July 9th, 2005 - 9:00 PM
Announcing All That Glitters Is Cold 2, the second IBWF Fanfic Contest! Like the first contest, this one is being organized by Maggie Rennie. The prizes, which I'm sure will cause much salivation, are as follows:
1st Place: The winner's choice of $50 cash OR honest-to-God original store-bought Suikoden (pre-owned with EB's sticker still unbroken) AND Suikoden 2 (new, still in shrinkwrap) PLUS Xenogears (new, still in shrinkwrap), including Official Players' Guides for Suikoden 2 and Xenogears, which are must-haves just for the artwork.
2nd Place: $35 cash PLUS a custom commission worth up to $75 from CuteLucca.
3rd Place: $25 cash
In ADDITION to that, Myshu will illustrate a scene from each of the top three winning fics.
So what are you waiting for? Read this thread on the web forum for full details (and to post any questions), and then get thee to writing!
July 4th, 2005 - 3:45 PM
As I'm sure you've noticed, I haven't had a whole lot of time to update this year. The computer that I had kept all the website-related files and emails on died a little while ago, and I was just able to get all the stuff I could recover transferred over to my laptop the other day, so at least now I'm able to update stuff again. I'm slowly trying to get back on track, but it's going to be really slow until I come up with a new system for posting the fanfics (and to a lesser extent the fan art), because I simply don't have the time to manually format all the fanfics that I receive for posting anymore. I finally got around to posting some of the stories from the last fanfic contest in the main fanfic library today, so that's a start. I also made a few minor changes around the place, but it's mostly just stuff that's been bugging me because I'm anal retentive, and is probably unnoticeable to everyone else. So, uh... yeah. I'll go into more detail on all of that later.
November 4th, 2004 - 10:15 PM
Voting's open for the Halloween Fan Art Contest! Take a look at the entries, look over the instructions for voting, and head on over to the web forum to cast your votes!
October 23rd, 2004 - 2:45 PM
Another big holiday right around the corner, and that means it's time for another fan art contest! Details and current entries can be found here. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners; the prizes for second and third haven't been determined yet (likely free banner ads or something of the sort,) but the first place winner will receive a $50 Electronics Boutique gift certificate courtesy of Margaret Rennie! If you're an artist, go ahead and send your entry to fanart@icybrian.com.
October 7th, 2004 - 10:30 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that The Gilroy Dispatch in Gilroy, CA ran an article on fanfiction entitled Fanfic: When Fans Take Over. I was actually interviewed and quoted for the story, as was GrandLordMagus. Go ahead and click the link and give it a read ^_^
October 7th, 2004 - 4:30 AM
Well, I just got all the fan art moved back over to this server, so the fan art section is now located at http://www.icybrian.com/fanart/ once again. I'm also finally getting back around to updating; I added around 60 pieces of fan art in this update. I'm no longer using the updated/new graphics to show which pages have been updated, just because that'll make things a lot easier on me. Expect the updates to come more often now. I should have a small fanfic update posted by the end of the weekend.
September 22nd, 2004 - 9:30 PM
Forum's back up and running (has been for a week or so; just forgot to take the last message down.) There's going to be some moving of files in the next week or two. I'm moving the fan art section over to the same server as the rest of the site. I had split them up because one of my servers had more bandwidth than the other, but I just got an increase on my main one so I'm going to consolidate everything on there and get rid of the second server. Still haven't decided whether or not I'm going to keep the fan art on icyfanart.com or move it back over to icybrian.com. Drop me an email if you've got a preference one way or the other.
Sorry about the lack of updates. Life has been kicking me in the ass a lot lately. I'm still trying to determine whether or not I'll even be able to continue updating. Between the comic (which will be up and running by the end of the year,) my acting, writing, and directing, working full time, and taking classes part time, I just don't have much time to devote to the site. If I do continue updating, I'll probably try and come up with some sort of premium account with special features and priviledges, because right now I'm not even coming close to making back the cost of the webserver. And if you've got any suggestions for those types of features, email me and let me know. Thanks!
June 5th, 2004 - 8:00 PM
As many of you know, I've been working for quite a while on my first independent feature film, Black Widow. I begin shooting on June 15, 2004, but I've still got several expenses for the post-production phase (as well as a few creditors breathing down my neck for my production equipment purchases.) To learn more about the movie, visit my film company's website at ColdSilverFilms.com.
I'm holding a fundraiser in order to raise the money I need to make the film. For $50, you can purchase a poster for the film signed by members of the cast and crew along with a DVD or VHS copy of the film once it's completed (a picture of the poster will be uploaded once it's been printed.) As an added bonus, if you send payment before August 2nd, your name will be added to a special "thank you" list in the final credits of the film.
In addition, I still have some games left over from the last fundraiser. For $100, in addition to the items above, you can get a copy of one of the following games, donated by Maggie Rennie and Kenji Kotaro:
Broken Sword II (PSone, w/ booklet)
EarthBound (SNES, no booklet)
FF: Mystic Quest (SNES, w/ booklet & map)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, w/ booklet & walkthrough book)
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (SNES, w/ booklet & official players guide)
Mario Kart 64 (N64, no booklet)
Secret of Evermore (SNES, w/ booklet & map)
Vandal Hearts (PSone, w/booklet)
Payment can be made through PayPal or with a check or money order. If you use PayPal, send payment to icybrian@icybrian.com. Include your name, email address, mailing address, and whether you want a DVD or VHS copy (and if sending over $100, which game you want.) If you'd like to pay with a check or money order, email me at brian@coldsilverfilms.com for an address to send it to. Be sure to add $6 for shipping and handling.
Thank you for supporting me in pursuing my dream. I greatly appreciate it, and would love to hear what you think once you've seen the final product.
June 2nd, 2004 - 1:30 AM
There are now Original Flavors sections open for CuteLucca and Myshu. Go check 'em out!
April 27th, 2004 - 1:15 AM
In recognition of the site's 7 year anniversary (geez, has it been that long? I feel old), I present to you the new and improved Original Flavors section! Now complete with artwork from Sam, Moxy, Middletails, Naria, Annie Felis, and Crystal Zeal, plus a whole new system that'll let you guys rate artwork and post comments on pieces. So go sign up and start commenting/rating away! There are also new banners on the Links page if you'd like to place one on your site.
And Happy Birthday, Marissa! I love you!
April 2nd, 2004 - 3:00 PM
Well, I got suckered into joining Kings of Chaos. If you could, give this link a click once a day or so to lend me a hand ^_^
January 31st, 2004 - 9:30 PM
Congratulations to Darth Tasuki for winning the Holiday Fan Art Contest! Below is her winning piece (you can click on it to see the full size image.) The rest of the entries can be found here. Congrats again, and thanks to everyone who entered and voted!
January 2nd, 2004 - 8:10 AM
Heh, just realized that I hadn't added a link on the main page to the Holiday Fan Art Contest. Check out the current submissions and submit your own!
November 28th, 2003 - 4:30 PM
I just added an Advertise link to the menu, containing all the information on the banner ads for the site. Give it a look to see if it might be something you're interested in (because I could really use the support right now.)
