3D Battler

Okay, this wins the prize for simplest game in Gold Saucer.  It costs 200 Gil to play, and is basically a revamped version of Paper-Scissors-Rock.  The only real difference is that the computer cheats, which makes it pretty hard to win.  Odds are that you'll lose, but I still like this game anyways.  

In the first battle, the odds are in your favor, but losing here gets you nothing.  Same with the next battle, except the odds are about even.  You get 3 GP for losing to the third enemy, but the odds are way against you.  This guy is really tough to beat, but if you do, and go on to lose to the fourth enemy, you get 30 GP.  I'm not sure if there's a fifth enemy.  Let me know if you find out.

Mog House

Mog House is basically a Tamagotchi with really cool graphics.  You get 30 GP the first time you beat it, but after that, you get nothing.  You just feed him till he's full, then STOP FEEDING HIM!!!  Sound complicated?  You can tell when he's had enough to eat because the sound he makes changes.  Man, I must have spent hours trying to beat this one.  Those guys at Square really outdid themselves this time.

UFO Catcher

You know those annoying little crane machines at all arcades?  The ones that are impossible to win at?  Well, that's what this is, except you always win.  It's just that most of the prizes suck.  Sure, there are some good ones, such as an Elixer, Megalixer, 80 GP, or 100 GP, but they're practically non-existant.

Gold Saucer
Icy Brian's Final Fantasy VII Page

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