Here are a few midis from Suikoden for your downloading pleasure. There are also a few mp3s, but ripped at a low 56kbps. Please do not link to any of these files; if you wish to use them, upload them to your own server. If you find someone stealing bandwidth, please report them.
You can purchase the Genso Suikoden Soundtrack at Game Music Online for $42.99. It's 2 CDs, with a total of 58 tracks. Very much worth it.
Advancing Army (56.7 KB) sequenced by Joshua Kaufman
Dragon Knights' Fortress (9.49 KB) sequenced by Heather Link
Gregminster (44.4 KB)
Home (7.06 KB)
Opening Theme (21.7 KB) sequenced by Radien
Opening Theme (2.51 KB)
Overworld Map (15.1 KB) sequenced by Locke
Theme of a Moonlit Night (5.43 KB)
Theme of a Moonlit Night (16 KB) sequenced by Max
Title Screen 1 (9.25 KB)
Title Screen 2 (6.6 KB)
Title Screen 3 (16.3 KB) sequenced by Ben Helmer
Warrior's Village (56.5 KB) sequenced by Insane Apu
MP3- Just unzip these after downloading them.
Into a World of Illusions (747 KB)
Theme of Sadness (699 KB)
Touching Theme (812 KB)
Icy Brian's Suikoden Page
This Page © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from this page without my consent. If you wish to contact an author, artist, reviewer, or any other contributor to the site, their email address can be found on their index page. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. Best viewed in 1024x768.