November 18th, 2003 - 1:30 AM
I just moved the fan art to its own domain, icyfanart.com. It was eating up way too much bandwidth for me to keep it on the same server as the rest of the site. I've got it set up so the two domains flow together so it still appears to be one site. Don't get too used to the URLs for each artist's index page, though; I'm in the middle of a complete redesign of the fan art pages, which should be done sometime next month. I'm sure there are some errors with the site, so if you notice any just drop me a line and let me know.
October 30th, 2003 - 9:35 AM
Well, my computer's been a complete piece of junk lately. It's been crashing constantly, and Outlook Express just decided to delete all of the emails in my inbox. Anything sent to the fanfic and fanart addresses should be fine, but if you sent something to my main account that I haven't responded to, please resend it. Thanks.
October 22nd, 2003 - 1:40 PM
Well, here's the new layout! As you can see, I kept it very similar to the old design, and avoided making it look really fancy. I'm sure there are some problems, so if you run across any please email me and let me know so I can fix them.
I had to move the site over to a different server due to stability problems; the only problem is that this doubled the cost per month to run the website. To help me out with the cost, I'm now hosting banners on the site. Don't worry, though; you're never going to see ads up there for a mini camera or diet pills. I'm keeping it limited to things that would be of interest to the visitors of this site. It's not limited just to RPGs; anything that I feel would interest visitors of the site is okay (video games, anime, scifi, fantasy, webcomics, art/fiction, fansites, whatever.) The banners are on every page of the site, except for some of the fanfic chapter stories (I'll eventually get those converted to php as well; it was just too overwhelming a task to tackle all of them at once.) I'm charging $10 for a month of rotation in the banner space; the banners can be up to 125pixels in height, and 350pixels in width. I'll have a page up within a few days containing all the details on this. If you're interested, drop me a line.
August 18th, 2003 - 1:40 PM
Didn't take quite as long with this update. Still, there's plenty
of new stuff to check out, so go ahead and take a look. There's also the
first update to the Fanfic Resource section that I've had all year. Ya hear
that? Start sending stuff in!
As for the film (Black Widow), I've unfortunately run into some problems, and I'm having to delay filming until this fall/next summer. Really sucks, but I've got enough other ideas in my head to keep me busy with projects until then. It'll get done eventually, just not as soon as I'd hoped.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Fanfic Resource
July 17th, 2003 - 2:45 AM
Big, big update this time. There's over 100 pieces of new fan art, and quite
a bit of new fanfiction. I'm planning a complete redesign on the site, and
I've already got a few neat little things in mind (feel free to
email me with any suggestions.)
I'm not sure how long it'll take me to do, but the place will have a
much different look when I'm done, assuming I can figure out how to do
everything I've got in mind.
The film's coming along decently well, despite a few setbacks (mostly with the casting and scheduling.) If you're interested, I usually keep updates on its progress in my journal. Also, I'm still taking donations if you want to help out, and I'm still giving away everything that's listed in the update below this one. So yeah, if you can help out, I'd appreciate it.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Original Flavors
May 6th, 2003 - 11:00 PM
Heh, finally got an update ready for posting. I managed to get all the
fanfics and fan art out of my inbox, but the Committee box is still swamped
(sorry about that; still waiting on a few of the Committee members to get
their verdicts in.) Only a little bit here in terms of fanfic, but there's
quite a bit of new fan art posted.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
February 27th, 2003 - 5:00 AM
Please Read!
Hey, guys. Let me get your attention here for a minute so you can understand
the situation I'm in right now. I haven't updated in so long because
I've been working a whole lotta overtime, leaving little time for me to work
on the site. I'm in a bit of a bind for cash right now. I'm
getting ready to start filming my first full-length movie
("Black Widow") within the next month. But before I can do that,
I have to purchase a high quality camera and a computer with a DVD burner
that can handle editing all the footage I'll be shooting. Between those and
other smaller expenses, I'm looking at around $6,500 to put this whole thing
Now, so you're aware, I'm not being a bum and trying to get you guys to pay my bills for me. I work a full time job, and I've been working overtime (about 55 hours a week) for the last month or so trying to get as much of the money as I can. On top of that, I still have about $1000 in rent and bills to pay each month. This doesn't leave me with a whole lot to go towards the money I need for my film work.
That's why I'm asking you guys for help. I've been managing this site for close to six years now, putting in more hours than I even want to think of. I've never asked for anything in return because I'm glad that I can give people a place to view stories and artwork, and where they can post their own works. However, managing this site isn't my dream. My dream is to make movies, and that's what I'm working towards right now. So please, do what you can to help me make this happen.
On the left hand column of the main page, I've got boxes from PayPal and Amazon.com that you can use to send me a donation. PayPal's better, but if you send through Amazon, send me an email to let me know you donated (because it doesn't tell me who the donations are from.) If you don't have access to a credit card and would rather send a check, money order, or well concealed cash, send me an email at icybrian@icybrian.com and I'll send you an address where you can send donations through the mail.
Also, as a little added incentive to donate, anyone who makes a donation of at least $25 will receive a free black-and-white commission sketch from your choice of either Moxy or Krazy Sam. If you donate $45, either Moxy or Sam will do a free color commission picture for you. Pretty good deal, if you ask me; nice way to get a quality drawing of an original character, one of your favorite video game characters, celebrities, whatever. If you're an artist and would like to volunteer your services for this, please send me an email and let me know whether you'd be willing to do b/w, color, and/or any other type of commission art.
Thanks for understanding how much work I put into this site. I really do appreciate any and all help you guys can give me.
And so this update isn't just me asking for a little help, here's a big ol' update to go along with it. Tons of fan art and fanfics, as well as some reviews and a new Freezer entry. In other news, as if it weren't already obvious, the Dear Elly column is now defunct. Don't worry, though; a new column, entitled Dear Icy will be opening soon to take its place. It'll be the same format and mostly the same panel; the only real difference is that Elly won't be answering all the questions (she's got enough on her... mind... as it is.) Also, don't send email to my AOL account anymore. It is no more. From now on, send any general emails to icybrian@icybrian.com, fanfics to fanfic@icybrian.com, and fan art to fanart@icybrian.com. New fanfics still go to icyfanfics@hotmail.com. Thanks. Later!
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
The Freezer
January 16th, 2003 - 1:00 AM
Figured I'd go ahead and post what I've got ready. I still have a bunch of
stuff in my inbox, so if your work wasn't posted, it doesn't mean I didn't
get it; it just means that I haven't gotten to it yet.
I've also recently become addicted to The Sims. Evil, evil game. I've already put the entire cast of Buffy in there, and I've got the full casts of FF7, FF8, and FF10 ready to go in my next neighborhood. Evil, evil game...
Oh, and I also picked up XBox Live the other day. I've been spending most of my time on it playing Whacked (fun stuff), but I've also got MechAssault. I suck horribly at it, but I've got it. No really, if you ever play me, you'll massacre me. Anyways, my gamertag on there is Icy Brian (big shock), so drop me a line if you've also got it and let me know what games you're playing. I'm probably going to be picking up a couple other games for it soon, so any suggestions are welcome.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
December 31st, 2002 - 7:20 PM
Thought I'd get one more update in before the end of the year. So, here you
go. Plenty of new stuff to go around.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Fanfic Resource
Original Flavors
November 28th, 2002 - 12:05 AM
Big important update today! Into the
Black, the new web comic that Marissa and I have been working on has
been launched! Go check it out at
http://www.intotheblack.com, and
then stop by the web forum to let us know what you think. We should be updating
the comic every Thursday and Sunday, so be sure to bookmark it so you can
keep checking back in on it. Adieu!
