cyrus's grave? Everyone in the kingdom thinks he's still alive, anyway; and how could they bury him since he was burnt to nothing?
• How come you never see Toma leave, yet he always beats you to new locales?
• Seeing as there was just a war against Magus, why do people respond to him as though he's just a normal person? And even more, why don't they react to seeing him walking around with the same people who supposedly killed?
• Is that guy making the bell (Banta) related to Lucca? His name has the same letters in it as Lucca's father...
• How could the incredible Masamune, which you spend several sidequests to obtain, become outclassed by weapons that are found in random treasure chests? Couldn't you just seek out those treasure chests in the first place?
• Forget the Masamune being outclassed by later weapons. Why can Frog cut a MOUNTAIN in half with the thing, and, once inside it, it takes off about 3 HP when you try to hit a BAT!?
• Why doesn't Magus's army just disguise themselves as humans and sneak into Guardia Kingdom (Like Yakra and co.)?
• What's up with that Nu in the Haunted Forest?

1000 AD
• Why does King Guardia call his daughter Marle?
• What Earthquake is everyone talking about?
• Where did San Dorino go since 600 AD?
• Where did the Cathedral go since 600 AD?
• After you rescued Fritz from the guillotine, how did he escape from the prison?
• Why is it that Crono's mother doesn't come to defend her son when he is put on trial for kidnapping Marle?
• Why are the same 5 people walking across the bridge constantly to get to the Millenial Fair?
• What's the point of taking the ferry when you can walk there faster and cheaper?
• What the heck does Lucca have a headset for?
• At the Millenial Fair, why is it that when Marle is teleported to the past, the pendant stays in the present, but when Crono is teleported, the pendant goes with him?
• Why is it that 1000 AD is filled with quite a bit of modern and Star Trek-era technology, yet some of the most basic devices seem to be missing?
• Why don't the guards take your equipment when you're locked up in Guardia dungeon?
• When you first meet Melchior at the festival, wouldn't he recognize you since you helped him in his past? (another one of those paradoxes)
• When you go to Lucca's house after returning from 600 AD she claims that it is virtually impossible to create humanoid robots which walk on two feet, and yet she made GATO, a semi-humanoid robot which walks on two feet.
• When escaping from the castle, why do Crono, Lucca, and Marle run towards the dead end, instead of out of the woods?
• How did the soldiers get the Rainbow Shell out? The entrance from the cell is smaller than the shell.
• Forget how they got it out. How did whoever it was get the Rainbow Shell IN in the first place?
• Why did Yakra XIII lock the real chancellor in the castle where anyone might find him?
• How the heck does Norstein Bekkler make deliveries of Poyozo dolls and clones that transcend time and space?

2300 AD
• How is the seed you retrieve the people's "last hope?" Why can't you just go back to 1000 AD, grab some seeds, soil, and fertilizer, bring it back, and voila!
• Where do all these new domes come from? Bangor dome? Arris dome? Whatever happened to Truce, Porre, and Choras dome? If they were destroyed, who built the new domes?
• Why does the wind on Death Peak only blow on the bottom? Don't winds usually get STRONGER as you increase altitude? Also, why does it blow so rythmically? And why don't the cliffs on the side protect you from the wind while thin trees seem to repel it?
• Where does the Son of Sun come from?
• Why is it that whenever Robo makes a decision, it hurts his little robot head to think?
• Why do all the people live in domes if you can just walk around freely without anything happening to you?
• How come you have to go all the way back to the start if you lose the race to Jonny?
• If the magic doors found in 2300 AD can only be opened by the pendant, shouldn't there be one floating around this time period somewhere?
• Why is it that when you enter the room where you get the Epoch it appears to already have wings, but it still can't fly?
• Why are there so many buildings that look like skyscrapers but are actually labs?
• Why are there so many buildings outside of the domes, period?
• Why do all the Lavos spawns' shells dissapear when the creature is defeated except the one whose shell you need?

