Don of the Slums

The Wall Market

Ether Phoenix Down Hyper

When you arrive, start exploring and shop around. Make sure to save some money, because you may need to pay for certain things here. The Wall market is a huge trade bazaar and will be your first opportunity to buy new armor and weapons, as well as useful items like hypers and hi-potions. Once you have everything you want, head towards the Honey Bee Inn in the lower right corner of the market and learn of Tifa's plight. The proprietor will direct you towards Don Corneo's mansion in the upper part of town, so it's time to pay a visit to the Don.

Well, it seems that men can't enter the mansion, so you need to dress up as a woman to get in. (Thanks a lot, Aeris!) Now, if you want to look like a woman, what's the first thing you'll need? Yep, a dress. Go to the dress shop and talk to the clerk. She'll tell you to talk to her father, who's sitting in the bar on the top half of the market. Answer his questions and he'll make a dress for you. The type of dress you get depends on your answers. Here's a chart detailing what you get:
Soft - Shimmers Silk Dress
Soft - Shiny Satin Dress
Clean Cotton Dress

Silk is the best and cotton is the worst, if you care. Go back to the shop and try it on. Head towards the health club and do squats with Big Bro. If you win, you'll get the Blonde wig. A tie gets you a dyed wig and a loss earns a plain old wig. Now you can change into your outfit and head towards the mansion, or you can try to get more women's clothing. If you get enough of the "Best" items, Corneo will pick Cloud to be his guest for the night. Here's how I think it works:

0-2 best items Tifa gets picked
3-4 best items Aeris gets picked
5 best items Cloud gets picked

If Cloud is picked, you'll avoid a couple of easy fights, but you can't get a Phoenix Down until later. So if you want to dress up, keep reading. If not, skip to the last paragraph.

To get your underwear, go to the Honey Bee Inn and get a members card from one of the patrons outside. Go inside and participate in one of the rooms. Going in the bottom room gets you Bikini Briefs, while going through the top room and talking to the girl afterwards gets you Lingerie. WARNING: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, as the events here can be disturbing.

To get cologne, eat at the restaurant at the top of the lower half of the Wall Market. It costs 70 gil to eat here. Tell the chef the meal was good or okay and get your pharmacy coupon. Redeem this at the pharmacy for an item. Take this item to the girl in the bar bathroom and she'll give you cologne based on what you gave her.
Digestive Sexy Cologne
Deodorant Flower Cologne
Disenfectant Cologne

To get a tiara, talk to the guy in the northern store on the bottom half of town and agree to get him something from the inn vending machine. Buy something and he'll give you a tiara based on how much you paid. The more expensive items get you better tiaras.

After dressing in the shop, go to Don's mansion. Find Tifa in the basement (Remember to grab the ether) and go see Don Corneo. If he picks Tifa or Aeris, you'll be thrown in with his men, who you need to fight. Grab the Phoenix Down here and meet with your friend. Go to Don's room and find out all he knows. If Cloud was picked, you're already in his room. Do whatever you want and wait for Aeris and Tifa. Get the Hyper behind his bed while you're here and try to leave the room. Watch the cutscene and answer the Don's question however you want. Either way, you'll wind up in the Sewers.

Go to Sewers/Train Graveyard/ Plate Support

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