Cold Fusion
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Original Flavors
November 4th, 2002 - 2:45 PM
Sorry about the site being down for the last several days. After experiencing
difficulties with my server provider, I've switched to a new one (wow,
that one didn't last more than three months.) I think most
everything is fixed now, but if you find any little problems, let me know
so I can fix them.
Original Flavors
October 19th, 2002 - 3:15 AM
Got the first chapter in the new batch of Cold Fusion stories up now.
Should have more within the coming weeks.
I'm currently working on a web comic with Marissa. Assuming we can stay on schedule, I should have the first page posted within the next month. We're aiming for a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday update schedule, and we're going to try to have a couple of week's worth of pages ready before we start uploading them (this way if we get busy at some point along the line, we won't have to rush to get a page out.) Expect the comic to be made public sometime before Thanksgiving; I'll let you all know about its opening here, in the web forum, and on the mailing list. Adieu!
Cold Fusion
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
October 8th, 2002 - 12:25 AM
Okay, time for me to give my (brief, because I'm tired) recommendations for
the best new fall shows.
Top picks: Firefly (Friday, 8PM, Fox) and John Doe (Friday, 9PM, Fox).
Secondary picks: The Twilight Zone (Wednesday, 9PM, UPN) and Haunted (Tuesday,
9PM, UPN).
Also good: Fastlane (Wednesday, 9PM, Fox)
Still waiting to premiere: Birds of Prey (Wednesday, 9PM, WB)
There you have it. My picks. Give them a watch.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Original Flavors
September 27th, 2002 - 12:54 AM
A few things here. The most notable change over the last week is the resurrection
of the Cold Fusion project. I recently contacted authors regarding it,
so it should be back in full swing within the next month.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
September 23rd, 2002 - 5:45 AM
Rather small update right now. Basically, I'm just uploading my
review of
Hearts to let you all know just how wonderful this game really is. You
will read the review, and then you will go buy the game. The rubber pants
demand it!
.......Did I mention that I've been up all night? But seriously, read the review and then go pick up the game. You'll be glad you did.
September 13th, 2002
Mostly fan art this update. For fanfic authors, though, ZealPropht is hosting
a fanfic contest, with the prize being the first season of Revolutionary
Girl Utena on VHS. For more details, check out
thread on the web forum.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Original Flavors
August 29th, 2002 - 8:14 PM
Huge update this time around. I got all the fanfics and fan art cleared out
of my inbox (not the Committee stuff, though), so everything that's
been sent to me should be either posted or awaiting approval. There's plenty
of goodness in this update; enjoy it.
Also in this update, I added a new section called Original Flavors. Click on the link to the left to learn more. I'll be at Dragon*Con this weekend, so I'll probably have pics posted in my next update.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
Original Flavors
The Freezer
August 13th, 2002 - 10:39 PM
A few things to see in this update. I've been swamped with filming and writing,
so I've still got a good bit of stuff in my inbox; I'll get to it before
too long. That's all for now.
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
August 2nd, 2002 - 2:59 AM
Time for the annual obligatory birthday update. There's a lot of fan art
in this update, but only a few fanfics. A big part of that is because
my computer is seriously screwed up right now (going to have to back everything
up and reformat.) Also, between that and the server switch, I lost all the
old artwork that was waiting to be approved by the Committee. So if you sent
in artwork over a month ago and haven't heard back from me on it, ten to
one it got lost and you'll have to resend it.
I got a new kitten last week; one of our maintenence guys brought in a litter of kittens to give away at the antique show, and I decided to keep one for myself. Cute, isn't he?
I moved the web forum from ezboard to one that's run directly off my site. So far it's working fine, but I'm a bit troubled looking at the bandwidth it's using. If these figures don't go down, I may have to move it back to ezboard. Hopefully it won't come to that, though, because I'm really liking the layout of the new one. Fanfic Reviews, however, will remain at the ezboard.
That's all for now. Time for me to get some sleep, so I can get kidnapped when I wake up. Strange way to spend my birthday, I know. Ah well. Adios!
"Dear Elly"
Fan Art Gallery
Fanfic Library
The Freezer
July 22nd, 2002
I switched the site over to a new server today (if you're seeing this
message, you're looking at the new server. If you're not seeing this message,
well, then it doesn't really matter what I'm typing here, does it?) There
may be a few things that I didn't upload correctly, so if you come across
any missing files just let me know. I also added a couple fanfics.
July 11th, 2002 - 10:22 PM
Okay, here's my message for today. Go out and buy Butch Walker's new album,
of Self-Centered! If you don't want to make a donation to the site, buy
this album. Butch is hands-down my favorite musician, and I'm trying
to give him as much support as I can (plugging him to everyone I know, went
to his concert last Friday, and his album
signing the other night where I met and got a chance to talk with the
man himself.) So if you buy the album, you'll not only have my thanks, but
you'll also have one kick-ass addition to your music collection. Believe
me, you won't be disappointed.
"Dear Elly"
Fan Art Gallery
The Freezer
July 4th, 2002 - 7:03 PM
Happy Independence Day, everyone! And what better way to celebrate the birth
of a nation than with the birth of a brand new column here at IcyBrian.com,
"Dear Elly." Hosted by none other than SweetElly, "Dear Elly" is a highly
irreverent advice/letters column where you can ask Elly and the rest of the
staff for help on your greatest problems. Give it a look and don't be
afraid to send in some questions of your own.
"Dear Elly"
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
The Freezer
June 19th, 2002 - 7:51 PM
I was going to wait until I had a little more ready before updating, but
decided to go ahead and post what I've got now anyways. Problem is, I've
been completely swamped with work lately and haven't had any time to work
on my own projects, much less the site. I'll have a bigger update ready once
I get some more time. Oh, and I'm going to start keeping a list of what books
I'm reading, games I'm playing, and CDs I'm listening to down below the updates.
Why? Just in case people care.
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
June 6th, 2002 - 1:12 PM
For the first time in years, I've actually caught up with the Committee work;
I've responded to everything that was submitted before May. Looks like this
new system is working out. The turnaround time for the approval of fanfics
should be significantly less now.
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
May 20th, 2002 - 11:36 PM
Whole lotta fanfic in this update. I completely redid the way that
the Committee works, so stories should now make it through the approval system
a lot faster. There's still a bunch of stuff in the box that's gotten backed
up, but I should be able to go through most of it within the next few
weeks. w00t for efficiency!
Also, for the first time in what seems like forever, there's a Cold Fusion update. Now that summer's here, I'm going to try to resurrect that project. Hopefully I'll be able to manage that.
Cold Fusion.
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
May 13th, 2002 - 11:19 PM
This isn't really an actual update. I'm just making a few changes with the
layout; to be specific, I moved all the game info sites to a separate page
to clear up some room on the sidebar. I'm also no longer going to add fanfic
and fan art updates to those update pages (I'll only be making those changes
on the actual Fanfic and Fan Art pages.) I may be changing a few other things
around in the weeks to come. We'll just have to wait and see.
