What's New With Icy Brian's Suikoden II Page?
Notice: As of May 13th, 2002 I'll no longer be announcing fanfic and fan art updates on the individual update pages for each game. Please refer to the main Fanfic and Fan Art pages for those updates.
May 9th, 2002
"Friendship" and "Winter Pathways" by Jonatan L.
"Currents of the Heart Prologue" by Nightingale.
April 16th, 2002
"In the Service of the Republic Ch. 2" by Tillman Oxendine.
Fan Art
Two pieces by Legolas.
One piece by Gemini Angel.
One piece by Ryn.
March 29th, 2002
"Letting the Rain Fall" by Icy Brian.
March 9th, 2002
"The Bastard Son Ch. 4-7" by Foeciusfoe.
Fan Art
One piece by Cherry Goddess.
One piece by Meriko Robert.
One piece by Ron.
February 8th, 2002
"Happy Valentine" by BlueLightningFlik.
February 1st, 2002
"The Bastard Son Prologue & Ch. 1-3" by Foeciusfoe.
"War Calls Again Ch. 1" by Blue Lightning Flik.
Fan Art
One piece by Blue Lightning Flik.
Older Updates
Icy Brian's Suikoden II Page
This Page © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from this page without my consent. If you wish to contact an author, artist, reviewer, or any other contributor to the site, their email address can be found on their index page. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. Best viewed in 1024x768.