Chrono Cross Fanfiction
The Origin of a
Trigger- My rendition of the events taking place between the end of
CT and the beginning of CC. Many thanks go out to anyone who posted anything
related to this on gamefaqs! The plot guides helped a lot in the forming
of this fic.
The Origin of a Trigger - November 28th,
Chrono Trigger Fanfiction
A.Z. - After Zeal- Has anyone ever wondered how the Mystics came
to be? Where DID Schala go off to? What happened to the gang after they defeated
Lavos? And hey, what ever happened to Dalton? A lost Princess of Zeal goes
on an adventure to find the truth.
Prologue - March 9th, 2002
Chapter 1: An Easy Way Out - March 9th, 2002, revised February 10th, 2004
Chapter 2: The Future of the Present - March 9th, 2002
Chapter 3: The Encounter - March 9th, 2002
Chapter 4: Guardia - March 9th, 2002
Chapter 5: Attack! - March 9th, 2002
Chapter 6: Discoveries - May 9th, 2002
Chapter 7: Secrets Told - October 19th, 2002, revised February 25th, 2003
The Birth of the Sun
Stone- Has anyone ever wondered where the sun stone came from? How
was it formed? Why is it that the cave that holds it never disappears? This
is a complete history of the stone that helped make Lucca's greatest
The Birth of the Sun Stone - May 20th,
Final Fantasy IX Fanfiction
A Holy Knight's Tale- How did Beatrix loose an eye? How'd she
become so strong? How could she loose to Steiner?! This brings light to some
of the most significant points in Beatrix's history.
Chapter 1: Test of Skills - May 20th,
Chapter 2: Life and Death - May 20th,
Chapter 3: Escape - May 20th,
Chapter 4: Kindness of Strangers - May
20th, 2002
Chapter 5: Wounded Soldier - May 20th,
Chapter 6: Healing - August 13th,
Final Fantasy Tactics Fanfiction
Reflections of the
Zodiac Brave- Ramza thinks about his role in Final Fantasy Tactics,
and how his life has changed since the beginning.
Reflections of the Zodiac Brave
- October 19th, 2002
Suikoden Fanfiction
"I Forgive
You..."- Sonya overhears Tir talking to himself one night and reconsiders
her hatred for him.
"I Forgive You..." - October 19th, 2002
Please, Tell Me the
Answer: Is Fate Unchangable?- A short look on the thoughts of Tir at
the end of Suikoden.
Please, Tell Me the Answer: Is Fate
Unchangable? - October 19th, 2002
Chrono Cross Fanfic
Chrono Trigger Fanfic
Final Fantasy 9 Fanfic
Final Fantasy Tactics Fanfic
Suikoden Fanfic