May 9th, 2002 - 11:32 PM
I should have the AtlAnime site up and running within a week or
so. The date of the convention has been pushed back to March 14-16, 2003,
the weekend we were originally looking at. I'll have more details for you
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
Fanfic Resource.
April 16th, 2002 - 11:22 PM
Yep, quite a few aesthetical changes today. I redid the background so
it's easier on the eyes, and added a watermark to discourage people from
stealing it (they still can, but they'll have "Icy Brian" on their webpage;
works for me.) As you can see, I also redid all the links on the sidebar;
I just recently got PhotoStop and started messing around with it. I
just realized that next week (April 24th, to be exact) will mark the five
year anniversary of this site. How time flies...
In more exciting news, I finally got my camera the other day, so the filmmaking career shall be beginning soon. I'll keep you posted as that endeavor develops (for both of you that actually care, yes.) Anyways, I leave for Chicago on Friday for Anime Central. Should be fun; if you see me there, stop and say hello. Until later!
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
Fanfic Resource.
March 29th, 2002 - 10:48 PM
It's been about three weeks, but I've got another update ready. Thanks to
Naria Moonpaw for the new Freezer logo! I've got to go to work at 4AM
tomorrow, so I'm just going to leave it at that. Adios!
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
The Freezer.
March 9th, 2002 - 7:35 PM
Been working a lot over the last month, so haven't had too much
of a chance to work on the site. Oh well, it took a month, but here's
an update. Big revision to the fan art section; I sorted all the artists'
fan art by the year it was submitted so you can tell their old art from the
new. You'll see what I mean when you start looking around. I also added
a Crossover section to the fanfic pages, added links next to the stories
which can be/have been reviewed, and made a few other minor changes..
On a final note, the web forum for the AtlAnime convention is now open, and can be found here. AtlAnime will be held on January 10-12th, 2003 in Atlanta, GA. I'll have more information posted soon.
My current whoremasters: George R.R. Martin, Final Fantasy X, Injected
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
Fanfic Resource.
February 8th, 2002 - 2:44 AM
Woah, what's this? Another update so soon? Yep, I'm finally starting to get
caught up with everything (save for the still present Committee backlog.)
Everything else has been cleared out of my inbox, though, so hopefully
I can keep this up.
On another very cool note, I'm currently in the process of starting up an Anime/Sci-Fi Convention in Atlanta. I've got all the backing I need, and seeing as I'm already in the convention business, I've got the knowledge for it. The first convention will be held late2002/early2003, and I'm telling you now that it's going to be huge. I'll post more details within the coming months.
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
Reviews Page.
February 1st, 2002 - 3:46 AM
Long time no update. Damn me and my need to earn a living. Anyways,
check out the new logo by Middletails! Very cool, huh? There are a few other
things that are different this update. The fanfic reviews are now a
part of the Web
Forum. All details regarding that can be found in the Fanfic Reviews
section of the forum. Now that it's more accessible, I expect to see some
more people reviewing. Also, the Fanfic Resource is now open. Not much
there yet (still awaiting submissions), but check it out. Oh, and pardon
the crude text graphic in the side bar. I'll deal with that later.
The site will be going through some big changes soon. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to purchase a second domain and split the site across two servers because there aren't any servers out there that will give me what I need at a reasonable price. So as a result, the fanfic portion of the site will be moving to its own domain in a month or so. I haven't picked out a good domain name yet, so suggestions are welcome. I'd rather not have to do this, and while it will cost me a good bit extra, it's cheaper than finding a single host which would actually suit my needs. The real solution here would be to shut down the site entirely, but that results in death threats, and I'd rather not deal with those.
And now, things that should be your whoremaster: George R.R. Martin, Final Fantasy X, Jimmy Eat World, and Hoobastank. Let them rock your world.
Cold Fusion.
Fan Art Gallery.
Fanfic Library.
Fanfic Resource.
Reviews Page.
Shop - IcyBrian's Recommendations
The Freezer.
December 23rd, 2001 - 12:30 AM
Happy Holidays, everyone! This update certainly took longer than I had expected;
I've been pretty busy since the last update. I'm moving again in a few weeks,
so I may or may not get the next update in soon. Not much else to say right
now (partially because I'm exhausted from working all day,) so I'll leave
it at that.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
December 1st, 2001 - 3:22 AM
Beginning of December and it's still 80 degrees outside. That's the
problem with the south. Anyways, not a whole lot in this update; must be
a slow season for everyone. I should have another update before too long.
I move out of this God-forsaken city in two weeks, and I'd like to update
before I get out of here in case I get busy for a while with the move.
Pretty soon I'm going to be opening up a new section of the site, tentatively
called the Fanfic Resource. Basically, it will include information on just
about anything you could ever want to know about a game. The goal is to have
every facet of a game covered so that people looking for information on a
certain topic for a fanfic will only have to go to one place to find it.
But I need people to contribute to it. For more information, read
thread at the web forum.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated Reviews Page.
November 11th, 2001 - 11:22 PM
Got a whole lot of fan art in this update. It seems that the fan art section
has grown exponentially over the last year. The only downside is that I'm
starting to run low on server space, so I may have to start looking
for a new server soon. If anyone knows of a server that offers at
least 500 megs of storage space and has unlimited/unmetered bandwidth
for under $30 per month, let me know.
I also added an FAQ from the main page in hopes that it wll cut down
on some of the email I receive. I'll be adding more to it later, but
I've gone ahead and answered some of the more frequent questions.
Added FAQ.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
October 31st, 2001 - 10:41 AM
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone gets their fill of sweets tonight. I picked
up some big bags of Twix, Whoppers, and Three Musketeers; now I'm just hoping
that a lot of kids don't stop by so I can have most of it to myself. Many
thanks to Krazy Sam for making
me new graphics for the 'New' and 'Updated' buttons! I was getting really
sick of those old generic ones (I've had them since I started the site
over four years ago,) so it's really nice to have something that's both new
and original. Thanks to the Committee for getting caught back up again.
I've gotten the Committee inbox cleared out through mid-September; hopefully
by my next update I'll be into October.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
October 13th, 2001 - 1:24 AM
Finally got most everything cleared out of my inbox. The Committee box is
still pretty backed up, though. All the pictures from AWA 7 have been posted,
and can be found here.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
September 30th, 2001 - 5:22 PM
Sorry about the delay in this update; I've been pretty busy for the past
few weeks. AWA 7 kicked ass. As soon as I get my film back, I'll post
pictures of all the kickass cosplay I took pictures of. The Escaflowne group
I was a part of (as Folken) won the award in the costume contest for Best
Group Costumes, so that rocked. I found
this picture of our group on another
website, so here's a sample until I get my film developed.
Along with those pictures, I should also have details about my first giveaway
contest posted in the next update. My current goal is to get my
web comic started up by Halloween, but I have no idea whether or not I'll
be able to pull that off in time or not. Guess we'll just have to wait and
see. Oh, and I have no idea who it was, but someone bought me a copy of Dogma!
Many thanks! I'd also like to extend my thanks to the "ANONYmoUS" contributor
who donated the remainder of the money needed for the Web Forum to purchase
CSC Gold. The forum can now be perused without the nuisance of pop-up ads
and the like.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
September 14th, 2001 - 5:41 PM
Just like everyone else, I am shocked and disgusted at the horrible acts
of terrorism that occured this past Tuesday. This is a terrible tragedy,
and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families at this
horrid time. But we will not lay down. We will not live our lives in fear.
