Final Fantasy 6 Fanfiction
As you may have noticed, the "new and improved" fanfic library died many, many years ago. Unfortunately, I don't have the know-how or free time to fix it, so I've switched the main fanfic link back to this one. The downside is that all of the fanfiction that was added after switching to the new library in 2006 is (currently) lost. But the site's in archive mode now, so at least most everything posted from 1997-2006 should still be up here.
February 19th, 2006 - It's Time For A Change!
The new fanfic library is now up and running and ready for use! I'm going to leave this one up as an archive, though, so it'll still be around. If you've got stories posted on the site, I've already got an account set up for you; contact me at fanfic(at)icybrian(dot)com and I'll send you your password. If not, feel free to head on over and start one up. The Committee's all set up over there now, so you can go ahead and start submitting stories to the new site (and the insanely long waits will now be a thing of the past.)
I've got all the stories in the library transferred over there, and I'm now working on the Committee box backlog. If you've submitted a story to the Committee but haven't heard back on it yet, go ahead and submit it at the new site and I'll push it to the top of the priority list and respond ASAP.
Author Index- A list of every author whose work can be found on this page.
Cold Fusion- The IcyBrian fanfiction project. Stories written by a compilation of your favorite authors.
Contests- Lists the fanfic contests that have been held on the site.
Fanfic Resource- Need info for a fanfic? This is the place to look.
Fanfic Tips- Some common reasons why fanfics are rejected. Read this before submitting.
Updates- The latest additions to the page.
Annie Felis
"Rebirth" - Prologue, Eleven Chapters, Epilogue, and Author's Notes
"Esper: The Story of Tritoch" - Six Chapters.
"Kohlcreme and Cleavage" - One Part (Finished).
"Forsaken" - Prologue and Three Chapters.
Blackjack Gabbiani
"Edgar ½" - One Part (Unfinished).
"Music of a Thousand Voices" - One Part (Finished).
Brandon Schwartz
"The Shadows Know" - Notes, Prologue, and One Chapter.
"Shadow of the Assasin: The Life and Times of Clyde Arrowny" - Prologue and
Four Chapters.
"The Melting of Snow" - One Part (Finished).
"The Greatest Treasure" - Four Chapters (Finished).
"Sins of the Past" - Prologue and Thirteen Chapters.
"Dark Empress" - Introduction, Prologue, and Nine Chapters (Finished).
"Unrequited" - One Part (Finished).
"Questions and Answers" - Three Chapters.
Ephraim Glass
"A Cultivated Interest" - One Part (Finished).
Gabrielle Chicoine
"Forbidden Love" - Prologue and One Chapter.
"A Long Cold Winter" - Eight Chapters.
Joelle Thomas
"Is Golden" - One Part (Finished).
"Ravages of Glory" - One Chapter.
"The Terra Episode" - Eighteen Chapters (Finished).
"Before the Storm" - One Part (Finished).
"Depravity's Fruits" - One Part (Finished).
"Where All Life Dies..." - One Part (Finished).
Margaret Rennie
"The Thief's Tale" - One Part (Finished).
"The Question" - One Part (Finished).
"Dream of the Devil" - One Part (Finished).
"Dimension Dementia" - One Part (Finished).
"Yellow, For Remembering" - One Part (Finished).
"Echo" - One Part (Finished).
Mike Thomas
"Of Moogles and Men" - Five Chapters and Epilogue (Finished).
"Terra" - Fourteen Chapters and Epilogue (Finished).
"Terra: Part II - Shadows of the Past" - Nine Chapters and Epilogue
"Gau: Heart of the Veldt" - Twelve Chapters and Epilogue (Finished).
"The Ace of Diamonds" - Fourteen Chapters and Epilogue (Finished).
"Adventures of Youth" - One Part (Finished).
"Wasted Land: Edgar's Story" - One Part (Finished).
"Wasted Land: Sabin's Story" - One Part (Finished).
Nathan Jones
"Final Fantasy Story" - Prologue, Eighteen Chapters, and Epilogue (Finished).
"Final Fantasy VI: The Creation of Heaven and Earth" - Introduction, Prologue,
and Ten Chapters.
"Ruin" - One Part (Finished).
"Bloody Dawn" - One Part (Finished).
Nihon Soba
"Glass no Kamen: The Legend of Shadow" - Prologue and Two Chapters (On Hold).
"Lost Daughter" - One Part (Finished).
"From The Sea" - One Part (Finished).
"Conversation Upon the Shore" - One Part (Finished).
"Something To Live For" - One Part (Finished).
The TechnoProphet
"Marshal's Log" - One Part (Finished).
"Balance of Power" - One Part (Finished).
"Striking the Sparks" - One Part (Finished).
"Garden Party" - One Part (Finished).
"The View From Their Hill" - One Part (Finished).
"Thaw" - One Part (Finished).
"Pick Up My Broken Heart" - One Part (Finished).
"Here Comes the Rain Again" - One Part (Finished).
"The Magic Within" - One Part (Finished).
Zaphod Beeblebrox
"Fade To Black" - Introduction, Prologue, Sixteen Chapters, and Epilogue (Finished).
"Fear and Loathing in South Figaro" - Twelve Chapters (Finished).
"Final Fantasy: Oblivion" - One Part (Finished).
"Reflections" - One Part (Finished).
All Final Fantasy VI characters and locations are © (copyright) by Squaresoft. All original ideas, stories, and characters are © (copyright) by their respective authors. Do not use their characters or put their stories on another page without their approval.
This Page © Copyright 1997, Brian Work. All rights reserved. Thanks to Sax for his help with the layout. Do not take anything from this page without my consent. If you wish to contact an author, artist, reviewer, or any other contributor to the site, their email address can be found on their index page. This site is link-free, meaning you don't need to ask me if you'd like to link to it. Best viewed in 1024x768.