The End of Time & 1999 AD
• Why doesn't Gaspar just travel back to 12,000 BC and go back to Zeal? Why doesn't he rescue Belthasar and Melchior too?
• Why does Gaspar claim that all time gates connect to the End of Time, when only 10/14 do?
• How did Gaspar get the lamppost, bucket, bricks, etc.? There was nothing there when he arrived, and it appears that he never leaves.
• Where'd Spekkio come from?
• How come Spekkio doesn't just take out Lavos himself?
• Why did the heroes have to crash the Epoch into Lavos to destroy the armor if they could just use the laser that destroyed the Blackbird?
• Why don't the heroes just go three at a time to battle Lavos using the bucket and the Epoch?
• By 1999 AD, wouldn't Lucca's telepod technology be so advanced that they wouldn't need roads?
• Why are there 3 domes for Truce Village & area?
• Where are the other people who Gaspar says "keep showing up" at the end of time? Why aren't they involved in the affairs with Lavos?

• If the Epoch could go back in time while standing still before its wings were attached, why does it fly around the planet once before going into the time warp AFTER it gets its wings?
• This has to do with the Dino Shores (Reptite) Ending: When the reptite Crono bumps into the Marle reptite, shouldn't the entire adventure start again as reptites? Presumably everyone should just be reptites (including ages such as 600 AD and 12,000 BC), but what about when the reptite Crono travels to the Prehistoria?
They SHOULD meet Ayla as a human... Because the warp takes Crono and co. to the point in time BEFORE the final historic outcome between Ayla and the Reptites! Maybe Crono, Marle and Lucca would fight Ayla and Kino... meaning that the Reptite history wouldn't change...
• What would happen if some peasant stepped on a save spot and saved over your game?
• Why is it that with a New Game+, Crono can use Luminaire on enemies for 9999 damage and take on Lavos by himself, yet he gets knocked out by one hit from a prison guard?
• Does Frog speak Olde Englishe in the Japanese version?
• Why is it that when you sell an item it doesn't appear on the buying list? Does the store owner plan to keep it or something?
• How could you possibly find more advanced weapons in the past than in the future?
• Why are there no bathrooms in any era?
• Why are you the only ones who move? Other than some other main characters and enemies (Toma, Tata, Ozzie,) barely anyone else moves. They just stay in the same place for the whole game.
• Why does the mop look like a sword in battle?
• Why does everyone put their plates on shelves that are clearly too high to reach?
• Who or what is the Entity?
• With a New Game+ you can start out with magic, and yet Spekkio still insists on giving it to you.
• Lucca may be a brainy scientist and all, but when she first comes to Arris Dome how the hell does she know how to operate a computer, let alone know what one is? Even SHE isn't that far advanced...
• Magus had no problem breaking the Masamune, right? And Lavos is obviously MUCH stronger than Magus, so why is it that Lavos can't break it? And why doesn't Magus do it again when Frog, Crono, and whomever attack him?
• Why is it that no-one EVER thinks it's weird that a vampire-like wizard, a robot, and a frog are wandering around town?
• Is there a Doreen Sword out there somewhere?
• If Epoch only arrives at the set dates, then wouldn't Crono and crew always be repeating the same events?
• Why didn't Lucca just make more Gate Keys?
• How is it that people have unusual hair colors like blue, green, red, and purple, but NO ONE throughout the WHOLE game has BLACK HAIR!?
• Who laid down all the treasure chests throughout the game?
• Where do Nu's keep their organs? After all, they're just heads with limbs...
• Why is it that the Epoch was designed to travel to any period in time, but only travels to certain, set intervals. It's almost as if the Epoch revolves around the CT characters. I mean, your clock says "600 AD," not "A month after your first visit to 600 AD, that, luckily for you, fits into your chronological order perfectly."
• At what point between Janus and Magus did his ears become pointy, and how?
• When your party talks to Magus at North Cape in 12,000 B.C. (after Crono dies), he mentions being "stranded in the Middle Ages." Since, up to that point, 600 A.D. was the farthest ahead in time that Magus had traveled, wouldn't he call it the Future (especially since people living during the Middle Ages didn't refer to the era as such)?
• Why does Robo count towards the three-person limit imposed by the Timegates even though Spekkio can't measure his "inner character" to give him Magic?
• Why would anyone want to wear Ozzie's pants on their head?
• Do your characters have some sort of a magic sack that they keep your hundreds of items of inventory in?
• You beat Lavos in 1999 A.D and learn about the destructon of the world by Lavos in 2300 A.D. Now, if you defeated Lavos, the information wouldn't be there, which means you wouldn't have found out about Lavos, which means he would still be there, which means the information would be there... Damned paradoxes.

Icy Brian's Chrono Trigger Page

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