Terrorists may have thought they could weaken America by destroying the World
Trade Center, but all they've done is made us stronger. You can attack American
soil, but you can't touch American Spirit. We will stand tall, and we will
pull through this.
Our nation has shown that we stand as one in the face of adversity. Thousands of people are in New York helping with the effort and giving blood around the country. The rest of the world is behind us. This tragedy does not just affect us; it affects every other country in the world. And as the firefighters and police officers who risked their lives to save others have proven, there really are heroes in this world.
As teenagers, this is an event that marks our generation. This is what our children will be reading about in their history books. This affects us more than any other age group alive, because it is our future that is at stake. But we need to prevent more than just another tragedy of this sort. We need to stop a shadow from touching the history of our nation before it starts.
In the wake of this tragedy, some people have targeted Muslim-Americans and those living in this country who are of Middle Eastern descent. This needs to stop! We cannot allow discrimination against anyone on the basis of their skin color or religion. These people are Americans just like everyone else, and they are just as affected as the rest of America. The people who committed this terrible act are not representative of the Islamic people. The people behind this tragedy are crazy extremists who have no regard for the lives of others. We must have love for our fellow man. Muslim-Americans should not have to live in fear because of this tragedy. We need to prove now that we are all one, regardless of race or religion. It doesn't matter whether we are white, black, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hispanic. We are all Americans. And we are all in this together.
I'd like to repost something Black wrote in the web forum, as well as an editorial from Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian news broadcaster. Those can be read here.
Be kind to each other. And God bless America!
September 9th, 2001 - 3:53 PM
Seriously, does anyone actually want to buy an X10 camera? I can't seem to
go anywhere without being bombarded by ads for that stupid thing.
Speaking of buying things, who wants to buy me something? I set up a wish list at Amazon.com in case some kind soul wants to buy something for me. Yeah, yeah, I know, fat chance. But who knows; it's worth a shot. Go to the Shop anyways to see new recommendations, this time from Wandering Prophet and Nightsong.
Anyways, a good amount of fanfics and fan art in this update. I also put
up my first feature in The Freezer, so give it a look. Now I've got to get
back to work on my essay for English. Maybe once I'm finished with that
I can work on drawing up more designs for the web comic I plan
to be adding to the site (once I improve my skills a bit, that is.)
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
Updated the Shop.
August 24th, 2001 - 6:18 PM
Important for Fanfic Authors!!! Hotmail screwed up again and deleted
a batch of stories. I'll need these authors (and only
these authors) to contact me regarding their stories: Locke Catannia, Julius
Nightblade, Arch Angel Xtreme, Blue_Knight_of_Dragons, Ayla, Mystic Darkness,
The Hamster King, Tifa Dincht, Quis, Prince Nightmare, and Geni. If your
name isn't listed here, your story wasn't deleted (so don't ask me if it
Well, I'm all moved in here at college. Classes are keeping me busy, so I'm not sure how often updates will be coming, but I'll try my best to update as much as possible.
If you haven't already, sign up for the mailing list! As you can see above, Hotmail was being a pest and deleted some stories. I need people to subscribe to the mailing list so I can alert you when things like this happen. This goes for authors, artists, and anyone who just stops in here (because I may be switching servers soon, and if I do the site might be down for a few hours.) Don't worry about signing up for the list and being bombarded with junk; I'm the only one who sends out notices, and I rarely do so.
Oh, one last thing. I've redone the Shop again. If you ever want to buy stuff
from Amazon.com, please access their site through the links in my store.
I could really use the commission, because as I've said before, I'm not getting
paid anything to run this site. Besides that, it seems like I'm one of the
few big RPG/fan sites out there that aren't plagued with advertisements and
pop-ups. So if you could please support me by going through the links in
my store to make purchases through Amazon.com, I would appreciate it. I'm
currently in the process of adding Top 10 recommendation lists from some
of your favorite authors and artists, so at least go in there to check those
out (and perhaps even purchase some of their favorites.) Thanks.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
Updated the Shop.
August 9th, 2001 - 6:43 PM
I'm afraid that this update is going to be on a sad note. I received
word today from the father of Garth Manheim, known on this site as The Man.
Garth died by his own hand on July 11th. Garth was a talented author and
a fine young man, and I was saddened by the news of his death. For more on
this, please visit Garth's section of the fanfic page
I'm leaving for college next Wednesday, so there may be a small delay before
the next update. Shouldn't be more than a couple days, though. The new banner
for the Fan Art gallery, drawn by The Entity, is now posted. That's all for
now. God bless.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
August 2nd, 2001 - 11:46 PM
Happy Birthday to me! There's only a small amount of fanfiction
and fan art in this update, but I have added a bunch of new items to The
Freezer, so you should definitely check those out. There have also been two
new stories added to Cold Fusion: one for Chrono Trigger and one for Suikoden.
Give them a read and then post any comments in the Web Forum. What else...
I also added some new photos to the Photo Album,
including Graduation photos and one of me with Black (author/forum regular.)
I think that about covers it for now. Later!
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
July 26th, 2001 - 5:38 PM
As I'm sure most of you are aware, there's a new virus going around called
Sircam. Be careful when opening your emails; I've been receiving this virus
about twenty times a day for the last week. If you receive an email with
an attachment that has two extensions and a message with three lines
(the first one being "Hi! How are you?"), don't open it. You can learn more
about this virus
In site news, Cold Fusion has been updated with a new story and the second
chapter to another. The coming of a second chapter means only one thing:
The revealing of the first author! Check it out to see who it is. There have
also been three additions to The Freezer, so give those a read as well. And
there's also plenty of new fanfics and fan art, including the final chapters
of Cain's epic story, "Chrono Continuum."
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated The Freezer.
July 19th, 2001 - 9:46 PM
A lot of fanfics this update, including four more stories for
Cold Fusion. I've also added a new section called The Freezer,
where you can find editorials, features, columns, etc. Want to know more?
Stop in and check it out!
That's all I'm going to say for now. The idiot at Fazolis only gave me two
breadsticks, and they didn't even have butter and garlic on them (that bastard.)
I've been up for 26 hours straight and I need some rest. I slept for 15 hours
before that, but that was because I had been up for 31 hours straight before
I went to sleep. No talk now. Now I fall.
Added The Freezer.
Updated Cold Fusion.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
July 16th, 2001 - 10:10 PM
This isn't a big update. Just added the first chapters to five more stories
for Cold Fusion. Good stuff. I also registered for all my first semester
college courses. I'll be taking five theatre courses (Theatre Appreciation,
Theatre Practice, Theatre Convocation, Stagecraft, and Script Analysis,)
Math, and English. I've got one class on Mondays and Wednesdays, a full schedule
from 9:30-5:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and no classes at all on Fridays.
I wanted to sign up for Psychology as well (moving me up from 14 credit hours
to 17,) but my mom didn't want me to take that many classes. Actually, everyone
I've asked has told me that would be too many classes to take in my first
semester. This question is for any college students out there: Is 17 hours
too many to take first semester? If anyone can offer any advice on the matter,
I'd appreciate it. Later!
