Super Mario RPG Quotes

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Bahamut:
I am matter. I am antimatter. I can see your past. I can see your future. I consume time and I will consume you!
- Culex

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Orionn:
What!? How dare you dodge the barrel!
- One of Jonathan Jones' lackeys after Mario dodges the barrel

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by MwaaHaaHaa:
Drink punch...? Eat cake...? Sounds... complicated. I'm not sure I can muster the strength to do it.
- Booster

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Orionn:
You know, some people use something called a DOOR to get in and out of their houses.
- Toad after Mario "drops in"

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Kefka_The_Great:
Axem Red: We fight for evil!
Axem Black: We live for disorder!
Axem Green: We like what we do!
Axem Pink: We struggle for chaos!
Axem Yellow: We are...
- The Axem Rangers

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Mallow:
You can't just bust in there like Bruce Lee
- Mallow

Super Mario RPG by Squaresoft - Suggested by Bahamut:
If you defeat me, you STILL won't beat me! Beware the flood!
- Belome

Video Game Quotes