July 12th, 2001 - 3:04 AM
The first chapters in a few of the Cold Fusion stories have been posted.
Go to the Cold Fusion page and give them a read. I'm going to be updating
the Cold Fusion page as soon as I receive chapters, so expect that page to
be updated more often than the rest of the site.
In other news, Black and I went to go see "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" yesterday. Although we almost got killed on the way to the theatre, it was worth it because the movie kicked much ass. Square definitely doesn't disappoint with this one, as they managed to retain the feel of Final Fantasy for the big screen. The animation is absolutely amazing, and there are times when you forget that it's not real. I personally loved the plot and the characters, and felt that Square left plenty of opportunities for fanfiction to be written. Yes, I will be making an exception from my RPGs-only rule and will accept fanfics and fan art for the FF Movie.
I'm about to leave for two days for college orientation at Columbus State.
Expect more updates when I get back. I also decided that I'm going to stop
announcing updates for the individual game pages on this page unless I change
something other than fanfics and fan art (because you can see which games
I added fanfic and fan art for on those respective update pages.) In
this update I went through all the link pages and deleted links to about
4/5 of the sites on there because either the links were dead or the sites
had become dormant. Adios!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated Cold Fusion Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
July 5th, 2001 - 10:11 PM
Just made a few changes. The first thing you'll notice is that the link graphics
on the left have been changed so now they look a lot smoother. I didn't notice
how fuzzy they were until I got my new monitor and saw them (my old one was
a piece of crap.) The other change I made regards the mailing list. ListBot
is shutting down next month, so I just found a new mailing list service to
use (Yahoo! Groups.) You can subscribe by clicking the link on the
July 5th, 2001 - 12:37 AM
Small update today, but I figured I'd go ahead and post what I've got. Also,
on the main page you may have noticed a new link to 'Cold Fusion.' Cold Fusion
is the fanfiction project I mentioned in the last update. Check it out.
I picked up Final Fantasy Chronicles yesterday. Haven't had a chance to play it yet, though. Just a reminder to everyone that "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" opens in theatres next week. I'll be back after I've seen it to give my opinions, but in the mean time GO SEE IT! If Square doesn't make money off this they're in hot water, because they spent a ton of money making it. Oh, and I got a sneak preview at what the new fan art banner will look like, and I must say that it's going to rock.
One last thing. If anyone reading this has any experience with Cosplay, I
need some tips for making a costume. My friend Kat wants me to go to an anime
convention with her in a few months dressed as
Folken from Vision of Escaflowne (she and one
of her friends are going to dress as cat girls and hang all over me.)
If anyone could give me some tips on how to make a costume for him, I'd
appreciate it. Ciao!
Updated CT Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
June 18th, 2001
Time for another update, this time from my brand new computer: a Sony Vaio
that my parents got me as a graduation present. Woohoo! It's so cool being
on a computer that doesn't crash all the time or take forever to load stuff.
Last Sunday I filmed my first movie, "Pandora's Box," starring Michael Jai White (Spawn), Tyson Beckford (supermodel/actor), Kristoff St. John (ER/Young and the Restless), and Monica Calhoun (The Brothers, The Best Man.) It was a fun experience. I was only in one scene (as a swimmer,) but I spent the entire day on the set and got a chance to hang out with all the celebrities.
I've got a few ideas and projects that I should have started by the next
update. The ones I have in mind right now both relate to fanfiction. More
details about this should be available in the next update (or if you want
to know now, check the Fanfic section of the Web Forum.) Also coming soon
are new logos for the main page and the fan art page.
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
May 23rd, 2001
The Committee mailbox overflowed about a week ago and a few stories were
deleted. This message is to Derek Plessman: Your story was approved, but
you need a new title. Resend the story to me along with a new title so I
can post it.
Anyways, I've been really busy over the last two months. I finished my last
play at Parkview (Macbeth, pictures available soon), decided on a
college (Columbus State University), cancelled my trip to New York, went
to Las Vegas for a week, and tomorrow I'll be graduating! Oh, and I picked
up the new Stabbing Westward CD yesterday (go buy it; it rocks). And amongst
all that, I managed to throw together an update for you guys. Enjoy!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
March 31st, 2001
Told you I'd try to update more often. I've been really busy over the last
two weeks, but I've somehow managed to throw some stuff together for an update.
I just finished my last high school musical, Once Upon a Mattress,
last weekend. Pictures from that and my one act, The Mummy Takes Miami,
are now up in the Photo Album.
IcyBrian.Com merchandise is now for sale! Currently only one design is available,
but more will be up soon. Check
it out!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
March 15th, 2001
Beware the Ides of March! Mostly because that's when I get bored. As you
can see, I redesigned most of the pages with new graphics and such. I'm also
now back in charge of the Reviews section, which I plan to update more frequently
(as long as people send in reviews for me, that is.) Speaking of frequent
updates, I'm going to try to make an effort to update every few weeks. Rather
than just post huge updates every few months, I'll attempt to make some smaller
updates every couple of weeks. Don't be impatient, though, because my schedule
is going to be packed with rehearsals for the next month or two.
Along with the more frequent updates, I've got a few other changes in mind that I'd like to implement. The long rumored Editorials section may soon become a reality if I get enough support for it and if enough people show interest in writing quality editorials. I'm thinking about introducing a letters section as well.
I have run into one problem, however, and that involves the costs I have to pay out in order to keep this site running. I spend over $350 per year on this site, as well as more hours than I'd like to think of, without receiving any sort of compensation in return. I've tried selling items through a store for commission, but that never worked out. So, I've decided to try something new: asking for donations. Right now, you can make a donation through the Amazon Honor System or PayPal.
Paypal is preferable because it takes less of a cut off the top.) If everybody who visits this page can just donate a couple dollars every now and then, I won't have as much to worry about when it comes to paying for the site (and I'll be able to justify the hours I spend working on it.) Plus, if I'm able to bring in a surplus, I may be able to hold contests for games and game memorabilia every now and then. So, please, if you want to help me out and help this site to become even better, just send a few bucks my way every now and then.
I have had a few people suggest to me that I sell IcyBrian.com shirts, mugs,
mousepads, etc. If that seems like it would be of any interest to you,
drop me a line and let me know. If
I get positive feedback on that idea, it just may become a reality. Anyways,
on to the update. As I said above, everything's been redesigned. There's
also been a fairly sizable update to the fanfic library, as well as an absolutely
enormous update to the fan art gallery (over 150 new pieces of artwork.)
I hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback on anything I spoke of here,
either email me or post in the web forum. Peace!!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Fanfic Library.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Reviews Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
December 13th, 2000
One update for the entire semester. That's pretty bad, I know. But hey, I'm
still here. I've been swamped with a lot of stuff for the past few months,
so the majority of my time hasn't been focused on the page. If you want to
see part of what I've been up to, then check out the
Photo Album for pictures from the last two
plays I was in: Crazy For You and I Never Saw Another Butterfly.
Whenever I got a few free minutes over the past four months, I'd take care
of some stuff for this update. As you'll soon find out, I added over 100
pieces of fan art and updated/added more than 100 fanfics. Oh, and the problem
with the Web Forum has been dealt with. The new forum can be accessed by
clicking here.
I can't say when the next update will be, because I'm still going to be swamped
with school, acting, and whatever else comes up, but rest assured that I'm
going to continue to work on the page. All I can say is keep checking back
in, and join the mailing list so I can keep you abreast of anything important.
Happy Holidays!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
August 10th, 2000
Ugh, now that the whole server mess is taken care of, I can finally update.
In case you didn't know, I got completely screwed over by my old provider,
who shut me down because my site was too popular for their servers to handle,
even after I told them how much data I transferred and asked them twice if
it would cause any trouble for me. Despite them saying it wouldn't be a problem,
they still decided to shut me down, and I was just now able to find a new
host. For those of you who emailed me asking why the site was down, I didn't
respond because I got over 100 messages like that and didn't want to waste
my time responding to them all. So bah. Anyways, just a small update here.
Not too much left in my inbox (the Committee box, however, is a different
story; it'd be nice if a couple of the Committee members would get off their
asses and send in more verdicts.)
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
July 3rd, 2000
This isn't an update, just a quick note. For some reason, all the counters
were reset when I moved the page. I forgot to take note of where they were
at when I moved, so rather than try to remember the numbers, I just decided
to take the counters down. Oh well, I guess after you've gotten 3 million
hits, there's really not a whole lot of point to them anyways.
June 29th, 2000
Ugh, this took forever, but hey, it's up. I was planning on having this
update posted at the end of April, but my modem died and it took me a little
over a month to get it fixed. So, after it got fixed, I cleared a bunch
more stuff out of my inbox, and voila, huge update. Oh, and as you can see,
I'm now finally located at www.icybrian.com. Woohoo! Check out this cool
little pagewarming present I got from Krazy Sam.
So for everyone who had links to my Simplenet pages, please switch them over
here (because that account's going down soon.) Anyways, everything's updated,
so have a look around. Well, everything's up now (you have no clue how long
it takes to upload 230 megs on a 56K modem), so I'm heading out to a rave.
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Critics Corner (formerly the Reviews page).
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
April 3rd, 2000
Well, I'm back (and still alive, despite the dozens of emails I've received
asking otherwise.) I would have had this posted a few days ago, but I was
at a rave Saturday night until 9 AM, and I was over at a friend's house all
day yesterday for Wrestlemania (and I'm still pissed that Foley lost.) A
lot's happened over the last three months. I've been swamped with a ton of
stuff lately, so I haven't had much time to update. Among other things, I
directed a stage version of Final Fantasy Tactics, titled
FFT: The Heretic. I'd write up more here,
but I'm getting ready to leave for Myrtle Beach in about an hour, and I still
have to pack. Anyways, this update's got over 80 new/updated fanfics and
over 200 new pieces of fan art. Enjoy!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
January 1st, 2000
Happy New Year! Woohoo! Now we all have to get used to that damned 20- at
the beginning of dates, and the -00 at the end. Ack. And remember, it's not
the Millennium! We've still got a year until that, despite what the media
says. Well, here's a fairly sizable update to usher in the new year.
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
December 25th, 1999
Merry Christmas, all! I seem to be falling into a habit of updating on the
holidays. Go fig. Anyways, I've just been really swamped with stuff lately,
so I haven't had as much time to work on the page as I'd like. I finally
got my copies of FF8 and FFAnthology the other day (shipping times can be
a pain,) so now I can finally get started on those (I know, I know, I'm really
far behind. Sue me.) Well, this update's pretty big, so it should keep you
occupied for a while. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays, and doesn't pay
too much attention to the media's glamoration of Y2K. Merry Christmas, and
God bless!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
November 25th, 1999
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm not going to write a whole lot right now,
since I'd rather be stuffing my face with turkey, dressing, pumpkin pie....
Um, excuse me, I've got to go now.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
November 8th, 1999
Late. Tired. Must sleep. End transmission.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
November 1st, 1999
First off, I'd like to apologize for the long delay in this update. I've
been really sidetracked with other stuff lately, and haven't had a whole
lot of time to be online. However, this update is really massive, with just
about every section updated, so that should make up for it. On a lighter
note, Happy Birthday to everyone's favorite perv, Black! It's kind of late
now, so I'd better just go ahead and start uploading. Peace!!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
September 28th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
September 22nd, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Suikoden Page.
September 14th, 1999
The last showing of Romeo & Juliet was this past Sunday, so now
I've got that time back in my day. The play went extremely well, and was
a lot of fun. I should have some shots from that posted in the Photo Album
on my About Me page in a couple days (once the film gets back.) Thanks for
being patient over the last month or so while I've been busy with this. Expect
updates to come in more often now. Later!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
August 26th, 1999
Well, school's back in session now (doh!) Don't expect too many updates for
the next few weeks. I have to stay after for three hours each day for rehearsal
for Romeo & Juliet, so I'm not getting nearly as much time online
as I used to (and this includes weekends too.) In case anybody wondered,
I'm playing the part of Abraham (better known as the "Do you bite your thumb
at us, sir?" guy.) Things probably won't be back to normal until the second
week or so of September, so just bear with me until then. On a side note,
I'm urging you all to go out and buy Splender's 'Halfway Down the Sky' album,
because I have been listening to it almost nonstop for the last few weeks,
and it just plain kicks ass.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
August 10th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
August 7th, 1999
Not much to say this update. Just a reminder for wrestling fans to watch
Raw this Monday night for the coming of our Role Model, our Paragon of Virtue,
the Lionheart Chris Jericho. Guess that's it (can you tell that I'm tired?)
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic, FF6, Lunar, Non-RPGs, Other
RPGs, Suikoden).
August 2nd, 1999
Happy Birthday to me! Thanks to everyone who's wished me a Happy Birthday,
and a special thanks to Middletails for the sweet drawing of
Pesmerga she made for me. As for strange stories...
well, yesterday was pretty bad. I stayed up all night the night before, and
just before I planned to go to sleep (around 10 AM,) I started walking
towards my bed... and noticed that the floor was wet. It turns out that someone
left the water hose on all night outside, and it got backed up and flooded
into the basement. Fortunately, my room's on the far-side, so my floor was
only wet in the one corner of the room. Most of the rest of the basement
had up to an inch of water, and the carpet of my brother's room was completely
soaked (fortunately for him, he moved out the other day to go off to college.)
I was up until around 2:00 cleaning up the whole mess before I could finally
fall asleep (only to be rudely awakened five hours later.) Anyways, here's
the updates, and don't forget to check out the new design of the Fan Art
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
July 26th, 1999
Has anyone else heard these Anti-Software Piracy commercials? Is it just
me, or don't they make you want to go out and steal some software? Just needed
to get that out of my system. On with the updates!
Updated CC Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated The Store.
July 15th, 1999
Finally! Another update! I've been really swamped for the last couple weeks,
so this has taken a while to get done. Fortunately, it's a pretty big update
to make up for the delay (additions of/updates to 42 stories, 31 new pieces
of fan art, about 30 megs worth of movies, etc., etc..) As you've noticed,
I finally got around to making the RPG Page the main index page of my site
(I guess I was just too lazy to do it before.) You've probably heard the
news about Chrono Cross (I think I've had about 30 people email me about
it over the last week,) but if not you can see all the info and screens on
my CC page.
Added Chrono Cross Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic, FF6, FF7, FFTactics, Non-RPGs,
Other RPGs).
June 30th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
June 26th, 1999
Opened 'Chrono Trigger 2: It's About Time.'
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
June 19th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic).
June 14th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic).
June 1st, 1999
Sorry about the delay in this update. I've been swamped with finals
and other end-of-school stuff for the last week. The next update won't be
for at least a week or so, because I'm leaving for vacation on Thursday.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated Suikoden Page.
May 22nd, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (BoF3, CT, Fanfic, FF7, Other RPGs).
May 19th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
May 14th, 1999
Added information about the IRC Chat. Be sure to stop by on Saturday
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (BoF3, FF6, FF7).
May 7th, 1999
I went to Music Midtown (a big music festival) on Saturday to see
the Marvelous 3, Everclear, & Kid Rock. If you've never seen Marvelous
3 perform live, you have to as soon as you can. They put on the best live
show of any band I've ever seen, and just plain kick ass. Had to get that
out of my system. On with the updates!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
April 30th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
April 25th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
April 21st, 1999
Added IcyBrian Mail. Sign up today!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Super Mario RPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (BoF3, CT, Fanfic, FFTactics, Non-RPGs,
Other RPGs.)
April 17th, 1999
Totally Redid the Store. Check it out!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
April 2nd, 1999
I'll be on vacation for the next week, so please try to wait until
I'm back to send me mail. Thanks.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
March 28th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
March 20th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (FFT, Non-RPGs, Suikoden)
March 10th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
March 6th, 1999
Opened the RPG Fan Art Gallery.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT).
March 1st, 1999
Redid the Web Forum.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
February 26th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, Fanfic, FF6, FF7, Other RPGs,
February 20th, 1999
Changed the Background. Please let me know what you think of the new
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
February 12th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, Fanfic, FFTactics.)
February 1st, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated SMRPG Page.
January 23rd, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Bof3, Suikoden)
January 19th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
January 16th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
January 12th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
January 10th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, FF6, Fanfic, Non-RPGs, Other FF,
Other RPGs).
January 9th, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
January 3rd, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
January 1st, 1999
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
December 25th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Suikoden Page.
December 20th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
December 18th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic, Other RPGs).
December 16th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
December 11th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
December 4th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
December 1st, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (FFTactics, FF3).
November 29th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
November 22nd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, Fanfic, Other RPGs).
November 18th, 1998
Updated Chrono Trigger Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
November 13th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
November 4th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
November 1st, 1998
Instituted new rules for submitting new fanfics. If you planned on
sending in new stories (this applies to existing authors as well), read the
message near the top of the Fanfic Library.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated RPG Reviews Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (FF7, FF3).
October 19th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated RPG Fanfic Library.
October 16th, 1998
Added the (complete) RPG Fanfic Library & RPG Reviews sections!
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Finished Redoing Links Page.
October 8th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Fanfic, CT, FF3, FF7).
October 5th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden II Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
September 30th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Put up a new poll.
September 28th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (FF3, Other FF)
September 25th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, FF3)
September 24th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
September 23rd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
September 18th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
September 17th, 1998
Got a new logo for the page courtesy of
Falling Idol. Pretty cool,
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, FF3, Other FF.)
September 15th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
September 13th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
September 6th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, Other RPGs, Non-RPGs)
September 2nd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
August 31st, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT).
August 28th, 1998
Created Icy Brian's RPG Club! Join today!
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, FF7).
August 26th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Other RPG's).
August 23rd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT & FF3).
August 19th, 1998
Redid the format of the page.
Added a Chatroom to the page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Links Page.
August 17th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes (CT, Non-RPG, FF3)
August 13th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes (CT, FF7, Other RPG's, Other FF, Non-RPG).
August 10th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
August 9th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
August 7th, 1998
Added the Web Forum! Post any questions you may have (ex 'How do I...' of
'Where do I...') there.
Updated Video Game Quotes (Other RPG's).
August 6th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
August 5th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
August 2nd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (Other RPG's).
July 30th, 1998
Updated CT Page
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (FF7).
July 29th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT & Other FF's).
July 27th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden 2 Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
July 26th, 1998
Added an Update List. Subscribe so you know what I've added each week!
Updated CT Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Page (CT, FF3, FF7).
July 24th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Discontinued "Icy Brian's Excellent Video Game Site Award."
July 23rd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated Suikoden page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Gave the award out to "Zaphiroth's FFVII Page."
July 22nd, 1998
Moved my site to Simplenet!
Added a site for Suikoden 2!
Updated CT Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Section (Non-RPGs, CT, Other FFs, Other RPGs)
July 18th, 1998
Updated FF7 Page.
July 17th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Added "The Return Of Viktor" by Andrew At The Arcade to Hugo's Library (Suikoden
Updated Video Game Quotes Section (Non-RPGs)
Gave the award out to "The Next Level" & "]v[ark's FF7 Page."
Updated Video Game Links section.
July 16th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Section (CT, FFVII)
July 15th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Video Game Quotes Section (Chrono Trigger).
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
July 14th, 1998
Added a new Fanfic Poll, which is on all four of the fanfic pages (CT, FF7,
FFT, Suikoden).
Updated CT Page.
Gave the award out to 'Magus' Castle'.
July 13th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FFTactics Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Added a quote to the Video Game Quotes Section.
Updated Suikoden Poll Results.
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
July 9th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Added a site to the RPG Ring Of Ice.
Added a quote to the Video Game Quotes Section.
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
July 8th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
Added a site to the RPG Ring Of Ice.
Added four Quotes to the Video Game Quote Section.
Gave the award out to 'Final Fantasy Forever'
Updated 'Video Game Links' Section.
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
Updated Suikoden Poll Results.
July 6th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Added Two Quotes to the Video Game Quote Section
Updated Video Game Poll Results.
Updated Suikoden Poll Results.
July 5th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated Suikoden Poll Results.
Took down the Voting Booth and added a brand new Video Games Poll.
July 4th, 1998
After months of hard work, I finally added the Final Fantasy Tactics Page!
July 3rd, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated SMRPG Page.
Redesigned the 'Video Game Quotes' Section.
Added a site to the RPG Ring Of Ice.
June 30th, 1998
Updated CT Page
June 29th, 1998
Updated CT Page
Updated SMRPG Page.
Updated 'Video Game Links' Section.
Added three quotes to the 'Video Game Quotes' Section.
Gave the award out to a site.
June 27th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated SMRPG Links Page.
Gave the award out to two sites.
June 25th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
Updated FF7 Page.
June 24th, 1998
Updated CT Page.
June 23rd, 1998
Gave out 'Icy Brian's Excellent Video Game Site Award' to three sites.
Updated Leknaat's Lair section of Suikoden Page.
Updated CT Page.
Updated SMRPG Links Page.
June 18th, 1998
Updated FF7 Page.
Updated CT Page.
Added five more quotes to the 'Video Game Quotes' section.
June 15th, 1998
SMRPG page turns 1 year old!
Updated CT Page.
Added 'What's New' Section.
This Page © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from this page without my consent. If you wish to contact an author, artist, reviewer, or any other contributor to the site, their email address can be found on their index page. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. Best viewed in 1024x768.